Nuggies and Cookies

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Taehyung took the chicken nuggets out the oven once they were ready and placed them on a plate. He put honey mustard on the side and placed the plate in front of Jimin to eat. "Can you drink out of a big cup?" Taehyung asked and Jimin shook his head. "There's box in room under the bed. Sippy cup in there." Jimin said cutely and Taehyung walked upsatirs to their room.

He found the box and which Taehyung thought Jimin kept different things but no, it was full of baby things like pacifiers, sippy cups, bottles, a large blue blanket and a bunch of plushies.
Taehyung smiled to himself as he grabbed the whole box and took it with him.

He took it downstairs and placed it in the kitchen. He pulled out a sippy cup and filled it with apple juice, carefully handing it to Jimin. Jimin smiled as he ate his chicken nuggets and Taehyung placed the other sippy cups and bottles up in a empty cabinet.

After Jimin was done eating, Taehyung saw he had managed to get sauce around lips. "All done!" Jimin chirped and went to get up but Taehyung stopped him. He grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth off gently. Jimin smiled and got up, Taehyung realizing he'd missed a spot. "Wait! Jimin I missed a spot." Taehyung called and Jimin came back. There was still a little sauce on Jimin's lips but Taehyung thought differently.

He held Jimin's chin up and kissed the little's lips softly. He pulled away and grinned at Jimin's pink cheeks. "Minnie likes Dada's kisses." He said shyly and Taehyung chuckled. "How adorable." He said and kissed Jimin's forehead.

Taehyung pointed to the box. "Which one is your favorite?" He asked refering to the plushies. Jimin lit up and bent down to the box. He picked up a dog that had on a yellow hoodie, it's tongue sticking out the side of his mouth. "This one! His name is Chimmy!" Jimin gushed and Taehyung smiled ruffling Jimin's hair. "Why don't you go take Chimmy and watch cartoons while Dada cleans up, okay?" Taehyung said ang Jimin nodded. He grabbed his blue blanket and ran to the living room.

Taehyung washed the dishes and put them away. He took Jimin's other plushies and placed them in a wooden bin in the living room. He went back to the box and pulled out a pacifier for Jimin. "You want?" Taehyung asked holding it up and Jimin nodded. He placed it in between Jimin's lips and cooed at how cute he looked.

He went upstairs and placed the other pacis in a drawer in the walk-in closet. Jimin also had two footie pajama onsies in the box so he hung those in the closet. One was plain baby blue while the other was baby blue with little bunnys on them.

Nothing else was in the box so Taehyung put in the recycling ben outside and came back in. He went back to the kitchen and finished cleaning in there. He went upstairs and vacumed the carpet. He also vacumed in the bedrooms and extra guest rooms before going down into the basement and vacuming.

Once done, he came back into the living room and found Jimin sleep on the couch, his blanket wrapped around him like a burrito and cutely sucking on his pacifier. He leaned down and moved the hair off his forehead, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead.

He decided to go to the store and buy a few more things for Jimin. Once there he went down the snack aisle and bought some kiddie snacks that you'd give a three year old. He got some Goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, soft Chips Ahoy cookies, pudding, and applesauce. He also got stuff to make dinner.

He bought the groceries and left back home to his little. Yeah he was new to the whole little idea but it was very simple to keep Jimin happy and take care of him. He parked in the driveway and got out, going into the house. Once he walked in, he heard soft cries from the living room and got worried. He quickly put the things in the kitchen and rushed into the living where Jimin was crying on the couch.

"Jiminie? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked. "Minnie thought Dada leave him forever." Jimin cried and Taehyung sat down and placed Jimin on his lap. He rubbed his back as Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck and burried his head in his shoulder.

"Shhh, it's okay. Dada is never gonna leave you, m'kay? Dada loves you." He said soothingly and rubbed circles on Jimin's back. It really felt like he was taking care of an actual three year old but he loved it to be honest. Something about it just made him feel so joyful inside. He smiled softly and kissed his forehead, Jimin's small fingers gripping onto his hoodie as he calmed down. He laid Jimin back down and he looked up at him with teary eyes.

"I'm gonna make dinner then we'll bake cookies, how's that?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded with teary eyes. Taehyung leaned down and kissed Jimin's cheek and got up to make dinner, chicken fried rice.

After he made it, he fixed his and Jimin's plate and set them on the table. While Taehyung had glass of wine, he fixed Jimin apple juice in a sippy cup. He went in the living room and got Jimin up to eat. Jimin sat down and Taehyung began eating his food. He finished faster than Jimin and saw Jimin hadn't even taken a bite.

Jimin looked puzzled at the fork and whined a little. Taehyung was confused at first before realizing the situation. Jimin had regressed a bit younger than three right now. "Are you younger? Do you want me to feed you?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded. Taehyung took the pacifier out Jimin's mouth, a small pout in his pretty pink lips.

He picked up a fork full of food and told Jimin to open his mouth. Jimin did so and Taehyung fed him until Jimin felt back older to his normal three year old headspace again. He took the fork and finished eatimg himself while Taehyung got the cookie dough out the fridge and the other things.

Once Jimin was done eating, he came to the counter next to Taehyung. "Roll the cookies out like this." Taehyung said showing Jimin how to use the roller pin to make perfect circles with the dough. They made about 24 perfect circles and placed them in the oven to bake for about 12 minutes.

Taehyung booped Jimin's nose and Jimin burst into a fit of giggles. Jimin reached up and booped Taehyung's nose to and Taehyung couldn't stop himself from giggling as well. "Cutie." Taehyung said and held Jimin's hands.

After a bit, the oven beeped and Taehyung took out the cookies. Once they were cool, he took them off the tray amd placed them on a cooking sheet. He got out the icing and colored sugar sprinkles, Jimin's eyes lighting up. Though they were chocolate chip cookies, he still wanted to add the icing and sprinkles. He helped Jimin put the icing on the cookies and Jimin put blue, pink, and purple sugar on the cookies making them look galaxy.

Jimin took a bit and smiled. "Mmmmmm!" He hummed and Taehyung chuckled. They ate a few cookies, putting the others on a plate to eat tomorrow. Once Jimin was done eating, Taehyung noticed the icing on his lips amd couldn't resist to kiss them.

He placed his lips in Jimin's and smiled in the sweet kiss, it being extra sweet because of the icing.

He pulled away and smiled at Jimin's blushing face. He took Jimin over to the sink so they could wash their icing covered hands, Taehyung rubbing soap on Jimin's hands for him. They dried their hands and headed upstairs for bed, Taehyung not forgetting Jimin's pacifier.

Taehyung went in the closet and pulled out the blue onsie for Jimin. Jimin squealed once he saw it and Taehyung helped him get dressed in it. "Look how cute you are!" Taehyung said, knowing Jimin was a sucker for praises. Jimin smiled and they got in bed. Jimin put the pacifier in his mouth and Taehyung pulled him close.

"Hoseok is gonna babysit you tomorrow, m'kay? Dada has work but I'll be home early." Taehyung said and Jimin pouted as he sucked on his paci. "Uncle Hobi's nice." Jimin said through his pacifier and Taehyung smiled before taking it out. "Can you give Dada a kiss?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded, placing his lips on Taehyung's.

Taehyung ran his finger's through Jimin's fluffy hair and pulled away, kissing the tip of Jimin's nose. "Goodnight baby, Dada loves you." Taehyung said gently and placed the oacifier in Jimin's mouth. "I love you too, Dada." Jimin said sleepily and snuggled against Taehyung's chest, Taehyung rubbing his back as they both drifted to sleep.

I'm so soft right now.

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