Playdate From Hell

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"Kookie is coming over to play with you Kitten." Taehyung said softly to Jimin, who sat in the living room playing with toy trucks. "Jungkookie?" Jimin asked with big eyes and a pout. "Yeah, it's Jin and Namjoon's anniversary and they're gonna be out all day so Jungkook's gonna come over." Taehyung said. "No." Jimin crossed his arms. "What's the rule about saying no to me?" Taehyung reminded. Jimin sighed. "Sorry, Daddy." He whispered

It was early in the day, around 9:00 a.m. Jimin had eaten breakfast already and was just playing with toys when Taehyung told him the terrible news. He didn't want Jungkook to come over because he wanted to spend his day with Taehyung and Taehyung only. The doorbell rang and Taehyung got up to go answer it. He opened the door and greeted Jin and Namjoon. "Hey guys." He said. "Hi, sorry this was such short notice." Jin apologized. "No worries." Taehyung patted his shoulder.

Namjoon set Jungkook down, the younger pouting a little."Jungkook is a lot different from Jimin when he's little so he might be a handful." Jin said and began listing the things.

"He hates when people don't share or if he doesn't get enough attention. He'll eat anything you cook him as long as it doesn't have too much sugar or he'll be jumpy. He takes a nap at 2 and he can't eat Goldfish because he's allergic, we have an epipen just in case. He also gets his feelings hurt easily so don't blame Jimin if he gets upset over something small. Am I missing anything?" Jin turned to Namjoon. "Hugs." Namjoon reminded. "Right, little Jungkook is also clingy and likes to be held a lot." Jin finished.

"Got it." Taehyung nodded. Jin and Namjoon bent down to Jungkook who had sat on the floor. "By baby, we'll be back later." Jin said softly. They both kissed his cheek before leaving. "Alrighty." Taehyung chirped and picked Jungkook up. He set the boy on the kitchen counter and took off his hat and his coat and his shoes. "How are you today?" He asked, Jungkook only blinking. Taehyung had to learn to forgive Jungkook for everything he'd done them but his reason helped him forgive him easier.

"You feeling okay?" He asked, the boy sucking gently on the pink pacifier. He nodded and Taehyung smiled, helping him take his shoes off. He took him into the living room where Jimin was playing with his BT21 characters now. "Jiminie say hi." Taehyung said as he set Jungkook down on the soft carpet next to Jimin. Jimin ignored the request and kept playing. "Jimin..." Taehyung trailed.

"Hi." He said, irritated. Jungkook's eyes lit up seeing Jimin. "Hi Jiminie." Jungkook said softly. "I'll be in my office if you need anything, okay?" Taehyung said. Jungkook laid on his tummy and watched the cartoons as Jimin played by himself. "You have cool toys." Jungkook said cutely. "I know." Jimin said.

Jimin hugged his Chimmy plush close to him as Jungkook crawled over. "Can I play too?" Jungkook asked. "No." Jimin frowned, taking all the dolls for himself. Jungkook pouted and looked around, spotting the toy bins in the corner of the room he walked over and grabbed a smaller Chimmy plush, Jimin crawling over and snatching it from his little hands. "No, you can't play with my stuff." Jimin said angrily. "Why?" Jungkook pouted as his eyes teared up.

"They're mine." Jimin established. "But Kookie wants to play too." Jungkook burst into tears which scared Jimin. Taehyung heard crying and knew Jimin had already done something to set the little off. He walked out his office and into the living room, picking up Jungkook. "What's the matter bubs?" He asked, Jimin frowning at the name. "Jiminie w-won't share with me. I wanted to p-play too." Jungkook cried. "You can play too Jungkook." Taehyung said and set him back down.

He looked at Jimin. "Jimin, what did I say? You will be nice to kookie and share. Now, say sorry and let him play too." Taehyung said. Jimin sighed heavily. "I'm sorry Kookie, you can play too." Jimin said, handing the plushie back to Jungkook. "Thank you." Jungkook sniffled. Taehyung smiled and just decided he'd watch the two until lunch.

He was happy see them smiling and laughing with each other after a while. "Daddy can I have Goldfish?" Jimin asked. "No sweetie, Jungkook's allergic to it. Do you want something else?" Taehyung asked. "I want Goldfsih~" Jimin pouted. "Later Kitten." Taehyung said. Jimin frowned. He couldn't even have Goldfish with Jungkook around.


The two littles sat at the table eating lunch, spicy butter noodles. Jimin had a sippy cup of apple juice while Jungkook preferred his sippy cup of lemonade. Jungkook was a bit messier than Jimin while eating, getting noodles all over the table and accidentally knocking his sippy cup on the floor, spilling the juice everywhere. After Taehyung cleaned it up, he called Jin to get verification on something.

"Hey, everything okay?" Jin asked. "Yeah it's old is kookie when little?" Taehyung asked. "Oh I totally forgot to tell you, huh? Kookie is two." Jin said, Taehyung knowing why he wasn't as coordinated as Jimin because Jimin was usually four when he was little. "Okay, he was just being way messier while eating lunch with Jimin and I didn't know why. Thanks." Taehyung said.

He sat next to Jungkook, feeding him himself so he didn't make messes. Jimin pouted seeing that. His daddy hadn't paid attention to him all day unless he did something wrong. After lunch, he set the two little on the couch to watch a movie and get them ready for their naps. He gave both of them their bottles and put Finding Nemo on. It usually put everyone to sleep. Taehyung went back to his office, trusting that Jimin would be nice.

Halfway through the movie, Jimin had grew angrier and angrier at Jungkook for stealing the attention so Jimin found his own way for Taehyung to notice him. Good or bad, he didn't care. He began pushing Jungkook away from him, startling the half sleep boy. "You're being irritating." Jimin whined, kicking him with his feet. "Kookie didn't do anything." Jungkook whined. Jimin snatched the cover they were sharing away from him. "Kookie wants-" Jungkook tried grabbing for it but Jimin pushed him hard enough that he ended up falling off the couch with a loud thud followed by his sobbing.

Taehyung came rushing in, immediately picking Jungkook up. "What did you do!" Taehyung yelled, Jimin looking at his lap guilty. "I pushed Kookie." He admitted. "Go to your room for timeout! You know way better than that Jimin!" Taehyung rose his voice, Jimin crying as he went to their room for timeout. Taehyung rubbed Jungkook's head which seemed to be hurting him the most.

"Shhhh, you're okay. I don't know why Jimin's being mean. Just know he's sorry, okay?" Taehyung comforted him. He gave Jungkook the rest of his bottle, the boy calming down form sobbing to quiet sniffles. "I want Daddy Jin and Daddy Joon." Jungkook hiccuped. "I know, they'll probably be here in a few minutes.


Jin came pick Jungkook up, Taehyung helping the little put his coat, hat and shoes back on. "Was he okay?" Jin asked, holding the boy in his arms. "Yeah, Jimin as just being a meanie to him and I don't know why. I'm sorry." Taehyung said. "No problems. Have a good evening." Jin said and left.

Taehyung walked into their room where Jimin sat on the bed pouting. "Kitten, tell me why you were being mean to Kookie today?" Taehyung asked gently, Jimin beginning to cry. "Y-You didn't give me hugs or hold me today. All you did w-was c-care about k-kookie!" Jimin cried. "Baby, I wasn't ignoring you on purpose." Taehyung chuckled lightly, placing Jimin on his lap and hugging him. "Jungkook is younger than you when little so he may need extra attention at times, that's all. You didn't have to be mean to him." Taehyung said. "I'm sorry Dada." Jimin mumbled, Taehyung kissing his cheek.

"It's okay Kitten, when you feel like I'm ignoring you, tell me, it wasn't on purpose." He said. "Okay." Jimin mumbled. "I love you, okay? With all my heart." Taehyung smiled as he cupped the smaller's cheeks. He pecked his lips, Jimin humming. "I love you too." Jimin whispered.

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