Shy shy shy

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"Jungkook you should take a break so you're eyes can rest, Overwatch can wait." Jin peeked into the boy's room. He'd been playing for at least three hours and Jin was getting bored all by himself since Namjoon was at work.

"Okay, in a bit." Jungkook mumbled, not looking away from the screen. "You said that and hour ago." Jin frowned. "M'kay." Jungkook said. Jin sighed and walked away, Jungkook looking away to see him walk off. He set the controller down and switched off the tv before going to find Jin.

Jin was sitting on the patio, a warm cup of tea besides him as he read a novel. Jungkook sat next to him and cleared his throat quietly. "I'm sorry." Jungkook whispered. "It's okay Kookie. I just didn't want you to get a headache or anything." Jin said, not looking away from the book.

Jungkook fiddled with his long sleeves before speaking up. "How long does Namjoon have to work for today?" Jungkook asked. "Who knows? He should be home before 6:00. I kinda wanted to have a movie night." Jin said.

Jungkook just looked at Jin and hummed softly. Jin looked up from his book and met eyes with Jungkook. "That's, only if you wanted to?" Jin asked quietly. Jungkook leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips. It's was quick and only lasted about a second or two, but it felt like a century to Jungkook.

"Sorry." Jungkook let out, his cheeks turning darker shades of pink by the second. Jin smiled to himself before leaning back in and pressing their lips together, for longer this time. Jungkook hated the feeling of his stomach doing backflips but it honestly couldn't be help.

He felt some sense of comfort though as he felt Jin's fingers interlock with his before he pulled away. Jungkook just stared into his eyes, a small, warm smile appearing on Jin's face that was enough to make his heart flutter more than it already was.

"It's okay Jungkook, you need to stop being so shy around Namjoon and I." Jin said, Jungkook looking into his lap. "I know, I'm sorry." Jungkook said. "Stop apologizing, it's okay." Jin said and pecked his lips. "Let's go back inside, yeah?" Jin said and Jungkook nodded before they got up to go inside, Jungkook not wanting to let go of Jin's hand which made Jin happier inside.


"Daddy!" Taehyung heard Jimin whining in fear from the living room. He placed the tray of cookies in the oven before walking into the living room to see what all the fuss was about. "What, baby?" Taehyung asked. "There's a spider!" Jimin pointed to the spider that was slowly making its way across the carpet, Jimin curled into a ball on the couch.

"Aww, baby it's not gonna hurt you. He probably just wanted to say hello." Taehyung said and Jimin pouted a little. "Don't kill him though." Jimin mumbled. "I won't, Kitten." Taehyung said and held his hand out to the spider which hesitantly crawled onto it.

Taehyung took it outside and placed it in the grass before coming back inside. "Is that better now?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded. He'd been waiting for a batch of cookies to be done baking  because Taehyung had promised him some for being good today.

After the cookies were done baking, they ate a few as they relaxed in the living room, watching a movie. Jimin was snuggled against Taehyung as he slowly drifted to sleep for his nap, Taehyung smiling as he watched the boy fall asleep. He loved Jimin so much it hurt to be honest. He wanted him to be this cute and precious forever.


To say Jungkook was being extra shy after the small kiss him and Jin shared was an understatement. Jungkook could barely be around Jin without blushing now and it was hard to look into his eyes at the moment.

They were now in their bedroom, Jin talking about some random things that Jungkook couldn't really focus on because to be honest, though he was scared to, he really wanted to kiss him again. So he did.

He cut Jin off mid-sentence and kissed his passionately. He kinda just felt his nerves go away as Jin smiled in the kiss slightly, holding Jungkook's hand. "See I told you it's fine if you do that." Jin breathed out, Jungkook smiling shyly to himself.

"O-Okay." Jungkook said quietly and reconnected their lips in a deeper kiss, Jungkook subtly climbing into his lap and pushing him slightly so Jin was laying down now. Jungkook continued where they left off in their heated little makeout, Jin's arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist as Jungkook caressed the sides of his face.

Jin kissed at Jungkook's neck lightly, the smaller moaning softly as he pulled away. They let go of each other, changing positions so now Jin was on top, Jungkook pinned beneath him. "You know we can't 'do it' right now Jungkook." Jin kissed Jungkook's cheek gently. "I know, it's just, I kinda want you right now." Jungkook squirmed a little.

"Aww, you don't want Namjoon?" Jin teased. "He's not here though-you knew what I meant." Jungkook whined as he covered his pink cheeks. "You're adorable." Jin continued the kiss, Jungkook swinging his arms around Jin's neck.

"Wait..." Jungkook said quietly. "What if we all wanted to, y'know, at the same time?" Jungkook asked curiously. "We could make it happen." Jin winked at Jungkook who giggled. "You're adorable." Jin kissed the tip of his nose.

They heard the front door opening. "Finally we can have movie night." Jin said and climbed off of Jungkook. The younger just laid there, feeling warm and fuzzy inside as he took a quick minute to calm himself down before heading downstairs.

They ate dinner which was just some chicken Namjoon had brought home. After, Namjoon changed into some comfy clothes before sitting in the living room with the other two, Jin starting the movie.

"Give Joonie a kiss too, he told me he missed you all day." Jin quietly whispered to Jungkook so only he could hear. Jungkook nodded, facing Namjoon who looked at Jungkook. "You okay?" Namjoon asked and Jungkook hummed before leaning in and kissing him.

Namjoon was taken aback but kissed Jungkook back. He didn't think Jungkook had broken out of his shell yet but this kinda proved he has a little. Jungkook pulled away, Namjoon smiling softly before kissing his cheek.

Jungkook leaned over and rested his head against Jin's chest, Jin stroking his hair gently. He looked over and met eyes with Namjoon, the two smiling at each other. They were happy together, which wasn't going to ever change.

I'm devastated beyond belief by this chapter.

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