Do you still love me?

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Jimin got the strength to go inside, shaking as he walked upstairs and went into their bedroom. Taehyung arrived a few minutes later and rushed upstairs.

Taehyung was talking on the phone and hung up, imediately running over to Jimin. "Where the hell were you?" Taehyung asked worried because Jimin said he'd be staying home all day. Jimin stood up and shook his head as tears fell down his cheeks.

"You'll hate me, forever if I say." Jimin cried and Taehyung shook his head. "Baby, please." Taehyung said and Jimin just sobbed more. Taehyung noticed small purple marks on Jimin's neck and all these thoughts immediately rushed to his mind.

He cupped Jimin's face and ran his fingers over the marks. "Who did this." Taehyung said coldly and Jimin almost choked. "Tae I'm so-" he was cut off. "Who did this!" Taehyung almost yelled. "J-Jungkook." Jimin stuttered and Taehyung sighed.

He let go of and looked away with a sigh, Jimin a crying mess. He sat quietly on the bed as tears spilled.

Taehyung left and went inside the closet to change into some more comfortable clothes. He came out and stood in front of the bed, looking at Jimin. "Tae please don't leave me, I'm so sorry." Jimin cried.

Taehyung ignored him. He climbed on top of Jimin who was crying and confused. "Tae-" he was cut off by Taehyung shushing him. He cupped Jimin's cheeks and wiped his tears. "Stop crying please." Taehyung said softly and Jimin sniffled. Taehyung leaned down and kissed Jimin ever so softly.

He pulled away and looked into Jimin's eyes. "He r-raped me Tae, I didn't want to-" Taehyung stopped Jimin. "I don't want to hear it." Taehyung said. "Taehyung-" "Shhh, baby, it's okay." Taehyung sat up and pulled the younger into his arms.

"T-Taehyung..." Jimin cried harder. "I'm here, baby it's alright." Taehyung held him in his arms tightly as he cried. "I'm s-sorry." Jimin hiccuped. "No, Jimin, don't be. It wasn't your fault." Taehyung whispered.

"I shouldn't h-have left t-the h-house today." Jimin clung into Taehyung tightly. "Everything's going to be okay. I'm not gonna let Jungkook anywhere near you anymore." Taehyung said.

They sat there for a while, Taehyung trying his best to help Jimin calm down. As it got late, they eventually went downstairs to eat dinner before going back upstairs to get ready for bed.

They took quick showers and as Jimin dried off, he felt himself slip into littlespace. He waddled out the bathroom, his big fluffy towel wrapped around him. Taehyung laid on the bed on his phone, in his pajamas already. He looked up and softly smiled at Jimin.

"Dada, m'sleepy." Jimin mumbled and Taehyung hopped up. He helped Jimin get in his warm, fuzzy footie pajamas and they got into bed next to each other. Jimin snuggled closed to Taehyung, grasping into his hoodie. "Dada?" Jimin asked quietly, Taehyung rubbing his back. "Yes baby?" Taehyung asked and looked down at Jimin.

Jimin looked up into Taehyung's eyes. "Do you s-still love me?" Jimin asked as he felt himself tearing up again. "Aww baby~" Taehyung cooed and hugged Jimin tight. He cupped the little's face and wiped the on coming tears. "Of course I do. I love you more than ever right now and I'm not gonna let Jungkook touch you like that ever again." Taehyung assured and pecked Jimin's lips.

"You do?" Jimin asked quietly and Taehyung nodded with a hum. Taehyung grabbed Jimin's pacifier and stuck it in between his little lips. He kissed Jimin's forehead gently, Jimin smiling faintly at that. "I love you, so much." He whispered as Jimin drifted to sleep.

He wasn't gonna let Jungkook do that to Jimin. Never. Jungkook had it coming for him. But not until after Jungkook did something terrible again.


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