Sick Day

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Jimin woke up the next morning, his fever hadn't gone down yet and he still felt sick in his stomach. His throat also hurt. Taehyung had to go into the office today so he called Yoongi and Hoseok who said they could come watch him because their daughter was visiting her grandmother.

They arrived early that morning, Jimin still half sleep as Taehyung was putting on his jacket. "If he says he feels like puking, take him to the bathroom immediately or just have a bowl near by and make sure he'd given medicine after." Taehyung said. The two nodded, Taehyung kissing Jimin's forehead. "I love you Kitten, feel better." Taehyung said. "Dada..." He mumbled. "I have to go." Taehyung said before ruffling his hair gently and leaving.

Jimin pouted and Hoseok awed. "Don't cry Minnie, he'll be back before you know it." Hoseok promised. Jimin sniffled quietly as he wiped his eyes. "I don't want to be sick." Jimin whined. "I know you don't but it's natural to get sick." Yoongi said. "It's icky." Jimin said cutely. "Do want ice cream for your throat?" Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded excitedly. He helped the little out of bed and carefully walked him downstairs.

They sat him on the couch and Yoongi went into the kitchen to look in the freezer. He was astonished by all the different ice creams they had. "Which flavor, there's like a million." Yoongi called from the kitchen. "Mint chocolate chip." Jimin said through his pacifier. "He said mint!" Hoseok called and Yoongi nodded as he took it out.

He placed two scoops in a blue bowl and got a matching spoon for Jimin to eat it with. He brought to Jimin who took slow, small bites while watching cartoons. They kept the emergency bowl around just in case. Welp, giving him ice cream for breakfast was a bad idea. The coldness shocked his stomach.

They were puzzled why Jimin hopped off the couch and ran down the hall until they heard gagging and ran themselves to see what was happening. Jimin was puking the ice cream back up in the toilet. "You okay?" Hoseok asked, rubbing Jimin's back. "I want Daddy." Jimin cried as he heaved chunks into the toilet. "I know, he'll be home later, you have us." Yoongi reminded. "Oh, you're right!" Jimin exclaimed, the two laughing at his cuteness.

They helped him wash his hands and his mouth out before they left out the bathroom. "When did you get sick?" Hoseok asked. "Last night." Jimin pouted. " 'Cause I didn't wear scarf in snow." Jimin mumbled. "Poor Jiminie." Hoseok said, ruffling his hair. "Are you hungry still?" Yoongi asked and Jimin nodded. "Maybe soup will help?" Hoseok suggested and Yoongi nodded.

He picked Jimin up and took him to the living room to watch cartoons while Hoseok made some chicken noodle soup for him. Jimin rested his head against Yoongi's chest as he patiently waited, watching Max & Ruby. Yoongi wrapped and arm around him, rubbing his back comfortingly. "Will my sickies go away?" Jimin whispered. "Eventually." Yoongi said. "What does that mean?" Jimin asked, Yoongi chuckling softly.

"It'll take some time, but if you eat soup and take medicine, it'll go quicker." Yoongi said softly. "What's medicine?" Jimin asked, Yoongi smiling like and idiot because the younger was just too precious for his existence. "It's stuff that'll help you when you're sick." Yoongi said. " I get to have medicine?" Jimin asked.

"After you're done eating." Yoongi said. Hoseok brought the bowl of soup in and set it on table. Slowly, Jimin ate his food to reduce the chance of him vomiting again. He was also super dehydrated from the number of times he has thrown up so the two tried to encourage him to drink water instead of apple juice.

He finished eating and sat back, Hoseok and Yoongi looking at him. "Are you okay?" Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded. "Oh, medicine." Hoseok reminded Yoongi who got up to go get it. Taehyung had left it on the counter for them so they knew where to find it. There were two containers of little fruit chews. One for Jimin's fever and sore throat and the other for his tummy. He had to take two of each so that's what Yoongi grabbed.

"Here you go." Yoongi said handing the gummies to Jimin who attempted to shove all of them in his mouth. "No no no no-" Hoseok stopped him so he wouldn't choke. "One at a time Jimin." He said and Jimin nodded, eating one at a time, Yoongi and Hoseok sharing a glance before laughing quietly.


It was a bit later in the day now, Jimin getting tired from playing with his toys and sliding down the slide to the basement all day.

Jimin lay on the carpet, his eyes struggling to stay open. "Time for someone to take a nap." Hoseok chuckled and picked Jimin up. They took the boy up to his room and laid him down carefully, giving him a pacifier. "If you need anything or feel like you're gonna be sick, let us know okay, we'll be right in the room next door." Hoseok said, Jimin nodding as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.


They were surprised how long his nap lasted. He didn't wake up and Taehyung had just arrived home. "How was he?" Taehyung asked as he took off his jacket and hat. "He got sick once but he seemed better after. We gave him his medicine after lunch so he should be feeling better. He's sleep now." Hoseok said. "Good. Thanks guys, seriously." Taehyung said and they nodded. "It was terrible last night, he got up about every ten minutes to throw up. I'm glad he's feeling better." Taehyung said. "We'll see you sometime." Yoongi and Hoseok waved as they left.

Taehyung smiled to himself as he walked upstairs and into their room. Jimin lay there, sucking on his little pacifier which was white with red polka dots on it. It matched his onesie too, which was red with white polka dots to get in the mood for Christmas. And speaking of, their wedding anniversary was coming up very soon and Taehyung still needed to plan it.

"Dada!" Jimin squeaked happily and made grabby hands for him. Taehyung smiled and picked him up. "Hi baby, are you feeling better?" He asked with a soft smile. "Yeah but just still a little sicky." Jimin said. "Just a little? But you're feeling better, right?" Taehyung laughed as Jimin nodded. "That's good Kitten." Taehyung said and set him down.

The two had dinner, Jimin having soup again. Taehyung didn't want to give him heavier foods too soon or it'd make the little sick again. He took Jimin upstairs and set him on the bed, getting his pajamas on himself. "Do you wanna watch cartoons until you fall asleep? I know you just woke up from a nap so you must not be that sleepy." Taehyung said. "Yeah!" Jimin excitedly bounced up and down.

Taehyung climbed in bed next to him and the two got comfortable in each others arms. "What do you want to watch baby?" He asked. "Max & Ruby." Jimin whispered. It was his favorite show right now. After about thirty minutes, Jimin hadn't fallen asleep yet, even after Taehyung tried giving him two bottle of milk. Taehyung cupped his cheeks and made the boy look at him.

"You okay Kitten? Hmmm?" He asked softly. Jimin didn't clearly respond, nodding weirdly. "Do you need to throw up?" Taehyung asked suspiciously, Jimin shaking his head. "Okay..." Taehyung said. Jimin did start coughing a little, Taehyung sitting him up. "It's okay, get it out." He whispered, patting the smaller's back gently.

It's a miracle he has fast reflexes because just as Jimin paused for a second, Taehyung knew what was happening. "No, Jimin, Jimin-" He quickly held his hands out, Jimin spitting up into them. Taehyung cringed as he chuckled a little, Jimin a bit startled by what just happened. Maybe he shouldn't have given him that much milk.

Taehyung got up and went into the bathroom, washing his hands off before coming back to lay in bed with Jimin. "I'm okay. Just too much." Jimin mumbled. "Too much what? Milk?" Taehyung asked as Jimin snuggled back in his arms. "Yeah." Jimin whispered. Taehyung's heart felt warm as he stroked Jimin's cheek gently. He was too innocent and pure for this world. To innocent to be hurt or put in danger and Taehyung wanted to do anything in his will to protect him.

"I love you Dada." Jimin whispered, Taehyung's smile growing. "I love you too baby, so much. You don't even know." Taehyung said softly.


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