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To make a long story short, the guy that kidnapped Jimin was going to jail. They went to court and blah, blah, blah, the dude was going to jail. Now they could finally go home.

Jimin wasn't traumatized this time because he'd gotten lucky. Taehyung was thankful that the man didn't rape his little baby because he would seriously lose his mind. Jimin immediately went back into littlespace as soon as they got back to the hotel room, clinging onto Taehyung like a koala.

"I'm so glad he's okay, I would feel so bad if he wasn't." Jin said as they finished packing up their things to go home. "Me too." Taehyung said, rubbing Jimin's back gently. He was asleep, of course, and even when Taehyung tried to lay him down, his little fingers gripped  tightly to Taehyung.

The plane ride back to Korea was peaceful, Jimin waking up only to eat a little bit of lunch. "Are you feeling okay, Kitten?" Taehyung asked. The little nodded as he took a few sips of juice from his sippy cup and set it down, resting his head against Taehyung's chest. He smiled and stroked Jimin's hair gently, kissing his forehead.

"I don't feel good." Jungkook complained as they landed in Korea. It was nighttime instead of morning and Taehyung sighed knowing Jimin was gonna have a hard time getting to sleep. "What's wrong?" Jin asked Jungkook who was pouting and making grabby hands for Namjoon.

Namjoon picked him up, Jungkook whining softly. "What's wrong?" Jin asked after they'd grabbed their bags and put them in their car. "I feel sick." Jungkook whined in Namjoon's shoulder. Namjoon put him in his seat and buckled him up before getting in his own seat.

"Like what." Namjoon asked as he began driving to their house. "My tummy hurts." Jungkook whimpered. "Oh gosh, he might've eaten something not good for him." Jin said. "Do you feel like throwing up?" Jin asked. "I don't know, it hurts!" Jungkook began crying.

They made it home, Jin picking up the little while Namjoon grabbed their bags and they walked inside. "I think I'm gonna throw up..." Jungkook croaked out, tears falling down his cheeks. Jin quickly took him to the bathroom where he vomited up his breakfast and lunch.

"Shhh, you're okay." Jin rubbed his back. "It might be food poisoning." Namjoon said from the doorway. "Yeah, I think so." Jin said, Jungkook lifting his head up. "Your tummy just hurts, right?" Jin asked and Jungkook nodded. He placed the back of his hand on Jungkook's forehead which wasn't warm. "He doesn't have a fever. You know, we did eat that shrimp last night and he said it tasted weird so it might be that." Jin said.

Jungkook sat up and looked at Jin. He stroked Jungkook's hair gently. "Are you all done?" Jin asked and Jungkook nodded. He flushed the toilet and Jungkook brushed his teeth to wash the taste out his mouth. They walked into their bedroom, Jungkook laying on the bed.

"You need to get your pajamas on, silly." Jin said, Jungkook whining. Namjoon grabbed a warm onsie for Jungkook to wear and Jin helped him change into it. The two got into their own pajamas before laying next to Jungkook, the little laying in between the two. "If you feel sick again, tell us." Jin said. "He should be drinking water, so he doesn't get dehydrated." Namjoon said. "Right." Jin said and left the room.

He came back with a sippy cup of water, handing it to Jungkook who began drinking a little. Jin got back I to bed with them. The two just watched the little as he drank his water, finishing with a cute little sigh. Jin placed the empty cup on the nightstand and turned off the lamp.

"Goodnight, Bunny, feel better, okay?" Namjoon rubbed his forehead gently. They both placed an arm around Jungkook who easily drifted off to sleep.

Taehyung and Jimin had changed into their pajamas, Jimin in in his cute, fluffy footy pajamas and not sleepy at all. He was playing with some toys on the living room floor while Taehyung watched the news. "We have to go to bed soon baby, it's starting to get late." Taehyung said. It was almost 11 at night.

"I'm not sleepy though." Jimin whined. "I know, a few more minutes though, m'kay?" Taehyung said, Jimin nodding sadly.

After about twenty minutes, Taehyung shut off the tv and made Jimin put his toys away. "Come on." Taehyung held his hand out to Jimin who gladly took it, Taehyung taking him into the kitchen. Taehyung grabbed a bottle and put Jimin's vanilla milk in it, popping in the microwave to warm up a bit.

Jimin reached up for Taehyung, Taehyung picking the boy up. "You have fun at Disney World?" Taehyung asked, Jimin nodding. The little reached over and grabbed Taehyung's hood on his hoodie and pulled it over Taehyung's head. He then grabbed the drawstring and pulled him, making Taehyung's face disappear. Jimin giggled softly, Taehyung chuckling as he loosened the drawstrings.

He took Jimin's bottle out the microwave, handing it to the little who began drinking it. Taehyung took him upstairs to their room and sat on the bed against the head board, Jimin in his lap.

The little had finished drinking the milk, Taehyung taking the bottle away and setting it on the nightstand. He placed a pacifier between Jimin's lips, the boy resting his head against Taehyung's chest.

"I'm happy you're okay. I was so scared I wouldn't get you back." Taehyung whispered, Jimin clutching Taehyung's hoodie. "But I have you now, and you're safe, Kitten." Taehyung whispered, placing gentle kisses on his face,

Jimin ended up going to sleep quicker than Taehyung thought, the baby must've been really sleepy. Taehyung didn't even bother to lay down because Jimin seemed so comfortable on his lap. So Taehyung rested his head on top of Jimin's and smiled to himself, feeling so damn lucky to have him.

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