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"Dada my head hurts~" Jimin began to cry. He'd gotten a really bad flu, Taehyung not really upset he had to take care of him with it thought. He was used to doing it by now.

Jimin was taking some stronger flu medicine though that would temporarily make him feel worse but he'd get better quicker.

Poor Jimin had a headache all day, as well as feeling fatigued and nauseas. Taehyung hated seeing the boy in discomfort. He wish he could feel it instead of Jimin.

"I know, love, it's gonna be okay." Taehyung whispered in Jimin's ear as they laid in bed to take a nap. Jimin couldn't really do much but lay down, so the two just cuddled all day which Taehyung didn't mind, nor Jimin. He was a whole cuddle monster.

"Don't cry baby, shhhhh..." Taehyung said lowly. Jimin whimpered softly as he buried his face in Taehyung's chest. He kissed Jimin's forehead, the boy grasping at his shirt. "Crying will make it worse, bubs, calm down." Taehyung comforted as he rubbed Jimin's back.

After a few hours, Taehyung sat up and stretched a little. "You need to take your medicine." Taehyung said as he got up to go get it.

He gave Jimin his pills. Jimin knew how to take them without chocking, thankfully. They were small and didn't require much effort to swallow.

Jimin opened his mouth and put the three pills in, Taehyung handing him his bottle of milk he'd just made to help the little go to sleep faster. Jimin swallowed them and laid back down, to tired the hold the bottle himself so Taehyung held for him as he drank his milk.

He finished and Taehyung removed the bottle from Jimin's lips. It was getting late and Taehyung knew it was gonna take the little a long time to go to sleep. Jimin closed his eyes as he cutely yawned, stretching his little arms out and sighing heavily. That was the cutest thing Taehyung had seen all day.

Taehyung thought maybe if he carried Jimin around the house again, he'd go to sleep quicker. So at that, he picked him up in his arms and held him tight, taking him out their room. "My head feels a little better." Jimin whispered as he rested it on Taehyung's shoulder.

"That's good baby." Taehyung hummed as he walked down the stairs and carried him down the hall into the sunroom. He turned on the space heater so they didn't freeze to death in there and sat on the couch. He put a blanket over them and turned on the lamp, lighting a lavender scented candle as well, which helps you to go to sleep.

"Daddy, I love you." Jimin mumbled, blinking his sleepy eyes. "I love you too Kitten, please feel better for me." Taehyung said, cradling Jimin in his arms. Jimin laid his head on Taehyung's chest, listening to his heart beat.

Taehyung just went on his phone, turning on some soft music and reading a eBook. Jimin just cutely stared at Taehyung until his eyes couldn't keep themselves open anymore, and he went off to dreamland.

After a while, Taehyung noticed Jimin had went to sleep and smiled gently. He didn't want to risk waking Jimin up so he stayed right there, holding Jimin in his arms as he fell asleep as well.


Taehyung woke up the next to small whines coming from Jimin the next morning. "Baby, what's the matter?" He asked. "I feel sicky." Jimin whined as he held his tummy. "Like you're gonna throw up?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded. Taehyung gasped as he picked Jimin up and carried him down the hall to the bathroom.

He, thankfully, made it just in time or else Jimin would've vomited on the floor. He was only throwing up because of being nauseas from his medicine. "All better now?" Taehyung asked after Jimin finished, the little nodding as he weakly stood up and washed his mouth out.

The doorbell rang and Taehyung went to answer it. "Oh, hi Jin." Taehyung said, Jin waving. Jungkook stood next to him, holding his hand. "I totally forgot you were coming over." Taehyung smiled as he let the two in. "I hope you don't mind if Kookie came, He was being clingy this morning because Namjoon's not feeling so well so he couldn't hold him or anything last night." Jin explained.

"That's alright, Jimin's not feeling the best either." Taehyung said as they sat in the living room. Jungkook sat on Jin's lap, sucking on his pacifier and cuddled against Jin. "Does he favor one of you more than the other?" Taehyung asked.

"At first, he only liked me because Namjoon didn't necessarily like taking care of him but after this whole situation with the two, I think Jungkook favors Namjoon a little bit more which I really don't mind because that means Namjoon is getting better with taking care of him." Jin said. "That's cute." Taehyung chuckled.

"I know." Jin said, stroking Jungkook's hair gently. Jin had only came over to talk to Taehyung about little stuff because he was new to it and all and he wanted to be doing the right thing as a caregiver to Jungkook. "Have you given him like, a nickname yet?" Taehyung asked. "Yeah, we'll just call him Kookie or Bunny and he's fine with it." Jin said.

"I know this may sound weird, but do you think Jungkook has romantic feelings for you and Namjoon. Like, both of you?" Taehyung asked. "That's what I was gonna bring up because I don't know what to do if he does. I mean obviously Namjoon and I both love him as our little one but that's a whole other level of things we're not even sure we know what to do of." Jin said.

"But you are open to the idea of it?" Taehyung asked. "I mean yeah, I don't think Joon would hate the idea of involving Jungkook." Jin said. "Interesting." Taehyung concluded.

Namjinkook is happening y'all, get ready

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