Bonus Chapter 3

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I miss this book so I'm writing another bonus chapter


"I-I don't wan' Yeontan to leave." Jimin whined quietly as the two sat on their bed early the morning of Valentine's Day, the little holding the small dog close in his arms.

"I know, Kitten, but he hasn't been doing well lately. He's very sick." Taehyung began. "You know how you get sick sometimes and Dada takes care of you?" He started to explain.

"Yeah." Jimin nodded.

"And you always feel better. Well, as much as we try and take care of Tannie, he won't get better either way. He's in a lot of pain, Jimin." Taehyung said.

He felt bad because they'd only had the dog for a a few months before he'd stared to get sick frequently before learning he had an illness.

"Will he be okay after he visits the vet?" Jimin murmured softly through his pacifier.

"He won't be in any pain anymore, that's certain." Taehyung nodded.

"You're gonna be okay, Tannie. Dada said the doctors can help you." Jimin spoke to the dog, Taehyung smiling sadly because little Jimin had no idea what Taehyung meant when he said Yeontan wouldn't be in any pain much longer.

"What do you want for breakfast, hmm?" Taehyung asked softly, the little peering up from the dog in his arms to meet eyes with him.

Til' this day he still felt his chest get all tingly every time he made eye contact with Jimin.

"Pancakes!" Jimin bubbled, letting go of Yeontan so that he could climb over to Taehyung's side of the bed, plopping himself onto his lap.

"Dada?" He murmured. "Cause it Valentime's day-"

"Valentine's." Taehyung corrected as he laughed quietly, removing the pacifier from his lips so he could hear him speak more clearly.

"Cause it's Valentine's Day, can you make them like little hearts?" The younger asked sweetly.

"Of course I can." Taehyung agreed as he kept his arms tightly wrapped around him.

He leaned down to press a kiss onto his forehead, Jimin humming quietly as he leaned into the comforting touch.

"You know Dada loves you so much, right?" Taehyung whispered.

"Yeah." Jimin nodded slightly. "Do you know how much I love you?" He spoke excitedly as he turned around to face Taehyung.

"Of course I do, Kitten." The older smiled contently as he planted another kiss onto his face.

"Let's go downstairs so I can't start breakfast, alright?" He suggested, and Jimin nodded in agreement.

They both got up from the bed, Jimin tightly holding onto Taehyung's hand as he was guided down the hall and down the stairs to head to the kitchen.

He was relieved Valentine's Day happened to fall on a Saturday this time so he got a chance to spend the whole day with Jimin.

Though he was feeling little today, Taehyung didn't mind spending the holiday with little Jimin. It felt more wholesome and he genuinely preferred it over how typical adults would spend their Valentine's Day.

While he started breakfast, Jimin took Yeontan with him to the living room to watch morning cartoons, since these were pretty much the last moments he'd be spending with him.

Taehyung made strawberry heart-shaped pancakes, of course with added fruit on the side as well as bacon and a glass of orange juice.

He then fixed Yeontan's food before calling Jimin back into the dining area of the kitchen to eat.

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