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Today was the day Taehyung and Jimin would help Yoongi propose to Hoseok. They had a whole plan set and it was starting now. Taehyung woke up Jimin who was still little. "Baby? It's time get up." Taehyung said sweetly. "No wanna." Jimin whined. "We're getting bubble tea baby." He said and Jimin groaned as he sat up. Taehyung smiled and took Jimin in the closet.

He picked Jimin's clothes out and helped him get dressed. He looked absolutely adorable in pastel blue overalls and a pastel yellow sweatshirt. Taehyung just wore a plain white button up, grey pants and a pair of black shoes. Jimin waited on the bed patiently for Taehyung to come out the closet.

He came out and smiled at Jimin. "Look how cute you are!" He said and picked Jimin up. Jimin giggled. "Ahh Dada I'm gonna fall!" Jimin squealed and Taehyung set him down. He took Jimin downstairs and gave him a yogurt cup and a nutella toast for breakfast. "Uncle Yoonie gonna ask Uncle Hobi to marry him?" Jimin asked and  Taehyung nodded. "Don't tell Hoseok though." Taehyung said and Jimin laughed. "I know, silly." Jimin teased and Taehyung poked his cheek.

After breakfast, Taehyung put Jimin's sneakers on for him and his coat. He put a hat on Jimin's head and kissed his nose. "Is it cold Dada?" Jimin asked as he watched Taehyung put mittens on his little hands. "Yes. It's December, of course it's cold." Taehyung said.

He put his own coat and hat in before grabbing Jimin's hand and walking out the door. The cold wind nipped at Jimin's face making him shiver. "M' cold!" Jimin squealed as thy walked to the car. Taehyung picked Jimin up and set him in his car seat. He bulcked Jimin up and got in the driver's seat.

He turned on the heater and the radio, Jimin singing adorably to the Christmas music. Once at the bubble tea place, he parked and got out the car. He came around and unbuckled Jimin out the seat and held his hand as they walked inside. When Jimin is little in public, he's very shy and barely talks.

They walked inside and met up with Hoseok and Yoongi. "Hey Taehyung, hey little one." Hoseok said and booped Jimin's nose making him giggle a little. They sat at a table and Taehyung helped Jimin take his coat and hat off before going to get his and Jimin's drinks.

Jimin fiddled with his sweater paws, in desperate need of his paci, which he didn't have. Taehyung came back and gave Jimin his drink, Jimin imediately sucking the fruity goodness through his straw. "Mmmm!" Jimin hummed and smiled. Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi all talked while Jimin just stayed quiet.

Yoongi of course brought up how they met and stuff, just as planned. As they left the bubble tea café, Jimin began crying softly. "What's wrong Minnie?" Taehyung asked as he buckled him in his car seat. "I want my paci but I dun have it!" Jimin cried. "Oh I have an extra, just in case you needed." Taehyung said.

He went in a small compartment and pulled out a sparkly blue pacifier. He slipped it in between Jimin's lips and kissed his cheek. "You okay now, hmm?" He asked and Jimin nodded as he sucked on it. Taehyung wiped his tears with a napkin and put it at his nose. "Blow." He said and Jimin blew his nose softly.

After Jimin calmed down, the drove to the park where Hoseok and Yoongi were waiting. "Sorry, he had a little issue." Taehyung said and they nodded. They walked around for a little, Yoongi talking about the time Hoseok confessed and they started dating.

"Here's the tree." Hoseok said and ran over to it. Yoongi smiled amd walked over to Hoseok. "He's about to do it." Taehyung whispered to Jimin and Jimin smiled widely. "Hoseok..." Yoongi said as he got on one knee.

Hoseok turned around and covered his mouth shocked. Yoongi took one hand and smiled at him. "We've been together for about three years now and I've loved you for so long. You're so sweet and kind and great at caring for people. I want you to be in my life forever so Hoseok..." he pulled the ring out his pocket and Hoseok broke into tears. "...will you-" he couldn't even finish because Hoseok tackled him to the ground sobbing and showering his face with kisses, saying 'yes' over and over.

They stood up and Yoongi put the ring in Hoseok's finger, Taehyung and Jimin clapping. Hoseok hugged Yoongi tight and Yoongi kissed his cheek. "This is too happy." Taehyung said as he congratulated the two. They hung out in the park a little before they decided it was too cold and they left home.

Taehyung buckled Jimin in his carseat and got in the front seat. Once at home, Jimin slipped out of littlespace and plopped on the couch. "Tae!" He called out and Taehyung came in. "Yes?" Taehyung asked.

"What's for dinner?" Jimin asked and Taehyung shrugged. "Whatever you want." Taehyung said and Jimin nodded. "I want that mac & cheese from the restaurant we went to a while ago. It was yummy ." Jimin smiled and Taehyung nodded as he slipped his coat back on. He waved bye before leaving out the house to get it.

Jimin checked the mail box and there were a few thing but one thing caught his eye. A red envelope with a gold devil seal. Weird. Jimin sat on the couch and looked at it. 'For Jimin.' It read.
He opened it and there was a letter.

Dear Jimin,
Heres just the small proof Taehyung doesn't love you as much as he says

Jimin frowed as he pulled out two pictures. When he saw them his heart stopped and felt as if his throat completely closed. It was a picture of Taehyung making out with some slut in a tight red dress at a club. On the bottom it read when the picture was taken and, well, it was when Taehyung was on that business trip a while ago. Jimin broke into tears and threw a pillow at the wall. How could he? Jimin thought.

Taehyung came back and heard Jimin crying and assumed he was little. "Minnie what's wrong?" Taehyung asked. "I'm not fucking little!" Jimin yelled and Taehyung was shocked by his anger. "What happened?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin held up the pictures and Taehyung's heart flipped in his chest. "Jimin, please listen to me." Taehyung said calmly as Jimin was on the verge of going crazy. "I was drunk and she approached me. I had no idea who she was." Taehyung said and Jimin sobbed more. "Were you really?" Jimin asked angrily.

"Yes! Why would I lie to you!" Taehyung said, hurt written all over his face. Jimin shrugged as more tears began to fell. Taehyung took those pictures and threw them in the fireplace, feeling angry as he watched them burn along with Jungkook's letter. "Jungkook will pay for this but just know I love you more than anything else in my life. That's a fact." Taehyung said and hugged Jimin tightly.

He wasn't letting Jungkook tear them apart.

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