World Collide Part 2

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The turtles, Pele, Alison, and Fugitoid surrounded by military vehicles.

"United States military, stand where you are and do not move or we will open fire!"The man with the loudspeaker said. "Oh dear, I'm afraid it's out of the frying pan and into the fire"Fugitoid said. "On the ground! Hands behind your heads! Assume the position now!"A commanding officer said.

Armed soldiers surround the group. Everyone but Raph does as ordered. "Raph" Alison whispered. I got your position right here!"He said and stabs two laser rifles with his sais. He kicks the soldiers aside. "Neutralize them!"The commanding officer said.

The soldiers open fire. "Nice going, Raph!"Leo said. He leaps onto a light post, swings around, and kicks down several soldiers. Mikey knocks down a soldier and then hops onto the shoulders of another. He causes the soldier to fire on the armored vehicles. 

"Whoa! Whoa! Look out! Look out!"The soldiers said. Alison raise her hand up and tree vines went toward them. Mikey jumps off and squats so that Donatello can leapfrog over him and kick the soldier down. He uses the end of his bo-staff to pick up one of the rifles. 

"Since when do Earth troops have such advanced weapons?"Donnie said as he spins it around and then lets it fly. The rifle hits a soldier who is advancing on the Fugitoid. "Oh, dear. I think I prefer to take my chances with the Triceratons" Fugitoid said. 

"Remember, Bishop wants them alive, "The commander said. An armed vehicle moves forward and on the Commander's signal, fires a stun blast at the group. They yell then fell to the ground. The Fugitoid wobbles on his feet. "Oh, dear, "The Fugitoid said then falls down. 

"Okay, all clear"A soldier said. At the lair, Splinter is meditating. The elevator door opens to admit April and Casey. "Master Splinter," April said. "April, Casey, what news do you bring of my sons? Alison?"Master Splinter said. 

"Actually, we were kind of hoping they were with you," April said. "Hmm. I fear for their safety. This is not good. I must collect a few things and then I will go find them"Splinter said. "Cool, where do we start?"Casey said. Splinter enters his room. 

"It will not be necessary for you to accompany me, Mr. Jones" Splinter said. He closes the door. "Well, you don't know what it's like up there. Those horn-headed freaks are everywhere" Casey said. Splinter comes out of his room. 

"Casey's right. No one's allowed out on the streets after dark. We were lucky to make it down here alive" April said. "That is precisely my point, my friends. It is too dangerous" Splinter said. "But you don't even know where to start looking," April said. 

She takes a shell cell off of Donnie's desk. "I can at least help you track them through their shell cell signals," she said. "Hmm," Splinter said. "And I've been practicing the moves you taught me," April said. "You've been practicing Ninjutsu? Yeah, right. No way"Casey said.

He puts a hand on her shoulder and she grabs it and flips him over her shoulder. "Huh, hyah!" she said. She grabs a desk lamp, backflips onto Casey's stomach, and pins him with the lamp. "Hyah! What do you think, Casey Jones?"April said. 

"Unh, uh, cool move," he said as April lets him up. "Of course, you know, I could've stopped you. Just didn't want to hurt you" Casey said. "I hate to put either one of you at risk, but only a fool ignores fate and the strange gifts it offers," Splinter said.

"Well, if it's strange gifts you're after, they don't come any stranger than Casey Jones," April said. Casey growls but follows her. The city streets are filled with Triceratons. In an alley, Splinter lifts the cover off a manhole and peers out. 

"Now, listen... the way of invisibility takes a lifetime to master. Circumstances, however, require us to train as we go. Observe and learn. Lesson one..."Splinter said. He bounces out of the manhole and rolls forward into deep shadow. 

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