1 year

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Today was the day the couple left for a tropical island for vacation. Something was special today to but Jimin was starting to think Taehyung forgot. For the past few months, Taehyung had barely been home because he was working more so things were done when he went off on vacation with Jimin.

Jimin being little most the time was also hard because Hoseok and Yoongi couldn't babysit him all the time.

Jimin sat on the couch sighing to himself as he checked the time on his phone. Taehyung came down the stairs with their suitcases and looked at Jimin on the couch, looking rather sad.

He walked over to him and smiled. "Time to go now." Taehyung said softly and Jimin got up, shoving his phone in his jacket pocket.  Taehyung didn't understand why Jimim was so moody all of a sudden.

Taehyung placed their suitecases in the back of the car and their driver drove them to the airport. Jimin hated the airport a lot because they were always mobbed by papparazzi. Taehyung was only CEO of a large company, not a k-pop idol. But because of Taehyung's really good looks, he always had it.

They got out the car and, of course, the camera flashes starting going off, security blocking people from their walkway. Taehyung held Jimin's hand as they walked inside and to security.

Once through security, the two got onto Taehyung's private jet. Yep, he was that rich. Jimin fiddled with the bottom of his shirt and Taehyung looked at him. "You okay?"  He asked and Jimin nodded shyly, resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung held his hand and rubbed his palms gently.

The plane ride there was peaceful, Jimin drifting to sleep while Taehyung finished up some last bits of work.

As they landed, Jimin woke up and began instantly crying. "What happened?" Taehyung asked as he cupped Jimin's cheeks and wiped his tears away. "My e-ears hurt." Jimin stuttered. "It's okay, they just got blocked while we were landing and you were sleep." Taehyung said and handed Jimin a bottle of ice cold apple juice.

Jimin took some sips and his ear popped, Jimin wincing from the pain of it. They got their things and walked down the satirs of his jet. They were guided inside the airport where paparazzi awaited them, luckily not as much as in Korea.

Taehyung's assistant, who came along to help, grabbed their suite cases and rolled them out the airport and into a mini van. Their driver drove them around, the sun almost had set by then. They drove past the beach which was very beautiful and Jimin looked in awe.

They made it to their beach house which was really fancy because Taehyung wanted it to be a nice, luxurious vacation.

They made it to their beach house which was really fancy because Taehyung wanted it to be a nice, luxurious vacation

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"Really Tae?" Jimin asked in disbelief of where they were staying. "Just for you." Taehyung said and kissed Jimin's cheek, Jimin smiling a little.

Once inside, they went to their room and unpacked first. Jimin always liked to unpack his things first before doing anything when on vacation. Once done unpacking, Jimin changed into his pajamas. "I'll be back, I need to go to the store and buy something." Taehyung said and Jimin nodded.

Jimin sat on the couch and pulled a fluffy blanket over him. He switched on the tv and put on a movie. It was a good thing he took english classes back in college so he can understand everything they were saying.

Jimin felt his eyes tear up but stopped. He didn't want to cry bit couldn't help think, had Tae forgotten?

Jimin sighed hearing the door open and Taehyung walk in laughing with Wendy, his assistant. "Thanks." He said and she nodded before walking upstairs to her room for the night. Taehyung saw how sad Jimin looked and frowned before going to their room and getting in his pajamas himself, slipping a box in his pocket. (A/n: Just gonna jump the gun, he ain't proposing.)

Jimin really did feel sad since the day was over and he was sure Taehyung forgot. Jimin got up and went into the kitchen, fixing himself a glass of flavored sparkling water. As he took small sips to distract him from crying, he felt a warm, strong pair of arms wrap around his waist and Taehyung's cheek pressed against his.

"Happy one year." Taehyung whispered softly and smiled. Jimin softened a bit and turned around, officially tearing up now. He hugged Taehyung tight and buried his face in Taehyung's chest. "I thought you forgot." He mumbled and Taehyung cooed. "Of course I didn't forget. I could never forget." Taehyung said and kissed Jimin's forehead, rubbing his back gently.

He picked Jimin up and carried him to the living room, Jimin giggling the whole way. They sat on the couch criss cross apple sauce facing each other. "I got you something." Taehyung said and Jimin smiled lightly. Taehyung pulled the box out his pocket and handed it to Jimin. Jimin unwrapped the ribbon and pulled the small lid off. He heart skipped a beat seeing the pretty bracelet. "Tae, you didn't have to." Jimin said and Taehyyng leaned over stealing a kiss. "I wanted to." He said and Jimin giggled.

Taehyung loved his cute little giggles. He loved Jimin, so much. The bracelet was sliver and was a charm bracelet. It already had all the charms except one. Jimin wondered what that one was for but admired all the others that were different things that represented their relationship. In the middle of the bracelet was a small diamond heart, their names inscribed in very small, fine print on the back of it.

"I have a matching one." Taehyung said and held out his arm showing Jimin. "Aww Tae." Jimin said and hugged him. "I didn't get you anything though." Jimin said sadly and Taehyung shook his head. "I don't need anything when all I have is you." Taehyung said and Jimin grinned. "This is why I love you." Jimin said and connected their lips in a sweet kiss.

He pulled away and sighed happily. Taehyung helped put the bracelet on Jimin's arm and they snuggled up in the blanket watching a movie. Taehyung couldn't have asked for more.

Jungkook sat at his desk late at night. He hadn't left the building yet because he was in deep thought about something as he finished up his work. He didn't realize what he was doing until a tear fell onto a paper he was writing on.

He wiped his face in shock. He never cried. He dearly missed Jimin and regrets everyday without him. This didn't mean he was gonna stop tormenting them until he got Jimin back though.

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