I, Monster

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The episode begins at an abandoned industrial park. 

Fencing surrounds the area, and signs read "Posted No Trespassing". The turtles and Casey Jones stand just outside the fenced area. "Is it perfect or what? Used to take the train out here after school to raise some, uh, uh,... you know, to get away from it all"Casey said. 

"I didn't know there were any places left in the burrows," Donnie said. "Room to move, shadows everywhere to hide in, "Alison said. Her raccoon plays with her necklace as it stays on her shoulder. "It's like a ninja playground," Mikey said. 

"Hey, remember how we would come here every day...To scare those bullies and to practice my magic? Man, those were the day!"Alison said. "Those were great times! What do you think, Leo?"Casey said. "We're losing daylight. Let's get training" Leo said. 

"Yes, sir, Mr. Sunshine, sir," Raph said. The turtles easily jump over the fence. Casey jumps, but the cuff of his pants gets caught and he tumbles over the side, landing face down in the dirt. Alison giggles as she floats upside down. "All right, we ready to play?"Mikey said. 

"What's this screwy game called again?"Casey said. As they walk past the dilapidated buildings, they are watched not only by rats but by a mysterious figure, who observes them from an upper floor. The Mysterious figure looks at Alison and then at a photo. He stares at her. 

"It's called stealth hunter. Yours truly is the stealth master. I get thirty seconds' head start and then you guys start hunting" Mikey said. "Picture 'capture the flag' ninja style. He'll be wearing a bandana that we have to take from him. So far none of us has been able to protect the bandana for longer than fifteen minutes" Donnie said. 

"Sound fun!"Alison said. She landed on Leo's shoulder. "But then, none of you is Michelangelo, Battle Nexus champion! And..."Mikey said. He ducks as Raph takes a swing at the back of his head. "...he who moves like the shadow," he said. "Hey, shadow, think fast," Raph said. 

He snaps the bandana against Michelangelo's arm. "Ow!" Mikey said as Raphael laughs. Mikey snatches the bandana out of his hand. "One, two, three, go!"Mikey said. "Hey!"Raph said. Michelangelo starts running, tying the bandana to his bicep as he moves. 

He takes out his shell cell and starts the timer. "Clock's ticking, bros. Catch me if you can"Mikey said. He laughs as he disappears. "Anybody else wanna leave the Battle Nexus champion here to play by himself?"Raph said. Casey pulls a bat from his bag. 

"And miss a chance to tag Mikey? You gotta be kidding" Casey said. "Sound like a ton of fun," Alison said as her eyes glow. They all start in pursuit. Mikey pauses to look around at some buildings and then runs again. 

He doesn't notice the figure, known as the Rat King, is atop a nearby building watching his every move. Mikey enters a building and the Rat King drops onto a rafter above him. "Man, this place is even bigger than I thought," Raph said. 

"Plenty of places for a ninja turtle to hide," Donnie said. "Oh, let's split up and find that chowder head, and Casey, don't get lost because I ain't looking for you too," Raph said. The Rat King observes them as they separate. 

Leo runs through a building searching and then continues when he sees nothing. Raph enters a room and doesn't realize that the Rat King is clinging to the ceiling above him. When Raph stops moving, the Rat King dangles by his legs and starts to reach for the turtle. 

Suddenly Raph spins around and leaps. "Gotcha!"Raph said then Alison yelped. The Rat King disappears before he's seen. Dash jumps down and hisses at Raph. "Whoa, handsome. It is just me" Alison said as she calmed Dash down. "Sorry..." he said.

"Come on. Let's go find your brother. Two heads are better than one" She said then Dash chirped. "Three. I would never forget you, Dash" Alison said as she hug Dash. Raph smile. Mikey has chosen a hiding place in a building near the entry. 

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