Bunny's Birthday

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September finally came and it was Jungkook's birthday. The younger had finally gotten over everything but still was a little upset every now and then. He was often clingier to Jin and Namjoon when little which was sign he was stressed still so they kept close eye on him.

Jungkook slept in a little late, so Jin wasn't there when he woke up but Namjoon was. The little shifted in the blankets before his eyes fluttered open. He looked around and realized he was alone, not wrapped in Namjoon and Jin's arms.

It made him feel upset. "Daddy?" He called quietly, not loud enough for someone to hear if they were in the house. He began tearing up before he began crying.

Namjoon was downstairs in his office but felt a nudge to go check on Jungkook, so he did. He walked upstairs and heard the crying, his heart beginning to race. He quickly walked into their room and paced to the bed.

Jungkook opened his eyes and stopped crying for a second when he saw Namjoon. "Bunny, what's wrong?" He asked softly, sliding onto the bed next to him. "Y-You left me a-alone." Jungkook hiccuped through his pacifier.

"I'm sorry, baby, don't cry." Namjoon slipped his arms around Jungkook's waist and cradled him in his lap until he calmed down a bit more. He wiped the smaller's tears away, Jungkook's little hands holding tightly onto Namjoon's hoodie.

"W-Where Dada?" He asked. "Jin went to hang out with Jimin today. He'll be back later on but don't worry, I'm here for you." Namjoon stroked his cheeks. Jungkook buried his face into Namjoon's chest, whining quietly as Namjoon rubbed small circles on his back.

"Are you hungry at all?" Namjoon asked. It was around 11:00 am. Jungkook nodded, sucking in his pacifier gently. "What do you want to eat? Do you want breakfast food or lunch food?" Namjoon asked.

"Breakfast." Jungkook mumbled. "Okay." Namjoon said and slid Jungkook off his lap as he stood up. Jungkook made grabby hands for Namjoon, who smiled cutely and picked him up.

He carried the smaller downstairs and set him down at the table. "What do you want, baby? Do you want waffles?" Namjoon asked. The little shook his head. "Cereal?" He asked. Jungkook shook his head and whined quietly. "Well then what do you want?" Namjoon asked.

Jungkook pouted and made a circle shape with his fingers. "Use your words, bun." Namjoon smiled at his cuteness. "Pancakes." Jungkook squeaked adorably. "Sure, I'll make you some." Namjoon cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

Namjoon made the pancakes in the shape of hearts. He only showed it to Jungkook first, the boy in awe of them before Namjoon cut them into smaller pieces so it was easier for his little self to eat.

After he ate, Namjoon fixed him a bottle with orange juice in it, Jungkook drinking it slowly. Namjoon approached him and the boy made grabby hands. Namjoon awed at him before picking the boy up in his arms.

"You're heavy, you know that? Your gonna hurt Daddy's arms of you keep making me pick you up." Namjoon booped his noses "I sorry." Jungkook mumbled as he sucked in his bottle.

"I'm messing with you, baby." Namjoon chuckled.


Later that day, Jin arrived with some bags with things for Jungkook's birthday. "Dada!" Jungkook hurried to Jin in the foyer. "Hi, cutie!" Jin picked the little up, Jungkook hugging him tightly. "Awww, did you miss me, Kookie?" He asked and Jungkook nodded.

"Happy birthday, baby." He said and Jungkook thanked him quietly. "Taehyung and Jimin will be over in a little bit." Jin said. "Jiminie!" Jungkook chirped and Jin giggled. He set the little down and carried set a bag in the kitchen before taking the other upstairs.

Jin kept Jungkook occupied in the living room while Namjoon wrapped his present up in their bedroom. Once done, he walked back downstairs and the doorbell rang.

Jin opened it and smiled. "Hello!" He greeted Taehyung and Jimin warmly. "Jungkookie!" Jimin squealed cutely as the littles hugged each other. "Jiminie!" Jungkook squeaked. They hadn't seen each other in nearly three months.

"Happy birthday." Jimin said cutely. "Thank you." Jungkook smiled. "Kitten, give him your present." Taehyung reminded him. "Here you go!" Jimin held up the gift bag which Jungkook took.

"Thank you Jiminie." Jungkook set the bag on the living room table. They let the littles just play with toys while Taehyung talked with Jin and Namjoon.

"How's he doing?" Taehyung asked. "He's a lot better, just clingier when he's little." Jin said. "That's good." Taehyung said. "That's a hard thing to deal with but I'm glad he was able to get over it." Namjoon said.

They sang happy birthday to Jungkook, had cake and ice cream then watched him open his presents. He just got some new accessories, clothes, pajama onesies and plushies. Typical littlespace things.

After that, Jungkook played with Jimin for a little longer before Taehyung took Jimin home to get ready for bed.

Jin and Namjoon took Jungkook upstairs to get ready for bed. The helped him into a fluffy, baby blue onesie and did a short night routine of brushing his teeth and washing his face.

Jin and Namjoon did the same before they climbed into bed, Jungkook in between them. "Did you have a good day, baby?" Jin asked and kissed Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook nodded as he drank his warm milk from his bottle.

"Do you want to go to the aquarium tomorrow, Bunny?" Namjoon asked and Jungkook nodded excitedly. "Are you sleepy?" Jin asked and Jungkook nodded once more, Jin and Namjoon chuckling softly. Namjoon kisses his cheek gently before they both wrapped their arms around Jungkook.

"Sweet dreams, baby. We love you, okay?" Jin said. "I love you too." Jungkook whispered, falling into slumber. Jin and Namjoon looked at each other before smiling happily.

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