*Christmas Alien*

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Mikey and Alison were enjoying their time at Central Park in the snow.

"Man, there is nothing like the Big Apple at Christmas time. I love it. Even if I have to wear this scratchy scarf" Mikey said. "You said it! I am so happy that I managed to have my Christmas break!"Alison said. A snowball hits Mikey in the back. "Hey!" he said.

They look back to see a boy holding up another snowball. The kid quickly puts it behind his back and looks contrite. "Sorry, Mister, I wasn't aiming at you. I was trying to hit Timmy"A boy said. Another boy walks up behind Mikey and nervously chuckles.

"Tell you what, kid, let me borrow your sled for a bit and we'll call it even," Mikey said. They shake hands. Mikey begins sledding, doing crazy tricks, flying high, and flipping upside down on mounds of snow. "Whoo-hoo! Ya-hoo! Yeah! Whoo-hoo! Cowabunga!"Mikey said.

"Cowabunga?"A boy said. His friend Timmy shrugs. "Cowabunga," Alison said then made a snowboard appear. She follows Mikey. He loses control as he slides down a slope. "Ah-aah!" he said and lands on his back in the snow. "Whoa! You okay?"Alison said.

He stands up and looks at the mark in the snow. "Hey, I made a snow turtle. Maybe I'll start a new trend" Mikey said and Alison giggle. "Hey, Mister, you do some sick tricks. You're all right" the boy said. He retrieves his sled.

"Yep, the best town in the world, especially at Christmas," Mikey said. He drops back onto the snow and slides his arms and legs back and forth while he laughs. A cat's meow makes him look up and they see an orange cat looking down at him. He sits up. "Aw, poor little guy" Alison said.

The cat shivers. "All alone out here in the cold. No collar. Hmm, come on" Mikey said. He tucks the cat into his coat. "You'll be nice and warm in here and maybe we can find you a home," he said. The cat meows.
In the Lair, Master Splinter is hanging up several origami swans in front of the door to his room.

The turtles are decorating the lair when the elevator door opens. April and Casey have arrived, the latter carrying a large Christmas tree. "Ah, April, you have returned," Splinter said. "With the tree, as promised. We had to go to three different lots. They're almost all sold out" April said.

Casey is struggling with the tree. "Hey, don't worry about me. I don't need any help or nothing" Casey said. The elevator door slams shut on him. "Ow!" he said. "Hey, hey, Case! Watch the tree, will ya'? We don't want it damaged" Raph said.

Casey manages to escape the elevator, pulling the truck of the tree away when the doors shut again. "Whoa!"Casey said. April shakes her head and sighs. "Oh, no, I'm okay. Thanks for all your concern. I didn't break nothing. I just had a huge stone elevator door slam shut on my head. No biggie"Casey said.

Raph jumps down from the upper landing and runs over to help with the tree. "Yeah, you're lucky it was your head and nothing important," Raph said. They bring the tree down the ramp. "Perhaps we had best start cooking the dinner," Splinter said.

"Count me in. Cooking the holiday dinner is almost as fun as eating it" April said. "That's not what Mikey would say, "Leo said. He unfurls the tree skirt and sets it down. "Yeah. Where is that Bozo? I'm starting to worry about him. He's been gone all day" Raph said.

He and Casey fit the tree into the stand as Leo guides it into place. Donnie brings over a box labeled ornaments. "Come one. It's Christmas Eve. Even Mikey couldn't get into trouble on a night like tonight" Donnie said.

Leo picks a train-shaped ornament out of the box and holds it up. "Unless he stops by the toy store... again," Leo said. "Don't worry about it, Leo. He has Alison. I am sure she would keep him safe" Raph said.
Mikey wiped the condensation off the glass of a toy store so he can peer at the display.

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