Happy 5 Months!

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Jimin opened his eyes and realized the arms around him. He looked up and saw Taehyung who was sleeping, soft snores leaving his lips. Jimin giggled quietly and pecked his boyfriends lips before squirming out his arms.

He walked down stairs and began making breakfast for them. Jimin was happy today because it was their five month anniversary. He couldn't believe he's gone five months with such a loving person. A person who doesn't know about his secret. Jimin sighed as he made the french toast.

He felt someone's arms slip around his waist and giggled softly. "Happy five months, baby." Taehyung said in his low morning voice, trailing kisses down the side of Jimin's neck. "Let me cook, okay?" Jimin blushed and turned back around, yelping as he felt Taehyung's hand roam else where and grab him.

"Hey!" Jimin complained and Taehyung laughed. "Love you!" He said going into the living room and watcing the morning news. After a bit, Jimin called him in and they sat at the table eating breakfast quietly. "I'm taking you out tonight." Taehyung said as he slowly chewed a piece of bacon.

"What time?" Jimin asked. "About 8. I reserved a table at fanciest restaurant in Seoul." Taehyung said and Jimin shook his head. "Ughhh, does that mean I have to dress up nice?" Jimin said and Taehyung chuckled. "Yup." He said and they finished eating.

Jimin took the plates to the sink and began cleaning them. Taehyung came up and held his waist. "I'm so happy we're still together. I really do love you." He whispered in Jimin's ear. Jimin turned off the sink and turned around to face Taehyung. He wrapped his arms around his neck and smiled softly.

"Me too." Jimin said looking in Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung couldn't help but kiss Jimin then and there. He was just too irresistible. Jimin tilted his head slightly and deepened the kiss. Taehyung's hands moved down his waist to his hips, then lower, giving it a small squeeze.

Jimin groaned in the kiss and pulled away. "You can touch me later on, babe." He said seductively and Taehyung smirked a little. He let go and pecked Jimin's lips before going upstairs and getting ready for work.

Jimin waited for Taehyung at the door. He came downstairs a Jimin handed him his jacket and smiled. "Have a good day." Jimin said and Taehyung pecked his lips. "Thanks baby." He said and left out the door. Jimin smiled and watched his driver drive him off before going back inside.

After a while of napping and watching shows all day, Jimin got up and it was getting closer to eight. Jimin went to their room and in their closet. He picked out a regular tuxedo and got dressed. He styled his hair, did some light makeup brushed his teeth before exiting the room.

As he walked down the stairs, his phone buzzed.

Taetor Tot- I'm in the driveway, come on out.
Jiminie- Okay.

Jimin grabbed his jacket and walked out the door. Taehyung smiled seeing how great Jimin looked and walked over to him. He pecked his lips and smiled. "You look nice, baby." Taehyung said and Jimin grinned. "Thanks, you do too." Jimin said and Taehyung nodded as they got in Taehyung's car.

As Taehyung said, they drove to the middle of the city where the most fanciest restaurant was. Taehyung paid for valet parking and they went inside. Taehyung walked up to the reservation desk and the lady looked up and smiled. "Right this way Mr. Kim." She said and guided them to their table.

"Does everyone know you?" Jimin asked. "Pretty much." Taehyung said and chuckled. They sat at their table which was in a secluded area away from main area where regular people sat. There were a few windows which gave Jimin a nice view of the starry night outside.

Jimin bit his lip as he looked at the menu, half the things in Italian and didn't know what it was. "Um, I'll just have the Fettuccine Alfredo and a small glass of red wine." Jimin said, almost choking at the price. Taehyung nodded. The waiter came and took their order before leaving.

Jimin looked up at Taehyung and smiled a little. "What?" Taehyung asked. "Nothing, I'm just happy for once, that's all." Jimin said. Taehyung observed his cute face and chuckled a little. "I'm glad." Taehyung said. After a bit of light conversation, their food came and they ate as Taehyung talked about his job.

After finishing, they just talked about whatever came to mind. "You know, Hoseok plans on taking Yoongi here." Taehyung said and Jimin burst into laughter. "Theres no way Yoongi would want to come here. He hates fancy places like this." Jimin said giggling, music to Taehyung's ears.

As a natural habit, Jimin ran his fingers through his fluffy blond hair and Taehyung smiled shaking his head. "You really have to stop that Jimin, it makes my heart race." Taehyung said and Jimin grinned. "What this?" Jimin said running his fingers through his hair once more, smirking at his flustered boyfriend. Taehyung laughed and shook his head, a small blush in his cheeks.

He reached his hand across the table and held Jimin's small, slightly chubby fingers and smiled at how warm they were. "I really don't deserve you Jimin." Taehyung said and chuckled, rubbing circle with his thumb on Jimin's palm. "Why do you say that?" Jimin asked. "You're just so perfect and there's nothing more I could ask for." Taehyung said and Jimin blushed a little. "Thanks, Tae." Jimin said and smiled.

Taehyung paid for the food, leaving a tip before they exited the restaurant. As they waited for the car, Taehyung held Jimin's waist and Jimin held his shoulders. It was quite cold outside for October but Jimin had Taehyung to keep him warm.

"I really had fun tonight, Jimin." Taehyung said and Jimin smiled widely. "Me too." He said. "I love you so much, always." Taehyung said pulling Jimin a bit closer. He leaned down and connected their lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. He couldn't help but smile to himself because of the overwhelming joy inside of him.

He pulled away and Jimin hugged him. Taehyung's car came around and he thanked the worker before they got in. The drive home was quiet because there was nothing to talk about and they just wanted to enjoy each others presence.

Once at home, they went to their room and changed into some comfy clothes, tshirts and sweatpants, before sitting in the living room to watch the news a little. Taehyung chuckled and Jimin looked at him. "What?" He asked. "Oh nothing it's just, I don't know why we put on different clothes when they aren't gonna be on for much longer." Taehyung said and smirked.

Jimin remembered what he said earlier and smirked as well. He straddled Taehyung's lap and looked in his lust-filled eyes. "You are completely right." Jimin said. Taehyung picked Jimin up and Jimin wrapped his legs around Taehyung's waist, laughing at the fact Taehyung could actually pick him up like this.

He carried Jimin to their room and closed the door, pinning Jimin to the wall. Jimin kept his legs around Taehyung, the older holding onto Jimin's thighs as he kissed him passionately. "I waited all day for this." Taehyung smirked, pressing a kiss on Jimin's neck. "I did as well." Jimin breathed out and kissed Taehyung again.
After their long night of love-making Taehyung pulled out and laid next to Jimin, both of them breathing heavily. Taehyung planted soft kisses on Jimin's face and smiled tiredly. "You did so good baby." He said, knowing Jimin loved praises. "You felt so good." Jimin said and kissed Taehyung's lips. The two laid there for a couple of minutes to catch their breaths before they eventually got up to shower.

After, they slipped back into their pajamas and got in bed. Taehyung wrapped his arms around the smaller, Jimin snuggled close to him. He looked up at him and smiled. "I love you, Taehyung." He said and Taehyung smiled. "I love you too, so much." He said and kissed Jimin softly.

"Sweet dreams baby." Taehyung said and the two drifted to sleep, Jimin scared for the rest of the night. He planned to tell Taehyung tomorrow about him being a little but was terrified. He was so scared Taehyung would leave him. He then had thoughts that he wouldn't because Taehyung said he loved him, no matter what.

He just hoped he meant it.


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