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As Taehyung was making dinner later on after he put Jimin in bed for his nap, he heard soft cry's coming from their bedroom. He sighed and set the spoon he was using down before heading for the stairs. "What is it now?" He muttered under his breath as he walked up the stairs. He opened their room door and pouted seeing Jimin so upset. "Awwww Kitten, what's the matter?" He cooed softly, kissing the crying boy's forehead gently.

He took the pacifier out his mouth which only made him cry harder. "You gotta tell me what's the matter." He said and Jimin just sobbed harder. Taehyung placed the pacifier back in Jimin's mouth which quieted him a bit, but he was still crying. Taehyung took the blankets off Jimin and placed him on his lap.

"Are you feeling alright? Do you feel sick at all?" Taehyung asked, placing his head on Jimin's forehead to check for a fever. Jimin didn't really respond. "Do you wanna take a bubble bath? With that make you feel better?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded.

"Let's go take a bath then, baby, m'kay?" He said as Jimin nodded with a hiccup. He carried Jimin to the bathroom and set the boy on the vanity counter. He turned the bath water on and let it fill up.

He turned off the water which was filled with bubbles from the solution he'd put in. He stripped Jimin from his clothes and placed him in the warm, bubbly water, Jimin sucking on his paci lightly.

Taehyung placed Jimin's small bath toys in the water, the little beaming with excitement as he played with the boats and rubber duckies. "You've been seemed down lately, are you alright?" Taehyung suggested and Jimin nodded slightly. "I'm okay..." Jimin murmured through his pacifier. Taehyung took out the strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner along with a rinsing cup.

He poured some on is hands and lathered it in Jimin's soft, blond hair. "Close your eyes Kitten." Taehyung spoke softly and Jimin closed his eyes tight as Taehyung rinsed the shampoo out his hair. He then rubbed the conditioner in, Jimin humming lightly in the background. He rinsed his hair off the all the bubbles before he took Jimin out.

He wrapped and warm, fluffy towel around Jimin, kissing his nose which made him giggle cutely. He took Jimin back to their room and set him on the bed as he went in the closet to get some pajamas for Jimin. He took out a pastel blue footed onesie and returned to Jimin. He slid some boxers on the boy first, then rubbed some baby lotion on him to keep his skin soft. He put the onesie on Jimin and smiled softly.

"You okay?" He asked Jimin, who'd been pretty quiet the whole time. "I'm sorry Dada." He began crying again. "Awww Kitten it's okay, I promise. I know you were just having a bad day. You don't have to be upset baby." Taehyung said picking the little up and holding him close, he stroked his hair as the boy cried softly in his shoulder. "You hungry? I made dinner." He whispered and Jimin nodded.
Jin yawned tiredly as he stroked Jungkook's hair, the little had fallen asleep in between his and Namjoon's arms while watching a movie after dinner. They took the younger out for a little shopping for everything he needed, literally. They bought him toys, bottles, onsies, pacifiers, fluffy things and much more. They really wanted to be there for Jungkook because they know what he's been through a lot and how it affected his and Jimin's life on a huge scale.

Jin smiled at Namjoon, who'd surprisingly had taken the most care of Jungkook throughout the day. "Thanks for agreeing to this Joon, you're really sweet." Jin mumbled and Namjoon hummed. "Anything for you." He whispered. "Should we take him to bed now?" Jin asked and Namjoon nodded. He carried Jungkook up the stairs, since he was a bit stronger than Jin, and to their bedroom.

They laid Jungkook in the center of the bed while they took showers and got ready for bed themselves. Jungkook had woken up, his eyes half closed as he squirmed about. "Hey kookie, you sleepy?" Jin asked and Jungkook nodded, his pacifier falling from his lips as he yawned. "That was so cute." Namjoon said clutching his chest, Jin giggling. Jungkook laid back down and sighed softly.

Jin hummed to himself lightly, Namjoon circling his arms around Jin's waist from behind. "I love you babe, even if it doesn't seem like I care, I do, so much." Namjoon whispered in Jin's ear, kissing he side of his neck gently. "Awww Joonie, I love you too." Jin said sweetly and turned around, kissing Namjoon's lips firmly.

He pulled away and the two crawled into bed, the little in between. Jin put the pacifier back in Jungkook's mouth, the little closing his eyes. "Goodnight little one, sweet dreams." Jin whispered and wrapped his arms around Jungkook, Namjoon doing the same making Jungkook feel, for once, loved and secured.


Shut up, I'm not crying you are

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