Dragons Rising

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The episode begins inside the Lair. 

Closeup on Casey's eyes as he flicks them towards Raphael, who looks back. Casey then looks towards Master Splinter. Splinter looks down and both Casey and Raph lean in his direction. On the table are stacks of poker chips. 

The pair straighten in their seats and examine the cards they're holding. "Aha," Master Splinter said. "I'll call, "Casey said. "Show me what ya' got, "Raph said. "It is as the great sage Sakamoto said, read them and weep, "Splinter said as he places his cards face up on the table. 

Raph and Casey are shocked. "No way, a royal flush?"Casey said. "Oh, come on, Master Splinter, cut us a break, "Raph said. Splinter takes all of Raph's chips. "If one cannot afford to pay, one should not play. Suckers" he said. Nearby, Leonardo is intensely training.

"Ha, uh, hyah!"He said. Michelangelo is seated on the floor, humming to himself and placing his comic book collection into protective plastic sleeves. Klunk jumps atop a stack of comics. "Klunk, don't sit on that. It's a Justice Force number three. That's really rare" Mikey said. 

Klunk meows and jumps down. "Good ninja kitty," he said. Leo stops in front of Mikey. "Yo, Leo, how's it going, bro?" he said. Klunk wraps his tail around Leo's leg and looks up at him. Leo stares at his brother and then bounds away in a backflip.

"Sorry, Klunk, he's Mr. Personality these days," Mikey said. Klunk meow. "Yeah, I'm getting tired of it myself," Mikey said. Alison appears with some grocery bags. "Guess who managed to managed to pass her second year!"She said. They all cheer.

"And I brought some of your favorite snacks!"She said, lifting the bag. Leo landed in front of her. "How about I help you with that?"He said. "Aren't you a gentleman? Sure thing" She said as she hand him some grocery bags. She talks to him while Raph glare at them.

"Dude, if you keep staring at my sis like that, it not going to make her like Leo less, "Casey said as he lean near Raph. He pushes Casey away. "I am not jealous," Raph said. Inside the section of a train car that served as Donatello's lab, a beeping from his computer draws the turtle's attention.

The display tells him there is an incoming message. He hits a few keys and April's image appears onscreen. "Hey, April, what's up?"Donnie said. "Don, remember all that research equipment from Neo-Tech you were drooling over?"April said.

"The tech gear I see in my dreams?"Donnie said. "It seems like you're not alone. Turn on the news"April said. Donnie grabs the remote and turns on the television array. "Millions in high-tech equipment from Neo-Tech was stolen last night in a daring sky jacking, "A reporter said. 

The others join Donatello in front of the TVs. "Authorities are stumped by this audacious theft, the third such baffling heist in as many months, "The reporter said. "Hun and the Purple Dragons," Leo said. They look and saw Leo and Alison holding bowls of snacks.

"Hun, that muscle-bound mega creep. I got a serious score to settle with that overgrown gorilla. I say we head out and clip the Dragons' wings" Casey said. "I'm with Casey. Let's go stomp us some Dra-goons" Raph said. Alison sigh. "And you can bring your snacks," Leo said and she smile.

At the Purple Dragons headquarters building.

"Talk to me, Ruffington," Hun said. "Hun, I've just learned that Neo-Tech is moving another shipment of valuable equipment tonight. It could be worth your while"Ruffington said on a giant video screen. "Hmm, I'm listening," Hun said. 

"The shipment lands in New York at two a.m. sharp," He said. "Send me the details," Hun said. "Oh, and my standard cut applies, "Ruffington said. Hun hits a button to change screens. His underling, Fang, appears. "Yes, Master Hun?"Fang said.

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