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The episode begins inside Cody's penthouse. 

Cody is asleep in his bed. The sunrise sweeps across his room and when the light reaches his face, he wakes with a yawn. "Ahh. Morning, Serling. Man, I had the weirdest dream" Cody said. He sits up and looks around. "Serling?" he said. 

Jumping out of bed, he runs through the hall and up the stairs to the sitting room. What he sees stops him. "Whoa!" he said. The turtles have turned the sitting room into an obstacle course. Serling is chasing after Michelangelo.

"Allow me to explain the concept to you slowly. This is the sitting room" Serling said. He runs into furniture trying to catch Leonardo, who backflips through the air. Donatello and Raphael leap over furniture, then Raph kicks aside a bookcase. 

Cody look behind him and he saw Alison looking at Athena who is practicing bending water with her magic. Splinter, who has been observing, flings a pair of spoons toward Leo, who is doing a handstand. "Hajime!"Splinter yell. "Oh, my!"Serling said. 

Serling hits the ground as the spoons fly over him. Leo, balanced, on one hand, catches the spoons between his feet. Mikey lands on Serling's back. "You think this is bad, you should see us when we have weapons," Mikey said. 

Splinter throws a rolling pin and it strikes Mikey, who flies backward into stacked furniture. "Or rolling pins" he groans. "This is a disaster," Serling said. "Yes. Michelangelo should have seen that coming"Splinter said. Athena put her arm out, sending a stream of water at Alison. 

She opens her eyes, blowing fire at her. Athena gasp then Alison threw something at her. It was orange seeds. They grew and wrap around Athena. She yelped as she fell down. Alison walks toward her. She bends down and taps on the vine. They went back to the seed. 

"Hey, look what rolled out of bed. 'Sup, Cody?"Mikey said. Serling shoves Mikey aside and approaches Cody. "Young Master, I tried to stop these barbarians. They have completely wrecked the room. I know you'll want to take the appropriate action. So simply say the word" Serling said. 

Cody stands for a moment with a look of surprise on his face and then grins. "Do it again!"Cody said then turned to Alison. "And think you can teach me magic?" he said. "Oh, my circuit boards weren't built for this"Serling said.

*Play title song*

Inside his lab, Cody operates the controls on his time window machine, while the turtles, Alison, Splinter, and Serling look on. 

All but Serling are wearing special goggles. "Initiating power-up sequence," Cody said. "Man, I feel kinda dumb in these"Raph said. Mikey walks past them on his hands. He has strapped his goggles to the back of his carapace. "You gotta make them work for you, like so," Mikey said. 

"Can we leave him here?"Raph said. Donnie is squatting next to some of the time window electronics. "Time window looks ready, Cody, "Donnie said. "Hold onto your shells, you're going home," Cody said. Serling was holding a tray of two wine glasses with a bottle of champagne. 

"Boy voyage, miscreants. Don't let the time portal hit you on the way out...It was nice to meet you, my queen" Serling said. Cody activates the machine and there is a glow all around the time window as Splinter and the turtles wait to be transported. 

Suddenly there is an explosion and the room is filled with smoke. Everyone is coughing and the smoke starts to clear. "Did he sends us to Jersey maybe?"Mikey said. "Ah! I banged my head against it a million ways, but I can't seem to duplicate the accident that brought you to my time" Cody said. 

Smoke pours out of his control panel. "Sorry, guys," he said. "Patience precedes genius, young one"Splinter said. "You know, maybe if I had better stuff to work with. I mean, the equipment I have here is all junk, compared to what we could get our hands on over at O'Neil Tech" Cody said.

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