Trouble with Augie

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The episode opens with April, who is in her shop, "2nd Time around" dusting. 

Suddenly she hears a crash from below in the basement. "Huh?"She said. She goes down the stairs into the basement. "Is somebody down there?"She said. "Hey, you sure this is the place? Check the map"Raph said. 

"This better be the place or we're gonna have some 'splaining to do, "Mikey said. "Guys?"April said. She flicks on the lights and sees the turtles standing in front of a large hole in the basement wall. "April!"They said. "Hey, April," Donnie said. 

"I'm so glad to see you," April said. She hugs Leonardo and then Donatello. "But how did you guys get in here? And what did you do to my wall?" she said. "Donny found an old map that showed an abandoned tunnel near your basement. A little bit of digging and here we are"Leo said. 

Upstairs, the turtles join April in her apartment. "We had to find a way to see you without being spotted, for your safety, "He said. "Especially since Karai, little Miss Shredder, showed up at your shop," Mikey said. 

"Well, I'm glad you're here. I've missed you guys...Hey, where's Alison?"April said. "She is busy. Ever since she took over her aunt's business, she has been busy doing some paperwork"Leo said. "And what is this business?"She said. "Law Firm," Raph said.

They look at him. "What? She tells me everything" he said as he shrug. "Yeah..."Leo said. "Huh...I never thought I would see Alison being the Ceo of a law firm. I thought she would be more like Casey. Something with more adventure" April said then chuckle. 

"Yeah. We are a bit worried about her since she drank a lot of coffee during these few days" Donnie said. He rubs the injury on his leg, which is bandaged. From the episode 'Outbreak'. "Ugh," Donnie said. "What happened to your leg, Donny?"April said. 

"Kind of a bug bite," Donnie said. "A really big bug," Raph said. There is a knock at the door. "Uh, guys, you'd better..."April said then noticed the turtles vanish. "Hide," she said. April opens the door to find her older sister standing there. "Robyn?"April said. 

"Hey, sis, how are you?"Robyn said. "Come in" She said. Robyn enters with two suitcases. The sisters laugh and hug. Mikey peeks up from the staircase. "Hey, I hope you don't mind me dropping in like this, but I just got in from the West Coast and thought I'd surprise you," Robyn said. 

Pan around the apartment to show the other turtles hiding. "Robyn, you're my sister. You know you're always welcome" April said. "I thought I heard voices. Is there someone else here?"Robyn said. "No, nobody, "April said. 

Robyn picks up her suitcases and April pushes her toward the bedroom. "Put your stuff in my bedroom. I'll make some coffee" she said. April looks back after Robyn is in the bedroom. The turtles quickly take the stairs down to the shop. Donnie stops briefly to wave goodbye. 

Later, the two sisters sit on the couch with their cups of coffee. "The last few months have been tough. My friends used to be around all the time. Now I barely get to see them" April said. "What about your boyfriend, that Casey guy? How's he?"Robyn said. 

"Casey's great. Crazy as ever"April said. "Sis, can I check my email? I'm supposed to hear back about a job"Robyn said. "Sure. Go right ahead" April said. Robyn sits down at April's desk and attempts to use the computer. A large "X" suddenly appears on the screen, followed by strings of odd symbols.

"Is something wrong with your computer?"Robyn said. "There wasn't the last time I used it"April said. "Maybe it's got a virus," Robyn said. "Shouldn't be, not with all of the virus protection and firewalls I have programmed in there" April said. 

At the turtles' lair, Donnie sits at his desk in the service bay, studying a bunch of diagrams. His rings. "Huh?"Donnie said. He answers. "Hey, April, what's up?" he said. "Don, can you come over later tonight? I need your opinion on something"April said.
🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢Donatello meets April inside her shop. 

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