Sweet Dreams

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After Jimin's nap, Jin carried him to the dining room so he could eat lunch. Jin warmed up the food Taehyung had made for him andset in front of Jimin, along with a sippy cup of apple juice. "When Dada coming back?" He asked cutely. "Awww, he'll be home later, m'kay?" Jin said.

He found little Jimin so adorable and just wanted to keep him forever. Taking care of him was the best thing someone could ask for. Taehyung was truly lucky. Namjoon came in. "Hey." He smiled and ruffled Jimin's hair. After lunch, Jin put Jimin's coat and shoes on so he could show him their backyard.

He slipped the little panda hat on his head which looked adorable with his blond hair. He took him out the back door, Namjoon following and sitting on the patio furniture.

"This is our backyard." Jin said. It was very large and had many things. There were little paths that led to everything. He showed Jimin their pool and hot tub area. "I have a pool too." Jimin said and smiled a little. "Cute." Jin mumbled. He showed them the garden which was Jin's favorite because he loved flowers. "So pretty!" Jimin gushed as he sat on the grass and observed all the flowers. "This is too cute." Namjoon said coming up to them. "I know." Jin said and smiled brightly.

Jin showed him the fountain in the middle then the tree which had a bench swing. "You have a nice backyard." Jimin mumbled and Jin nodded as they went back inside.

They were sitting in the couch, watching a movie when all of a sudden Jimin began whining. "What's the matter peach?" Jin asked and Jimin winced. "My tummy hurts." Jimin whispered and Jin frowned. "Like how?" Jin asked, terrified of what could be coming next. "I dun' know." Jimin muttered. "Do you think you might...throw up?" Jin asked and as if on cue, Jimin gagged before his lunch said hello to the floor and a little bit of the couch.

Jin was quick to carry him to the bathroom and try and calm him down since he'd began crying. Namjoon walked in and froze seeing the gross sight. "Babe, did he throw up?" Namjoon asked as he came to the doorway and Jin nodded as he rubbed the crying boy's back comfortingly. "He just got sick all of a sudden. He was fine earlier, I don't know what happened." Jin said and Namjoon shrugged. "I'll clean it up I guess." Namjoon said and shuddered. "No, I'll do it." Jin said. "Just keep and eye on him." He said and Namjoon nodded.

Jin grabbed some cleaning things and cleaned up the tragic mess on the floor before spraying disinfectant spray around the area. "Poor Jimin." He sighed. Namjoon had laid Jimin down, the little still lightly crying. "Should we call Taehyung?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah, I think that's the right thing." Jin said pulling out his phone."

"Hello?" Taehyung asked as he played a game on his computer. He really didn't need to go to work but he just wanted to because he needed to see how everyone was, being he hadn't been since Jimin was taken.

"Hey, um, Jimin threw up a few minutes ago and we don't know what's wrong. He was just fine earlier until after lunch he started complaining. We just thought maybe you'd want to take care of him." Jin said. "Aww, I'll be there in a few minutes." Taehyung said. It stung his heart hearing his baby was sick.

Once he got there, Namjoonnopened the door and greeted him. "Jin's getting his coat on for him." He said and Taehyung nodded. Jin brought Jimin to the foyer where Jimin's eyes lit up seeing Taehyung. "Daddy, I missed you." He said quietly. "Aww baby I did too." Taehyung said and picked him up. "Thanks guys, really." Taehyung said and Jin nodded.

Once back at home, Taehyung carried Jimin inside, kissing his face all over to cheer him up. "Did you throw up kitten?" Taehyung asked and kissed Jimin's cheek, Jimin nodding with a pout. "Why'd get sick all of a sudden, hmm?" Taehyung asked as he changed Jimin into a fluffy footed onesie. Jimin shrugged and rubbed his eyes. "Maybe it's what you ate today. I won't give you that anymore." Taehyung said.

He changed out his work clothes into something comfortable before going back in there room. "You wanna watch tv or just cuddle?" Taehyung asked. "I wan' cuddles." Jimin yawned and Taehyung melted. He climbed in bed next to the younger and pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him tightly.

"I love you so much." Taehyung said giving Jimin light kisses. "You're so beautiful and cute." He continued knowing how much Jimin loved being praised. "Dada so nice." Jimin giggled and buried his face in Taehyung's chest. "I'm sleepy." Jimin mumbled and Taehyung stroked his hair gently. "Go to sleep then, sweet dreams baby." He said quietly and kissed his forehead.


I'm shooting for a hundred chapters!😁

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