Forever yours

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The next day was a special day. Taehyung told Jimin to dress fancy-casual for today. Jimin wore a plain white button up shirt, navy blue shorts and white slip-on sneakers.

Taehyung wore almost the same thing except his shirt was navy blue and his shorts were white and he had the same shoes as Jimin in black. They walked out the beach house and Jimin held Taehyung's hand, a soft breeze flowing through the air. "Happy anniversary babe." Taehyung whispered in his ear and Jimin smiled feeling Taehyung place a kiss on his cheek.

"You sleep well?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded with a hum. They walked until they reached the center plaza of the island. First they went into a gift shop. "Pick anything you want babe." Taehyung said. He loved spoiling his baby. Jimin walked around the shop in awe of all cool and cute things. He ended up getting a cool painted turtle sculture, a tourist shirt, two charms and matcing couples bracelets which the two wore after it was purchased.

Next, they went into a restaurant for breakfast and got to watch it be cooked right in front of them. The best part was when Taehyung was catching pieces of sausage in his mouth with the guy throwing it. It was hilarious. Jimin had french toast and bacon while Taehyung had crépes with strawberries and whipped cream on top, sausage on the side.

"How's your food?" Jimin asked. "Good and yours?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded with satisfactory. He noticed Taehyung was being extra sweet today. He's kind and sweet everyday but today seemed special. It was their 2 year anniversary in all.

"I wonder how Hoseok and Yoongi's baby is." Jimin said and Taehyung nodded. Hoseok had the baby three months ago, a cute little girl the named Hyolin. She was very pretty too from pictures and apparently she was just like Hoseok, smiling all the time.

"I wish I could have kids." Jimin pouted but he was still a baby himself, well, in different headspaces. "It's okay baby." Taehyung said holding his hand across the table. "I know it's just, maybe if my childhood was better, I wouldn't have to slip in a headspace now. I could've been...normal." Jimin said. "No ones normal Jimin. Everyone is unique in their different ways. You're my precious little baby and that's all that matters to me." Taehyung said and Jimin grinned, leaning across the table and kissing Taehyung. He couldn't help it.

After breakfast, Taehyung took Jimin to a boardwalk and they played carnival games, Taehyung winning Jimin many prizes. He'd seen some years ago how to hack/cheat your way through those impossible rigged games. He even won the big prize from the ring toss for Jimin. They took all the stuff back to the house before going back out for lunch where they sat at a table and watched a variety of live shows.

A few ladies sang beautiful songs about love, Jimin holding Taehyung's hand the entire time. There were hula dancers who called volunteers up, including Jimin, to dance with them which Taehyung got on video. There were also people who did tricks with juggling sticks with fire.

After lunch, they headed back to the boardwalk to ride a few rides before the sun began to set. Taehyung took Jimin back to the party cruise because Jimin enjoyed it so much last year. They enjoyed the view of the island getting further away before going to the arcade and playing a few games and winnning a few more small things like pieces of candy and gift cards.

After, they went to the very fancy restaurant and sat at a table for two across from each other near the railing so Jimin had a view of the water. They ordered their food and began talking and laughing about random things.

They ate and began talking again about more serious things like work. "Jimin, I've been think, and I definately know I can but, I want you to quit your job." Taehyung said. "How come?" Jimin asked. "Because I fully just want to take care of you and be there for you, you not having to tire youreself dancing all day." Taehyung said. "You know I love dancing though." Jimin said. "I know but, I really love you and want the absolute best for you." Taehyung said.

"I'm not asking you to quit like, tomorrow but when you feel ready." Taehyung said. "That's reasonable." Jimin mumbled. He'd miss it a lot, but he knew slipping into his headspace all the time made it to difficult to work so he knew he had to quit sooner or later.

"You look gorgeous tonight." Taehyung said admiring Jimin's features. "Absolutely stunning." He complimented making Jimin blush. "Aww thank you. You look great too." Jimin beamed, the two holding hands across the table, looking into each other's eyes lovingly. "Damn, I just love you so mu-" Jimin cut him off because he just had to kiss him. His words were so powerful because not once did anyone else ever call him beautiful or gorgeous.

He pulled away, his lips slightly lingering and ghosting Taehyung's lips before fully pulling away. He smiled cutely and they went on from there. They went to the dance area and had a bit of fun there, a slow song coming on and everyone pairing up.

"It's too crowded, can we go somehwere else?" Jimin aksed Taehyung nodded, grabbing Jimin's hand and taking him up some stairs to the top deck which again, was reserved for Taehyung and Jimin.

The worker played a soft slow song and Taehyung smiled at Jimin. "Dance with me?" He asked softly and Jimin nodded, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck, Taehyung holding his waist. They'd found themselves getting closer to each other throughout the dance, Jimin connecting their foreheads and smiling to himself, lucky to have a lover. Their lips were so close to touching before Taehyung pulled away and smiled. It was his time to shine, hit or miss moment.

"You know I love you, right, kitten?" Taehyung said and Jimin nodded, confused at what was happening but when Taehyung got down on one knee and took one of Jimin's hands in his own, Jimin couldn't help but begin to tear up, covering his mouth in shock.

"My little baby, I love you so much. You mean more than the world to me and I want us to be togehter forever. Two years it's been since we met that fateful day in the coffee shop after your terrible breakup. Someway, somehow, I just knew you were the one for me. I was so happy when we got togehter and when you came out about being a little, my life became even better. Taking care of you and being your caregiver is what makes my life complete, being your loving boyfriend is the reason I want to wake up in the morning. And when you were taken, I'd thought I lost you forever but I didn't give up. I got you back and you're staying forever. You'll forever be mine, that's all I want so with that..." he paused, Jimin's eyes pouring tears. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box and opened it, a beautiful diamond ring inside.

"Park Jimin, Kitten, my little one, will you be mine forever and marry me?" Taehyung proposed and Jimin couldn't even speak. He was too happy and the emotional lump in his throat wouldn't let him. Taehyung was begining to tear up because he was happy as well, this moment very overwhelming for Jimin. "You're okay baby." Taehyung whispered and Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck, hugging him tight and Taehyung picking him up.

"Y-Yes!" Jimin managed to whisper in Taehyung's ear and cry harder. Taehyung smiled as a few tears fell down his cheeks as well. "I love you so much Jiminie." Taehyung said softly kissing Jimin's cheek. "I love you too Tae." Jimin cried and hugged him tighter.

Once he'd calmed down, Taehyung set Jimin down and put the ring on his finger, Jimin hugging Taehyung again, never wanting to let go. "Kiss me Jimin." Taehyung said softly and Jimin instantly connected their lips in a very passionate kiss.

On the way back to the beach house, Taehyung abrubtly picked Jimin up bridal style, the boy squealing from being startled and wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck. "I can't belive we're getting married. Jin's gonna flip out." Jimin said and Taehyung laughed thinking about his reaction.

Once back at the beach house, they spared a good few hours to make love before they took showers, put new sheets on and got in bed.

Jimin cuddled close to Taehyung, allowing Tae to whisper sweet, loving things in his ears to make him fall asleep better. "You're so pretty baby." He said, Jimin slipping in his headspace.

"Forever yours Daddy?" Jimin mumbled softly and cutely. "Yes, Kitten, forever."

I'm not sobbing, my eyes are just real sweaty.

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