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Someone was asking for smut a couple chapter back so here ya go but I suck at writing it lol
"Dada?" Jimin asked Taehyung who was sitting on the bed, reading a magazine. "Yes baby?" He said. Jimin waddled over to the bed and sat near Taehyung. "Can I have touchies?" Jimin mumbled. "You sure, Kitten?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded. "I want Dada's touches." The little mumbled and Taehyung set the magazine down.

"Lay down baby." He said and Jimin laid down on the soft pillows, Taehyung climbing between his legs.  He looked into Jimin's eyes, smiling softly as he admired his pretty face.

He kissed his lips gently, the little gripping at Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung moved the kiss down to Jimin's neck, sucking and kissing at different spots making the smaller moan quietly. As he kissed him, he slowly took off Jimin's pants, leaving him in his giant sweater and his boxers.

Taehyung lifted up his sweater a little and kissed softly at his chest then moving down to his tummy. "Dada~" Jimin breathed out as Taehyung kissed closer to his lower area, Taehyung pulling away.

He stared back into Jimin's eyes, kissing the tip of his nose. "You're so pretty, Kitten. So, so pretty." Taehyung complimented. He seriously didn't know how such beauty existed in the world.

Taehyung lightly glided his fingers across Jimin's tummy, sending chills through the little as he pushed Taehyung's hands away. "Nah ah, keep your hands here." Taehyung placed Jimin's hands on the bed. "Stop d-doing that." Jimin whined, Taehyung continuing to tease the boy who squirmed beneath him.

Taehyung gently stroked Jimin's erection through his boxers, feeling the precum seep through. "You really want me baby?" Taehyung teased, placing gentle kisses on Jimin's tummy. "Dada stop~" Jimin whined.

Taehyung played with the waistband of Jimin's boxers before taking them off and gently stroking Jimin's dick, Jimin moaning louder as his breathes became heavier as well. "Does that feel good?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded, a small whine leaving his lips.

Taehyung leaned down and gave the tip a small lick, Jimin tightly gripping the bedsheets as Taehyung took him all the way in. "Mm, Daddy it feels really good~." Jimin whimpered as he felt himself getting closer and closer to his climax. It didn't take much.

Taehyung went a little faster, earning louder moans from Jimin. The little resisted from taking his hands away from his sides, wanting very badly to run his small, chubby fingers through Taehyung's hair. But as Jimin reached his climax, he couldn't help but not follow Taehyung's rules, gripping Taehyung's hair as he came, a string of moans leaving his lips and filling the room.

Taehyung swallowed before pulling away, planting kisses all over Jimin's small body. Jimin was breathless as he came down from his orgasm, shaking a little as allowed a few small whimpers to escape his mouth. "I told you to keep your hands by your side baby." Taehyung whispered in his ear.

"I c-couldn't help it Dada." Jimin breathed out. Taehyung smiled and kissed his cheek. "It's okay, Kitten." Taehyung said quietly. He helped the little clean himself up a bit before changing into some different clothes.

He kissed Jimin's lips briefly before lifting up Jimin's sweater and tickling his tummy, making the little laugh uncontrollably. "Dada-" Jimin laughed. "Stop~" He giggled cutely and Taehyung laughed as well, kissing Jimin's forehead before climbing off of him.

Jimin then climbed onto his lap and swung his arms around Taehyung's neck. "I love you."Jimin whispered. "Me too, Kitten." Taehyung smiled.

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