Happily Married

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Happy new years :}

A few months passed and they'd quickly planned their wedding which was taking place tomorrow. Jimin had been out all night with Jin and Hoseok just having fun. The first place they went was the mall.

"So you guys..." Jin said sounding happy. "Yeah?" They asked as they walked through the mall. "Y'know how Joonie doesn't like kids that much? Well guess what, he finally said we could try for a kid!" Jin squealed and they all hugged Jin. "Awww that's so cute." Jimin said, walking in he Gucci store. "Why are we in here? You hate Gucci." Jin asked.

"Well, I just wanted to get Taehyung something." Jimin said going to the watch section. "He doesn't own any Gucci watches, only Rolex which doesn't match with any of his Gucci clothing." Jimin said. He smiled when he found a watch Taehyung said he'd waned a while ago but couldn't get it because it sold out.

It was finally back and there was only one left so Jimin quickly grabbed it before anyone else could. He bought it gift wrapped and smiled a little, Christmas being in a few days. They went to a few more stores before Jimin got tired and they went back to the house.

The other guys were at Namjoon's house, just chilling and being dudes, y'know. "So Taehyung, are you ready?" Yoongi asked. "More than ever. I love Jimin too much." He said. "I don't think you can love someone too much." Namjoon said and they laughed a little.


The next day, Jimin was beyond nevous. He could barely focus on anything and almost cried three times. Jin was doing his makeup and Hoseok was styling his hair. "There, all done." They said. "Aww you look so cute Jimin." Jin said and Jimin giggled. The color theme was very simple, black, navy blue, and white finding it's way in there somewhere.

They didn't invite everyone they know, just family members plus people their friends and some of Taehyung's close co-workers because Jimin hates having, well, unecessary people at events like this.

The time came where it was Jimin's turn to walk down the aisle with his mom who was so happy for him. Taehyung's breath was completely taken away seeing how gorgeous Jimin looked. Taehyung looked handsome as well, his silvery-blond locks slightly curled and had subtle makeup on as well.

He couldn't breathe properly as the person he's loved for two years stood before him. The person who he almost lost but fought very hard to get him back. The one he promised he'd be with forever.

Taehyung took Jimin's small hands in his larger ones and met eyes with him. Jimin smiled and damn, that smile could end wars. He'd never seen Jimin so happy before and he too was truly happy. So happy he couldn't hold it in anymore because in the middle of their vows, Taehyung burst into tears which startled everyone.

Jimin's eyes widened and he gently carssed Taehyung's face with both hands and wiped his tears. "Tae, what's the matter?" He whispered softly. "I'm just so happy and you look so pretty." He softly cried and Jimin held in a small laugh and just smiled. "You can get through this and cry all you want after. I love you Tae." He whispered and stood on his toes slightly, placing a kiss on Taehyung's forehead making everyone in the crowd go 'Awwwwwww'

They finished the last of their 'I do's then "You may kiss your husband." The man guiding them through their vows said. Taehyung smiled and held Jimin's waist and kisses him gently, Jimin cupping Taehyung's cheeks. Everyone clapped and cheered, Jin being the loudest, of course. Jimin pulled away and pressed their foreheads together. "I love you Tae." Jimin said softly on the verge of tears. "Aww, baby I love you too, you're my little baby." Taehyung whispered and Jimin hugged him as a few tears escaped his eyes.

"Thanks for loving me Taehyungie." Jimin said and Taehyung smiled. "How could I not?" Taehyung chuckled. The rest of the night was fun, Jin doing the cringiest dance moves ever and Jimin smashing a piece of cake on Taehyung's face which, thankfully, he was able to get off without a hastle.

It soon ended and Jimin thanked everyone for coming as they left. Jimin was just so happy inside, like he needed nothing more in life than this right here. Supporting friends and family, and the best, now husband, ever.

The two went home that night and slipped their shoes off by the door, not wasting anytime to getting to the bedroom. Jimin closed the door and immediately smashed his lips on Taehyung's. He pinned Jimin to the wall, their bodies pressed together and their togues practically fighting each other.

Taehyung pulled away and took off his suit jacket and smirked, taking Jimin's off as well. Jimin pulled Taehyung by his tie and reconnected their lips, smiling in the kiss a little. Jimin took Taehyung's tie off and threw to the side along with his own, blindly unbuttoning his shirt.

Taehyung smirked as he unbuckled Jimin's pants and slid them off leaving him in nothing but his shirt still. Taehyung took off his pants as well along with his boxers leaving him completely naked. "Fuck~" Jimin whined seeing Taehyung's size.

He pressed their lips back together, unbuttoning Jimin's shirt. Before he took Jimin's shirt off, he pulled away and looked Jimin in his eyes. "What?" Jimin breathed out. "Are you sure you want me now and not like, tomorrow?" Taehyung asked. "Yes I want you now, I've been waiting for this all night." Jimin whimpered needily.

Taehyung eyed Jimin up and down and smirked, biting his lower lip. "You're so fucking hot." He said before their lips collided again. Taehyung took Jimin's shirt off finally and guided him to the bed and laying him down. Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him on top, Taehyung attacking Jimin's neck with warm, wet kisses, making Jimin moan softly.

"I need you, please~" Jimin breathed out as Taehyung made multiple hickies on his neck and chest area. He gently stroked Jimin's erection, a loud groan leaving his lips. He did that until he could feel Jimin's precum soaking his hand then pulled away, fingering him.

Just as Jimin was so, so close to reaching his climax, but Taehyung pulled his fingers out, Jimin whining in frustration. "Why'd you stop- ahhhh~" Jimin moaned out as Taehyung abrubtly thrusted into him with no warning what so ever and no lubrication but his own precum. "Ahh fuck~" Jimin moaned loudly as tears brimmed his eyes from pain and pleasure.

"It hurts- ahh~" he whined so Taehyung slowed down a bit so Jimin was comfortable. "Better?" Taehyung groaned and Jimin nodded. Taehyung laid on his back, Jimin straddling his lap and slowly lowered himself down on top of his husband's large dick. "Ah-ahhhh~" he whimpered as he took Taehyung all the way in and slowly began riding him, Taehyung's hand placed on his sides.

Jimin placed his hands on Taehyung's chest as he moved up and down, a complete moaning mess. "Moan my name baby." Taehyung whispered as he gently stroked Jimin's cock. "Ahh Taehyung~" he breathed out as he threw his head back and they both reached their climaxes at the same exact time, Jimin releasing all over Taehyung's abdomen. "Fuck baby you're so good." Taehyung praised as he kissed Jimin sloppily.

They were way too exhausted to take showers now so Jimin climbed off Taehyung, Taehyung cleaning himself off, and cuddled next to him. He yawned cutely. "Mmmm that was so good." Jimin whispered as Taehyung snaked his arms tightly around Jimin's waist. "I love you Jimin. Always." Taehyung said softly looking in Jimin's eyes. "I love you too. We're married." Jimin giggled and pecked Taehyung's lips. Taehyung pulled Jimin the closest he could.

"Can I ask you something?" Jimin whispered as Taehyung turned the lamp off. "I wanna try something." Jimin said "Yeah?" Taehyung said. "Can I sleep with you inside me?" Jimin asked. "Woah, that's a much for you Jimin." Taehyung chuckled which made Jimin red. "Tae, please?" Jimin whispered. "Of course, anything for you baby." Taehyung whispered in his ear. He found Jimin's entrance and slipped inside him, a soft moan leaving Jimin's lips as he buried his face in the crook of Taehyung's neck, his cologne so intoxicating he could just fuck him again right now.

"Sweet dreams Jimin." Taehyung whispered. Things weren't gonna be the same after tonight, sadly.

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