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The past month had been terrible for Jimin. Jungkook has found any and every way to try and break him and Taehyung apart. Taehyung hadn't confronted Jungkook yet, but he planned on it. Jimin has been feeling like trash and felt like Taehyung was losing his love interest for him. Jimin felt broken and thought maybe was the right time to end it all. It was about 6:00 and the sun was about to start setting soon. Jimin slipped on his jacket and decided to leave.

He walked downstairs and grabbed his car keys. "Where you headed?" Taehyung asked as he nibbled on a cookie. "Just, out for some fresh air." He mumbled before leaving. Taehyung was highly suspicious, so he followed after Jimin without him noticing.

Jimin parked his car near the park. There was a busy crosswalk which he stood in front of and took in deep breaths. He asked himself the many questions one asks before killing themselves. Taehyung, puzzled, watched from behind a tree. Jimin took out his phone and texted Taehyung.

Minnie: Tae, I'm so sorry and you know how much I love you but, it's the end for me. I don't deserve you or to be here anymore. I know you no longer love and it's okay. I'll be out of your life forever once I'm dead but please remember how much me and little Jimin loved you. I'm at the crosswalk by the park. If you want to try and stop me, you can but I think it'll be too late by the time you get here. I loved you, so much.

Once Taehyung read it, his eyes widened as he saw the crosswalk light turn red, the cars beginning to go. Things went in slow motion as Jimin hopped in front of a large pick up truck and Taehyung ran as fast as he could. Some would call it a miracle how Taehyung managed to grabbed Jimin out of the way of that truck and cross the street safely as car honked at them.

Jimin was a sobbing mess as Taehyung held him tight. "I'm s-sorry Tae. I'm so sorry." Jimin cried in Taehyung's shoulder.

Once at home, he carried Jimin upstairs and they laid in bed, cuddled close. "Why do you think I don't love you?" Taehyung asked and Jimin shrugged as tears left his eyes. "Jimin I love you more than you can even imagine and the fact that I almost lost you hurts me so much. I've always loved you, so much and whatever Jungkook is doing isn't working because I still love you more than anything on this earth." Taehyung  said contently and Jimin felt the tears falling, he couldn't believe Taehyung loved him that much. "I love you too." Jimin croaked out and connected their lips in a sweet kiss.

Taehyung pulled away and pressed their foreheads together, Jimin feeling Taehyung's breath against his lips they were that close. He cupped Jimin's face and wiped the tears away, a light smile curling in his lips. Jimin looked into his eyes and smiled a little as well. "M'sorry." Jimin said cutely and Taehyung cooed. "It's okay baby, I promise." Taehyung said and smiled a little as he felt all his worries wither away, Jimin falling into his headspace.

Taehyung helped Jimin into his onsie  and he got into his own pajamas before they got back into bed. He held Jimin close by his waist, Jimin burying his face into Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung softly kissed his forehead and smiled to himself. "Minnie?" Taehyung asked softly. "Hmm?" Jimin hummed through his pacifier. "How about I take a week off from work and we go on a nice vacation. Just me and you, how's that?" Taehyung asked and Jimin smiled and nodded. Taehyung kissed his cheek before the two drifted to sleep.


Oh snap what's gonna happen??? Also, I updated😱

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