The Fall of Durins Dunn

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On the rooftop garden of his penthouse, Cody and Athena were training with Leonardo.

"All right, here I come!"Cody said. He races towards Leo and leaps into a kick. Leo pivots aside and Cody misses him. On the roof ledge, the other three turtles and Alison watch. "Come on, Cody! You can do it, Athena!"Alison cheer. "Kick his sorry shell," Raphael said. 

They cheer as Cody attacks. Leo easily blocks his punches and kicks. "Stay within yourself, Cody, and let your opponent expend his energy. Follow the principles of Aikido" Leo said. "Blah, blah, blah. Here we go" Raph said. "Dr. Leo's aikidos and Aiki-don'ts," Michelangelo said.

Cody continues attempting to hit Leo. Athena appears behind him and he moves to the side. She glares at Leo and then swings her leg toward him. He doge her again and they both team up to try to land a hit on him. 

"Imagine a river. Trees, boulders, even mountains may stand in their way, yet the water continues to flow. Patient, persistent; water finds a way around, eventually wearing down any obstacles in its path" Leo said. Cody stops, bent over and breathing hard. 

"Until only the water remains, "He said. He places a finger against Cody's forehead and pushes. Cody stumbles backward, loses his footing, and falls into Mikey's lap. Athena went to her knee and Alison went toward her, carrying a water bottle and a chocolate bar.

"Get it? Be the water. Go with the flow"Mikey said. He helps Cody up. "Let the other dude waste his energy," he said. "And then give 'em the old ninja noogie," Raph said. He grabs Cody and rubs his head with a knuckle. Cody laughs. 

"Okay, okay, I got it. Be the water! Be the water!"Cody said. Donnie's wrist gauntlet begins beeping. "Whoa, time's up. We promised Master we'd take him down to the Museum of Historic Broadcasts to see the "As the Universe Turns" marathon. Wanna come?"Donnie said. 

"Or you can join Alison and me. We are going to keep on training with our magic" Athena said. She winks at him. "No, thanks. I'll catch you later. Uncle Darius went out of town and closed O'Neil Tech early today. I wanna work in the R and D lab without him looking over my shoulder" Cody said. 

"All right, but if you have a burning need to catch up on a hundred years of soap operas, we're only a com call away, "Leo said. "And if you want to learn magic, we will be in the dojo," Alison said and they walk off.
Cody rides his motorized scooter to O'Neil Tech, but as he nears the building, he sees his uncle's limousine pass by.

"Hey. Uncle Darius? What's he doing at O'Neil Tech? I thought he was out of town" Cody said. He continues on. Dunn's limousine comes to a stop near the loading docks. Dunn and Boss Zukko exit the limousine.

"Have no fear, my employees would never turn down a paid night off. We're alone" Dunn said. Cody peeks around the corner. "Who in the shell is that? Gotta check this out, ninja style" Cody said. A loading dock elevator door opens. 

Before Dunn and Zukko can enter, Cody launches a throwing star. It clangs against a nearby barrel. "What was that?"Zukko said. He pulls out a blaster. "I thought you said this was safe, Dunn," he said. 

Cody races towards the entry, leaping onto boxes and then into the elevator behind their backs. "Relax, Zukko. Probably just a few Denubian rats. Now to your merchandise"Dunn said. They enter the elevator. "Level one-fourteen," he said. The door closes and the elevator moves. 

It went to the roof of the elevator. The hatch opens slightly and Cody peers down at Dunn and Zukko. The elevator reaches their floor and they step out. "We call this the hothouse," Dunn said. He presses a control on his wrist band and both he and Zukko walk forward. 

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