What Did You Just Say?

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Taehyung didn't know what the hell was up with Jimin today, but it needed to stop now. The little had woken up with a serious attitude, not wanting to do his favorite thing ever, take a bubble bath, so after enough fussing from Jimin, they agreed to after breakfast.

Breakfast wasn't necessarily any better. "Open up baby." Taehyung said calmly, Jimin pouting angrily in his seat. "Hey, you asked me to feed you so open up." Taehyung said holding a spoonful of peach yogurt to Jimin's lips. "No." Jimin huffed rudely and turned his head. He talked back. Taehyung's little Jimin never talked back in such a rude tone before, ever.

Taehyung gave up after feeding him half the bowl and sent off to play while he  did some work in his office. About 20 minutes into working though, Jimin was being obnoxiously loud with his toy trucks in the hallway so Taehyung stepped out and nicely ask him to quiet down. Jimin just glared at him and continued playing but quietly.

Another 50 minutes passed and he'd started getting loud again and Taehyung was losing patience. "Enough toy trucks for right now." Taehyung said picking them up and Jimin grabbed at them. "Stop! Give it back!" He whined loudly and Taehyung pulled harder, Jimin letting go and let out a scream of anger. Taehyung almost lost all cool.

He picked Jimin up and took him into the living room to watch cartoons while he made lunch. "What do you want for lunch baby?" Taehyung asked, Jimin sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and an angry look on his face. "Noodles." He mumbled coldly, not even looking Taehyung in the eyes. Taehyung wasn't only angry, but he was also hurt by the way Jimin was acting towards him. He must not have slept well last night.

Taehyung was in the kitchen fixing lunch when Jimin walked in with his Chimmy plushie clutched in his arms. "Can I have some Oreos?" He asked quietly. "After you eat lunch Kitten." Taehyung said, Jimin groaning angrily. "But I want some now!" He whined throwing the stuffed toy down. Taehyung turned to him angrily, his burning gaze boring holes into Jimin. "After lunch." He said with his teeth nearly clinched, Jimin storming over to the table and plopping in a chair.

Taehyung placed the bowl of noodles in front of him, Jimin not bothering it. "If you eat some, I'll give you an Oreo." Taehyung said. Jimin took a few small bites then glared at Taehyung. "Give me my Oreos." He demanded, holding his hand out. "Not with that attitude you aren't getting one." Taehyung declared. Jimin turned red with anger and threw his for on the table. "Bitch." He said and Taehyung's eyes widened. He'd gone way too far.

"What did you just say?" Taehyung asked and Jimin looked in his lap. "What did you just call me?" Taehyung asked angrily. "I said bitch! You're being a bitch!" The little snapped and Taehyung lost it. "That's it!" He yelled and stood up. He picked Jimin up and put the boy over his shoulder, Jimin kicking and screaming to let him go.

"You've been acting like this all day and it needs to stop." Taehyung said as he walked upstairs to their room. He set Jimin on the bed and knelt down to his eye level. "You are in big trouble, little one, you here me?" Taehyung snapped and tears flowing down Jimin's cheeks. "I don't know what happened to you but this attitude is unacceptable and I won't tolerate it. It hurts me." Taehyung said.

"You're in timeout for 30 minutes." Taehyung said lowly and Jimin began sobbing loudly. "Noooooo! I didn't mean ittttttttt!" He sobbed as he followed Taehyung to the door. "No! Go sit down and think about what you did!" Taehyung yelled and closed the door, Jimin crying loudly as he walked back downstairs to clean up a little and finish up some work.

He went into the kitchen and washed out the dishes, putting them away and wiping of the table and counter. He walked into his office to finish up his work, hearing Jimin crying all the way from there. He didn't feel not one bit bad about putting him in timeout because he needed badly. He really must not have slept well.

Taehyung gave Jimin an extra 15 minutes before going up and checking on him. He opened the door carefully, Jimin laying laying on the bed with a few tears still steadily streaming down his rosy cheeks. He walked over to the bed and sat near him. "Did you think about it?" He asked softly and Jimin nodded, hiccuping a little. "Anything you want to say to Dada?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded. "I'm sorry Dada. I was being a meanie." Jimin apologized, his lower lip quivering as he began crying again.

Taehyung pulled the smaller on his lap, holding him closely and tightly. "Ohhh Kitten, it's okay. That's all I wanted you to say, okay? You're okay." He cooed softly and kissed Jimin's forehead. "You wanna tell me why you were so upset today, hmm?" He asked softly. "I d-didn't get enough s-sleepys in l-last night." He wailed and coughed a little. "You didn't get enough sleep? We can go to bed at our usual time tonight, okay? I know we went to bed late last night." Taehyung whispered softly, stroking the little's cheeks.

"Do you want to watch a movie and maybe take a little nap, yeah? I'll fix you a bottle, m'kay?" He said and Jimin nodded. Taehyung placed a pacifier in Jimin's mouth, the boy sucking on it softly as he carried him downstairs into the living room. He set him on the couch and put a blanket on him as he went into the kitchen and made Jimin's bottle.

He came back and sat down, setting Jimin on his lap and snuggling him close as he put on Finding Nemo. He always fell asleep during that movie. Taehyung replaced the pacifier with the bottle tip, cute little noises emitting from Jimin's lips as he drank the warm and slightly sweet milk. Taehyung always warmed it up and added a small vanilla flavoring to help him get to sleep.

Once Jimin finished drinking the milk, the boy letting out a small sigh as he pulled the bottle away from his lips, Taehyung set the bottle on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist, Jimin sitting sideways on his lap. The smaller rested his head on Taehyung's chest, his small fingers grasping onto Taehyung's shirt as he slowly drifted to sleep. "You okay Kitten?" Taehyung said sweetly. Jimin lightly hummed through the pacifier and Taehyung kissed his forehead. "Daddy loves you so much, forever and ever."


Jimin was finna get his ass whooped if I was Tae

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