Date Day

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Summer was halfway over by now. It was coming towards the end of July and that meant Taehyung was gonna have to start going back to work more often pretty soon. He worked 1 day of the week during the summer but worked nearly all seven days from September to June.

Today Jimin wasn't in littlespace because he wanted to spend some time with Taehyung while in his normal headspace. Jimin was awake but Taehyung was still asleep, small quiet snores leaving his lips which made Jimin giggle a little.

"Tae?" He whispered, facing him and poking his face. Taehyung frowned a little before his eyes fluttered open. Jimin smiled and kissed his lips quickly. "Hey baby." Taehyung mumbled and closed his eyes, stretching his arms above his head.

"Are you little right now?" He asked. "No." Jimin shook his head.

"Can we do something today?" Jimin asked. "I dunno, what do you want to do?" Taehyung mumbled, Jimin climbing onto his lap. "Um, we could go get ice cream, or see a movie, or go to the beach, or go to the mall, or do all four?" Jimin suggested. "Okay, we can do all four then." Taehyung smiled.

Jimin leaned down and kissed his lips, Taehyung gripping his waist gently. "I haven't talked to you out of littlespace in so long." Taehyung said. "I'm sorry, I know you miss me." Jimin said as they walked into the kitchen to each breakfast.

"No, it's alright. I love when you're little. You're so precious." Taehyung cupped Jimin's cheeks and kissed his forehead. "What do want for breakfast?" Jimin asked. "Um, just some toast and a smoothie." Taehyung said as he sat at the counter.

"What type of toast? Peanut butter, avocado, Nutella..." Jimin went to name about twenty different types of toast, Taehyung laughing a little. "Just Nutella, with bananas too." Taehyung said, Jimin smiling a little as he got the stuff out to make it.

He made himself avocado toast and for the smoothie they had mixed berry with kale. Jimin sat beside Taehyung at the counter, the two quietly eating their breakfast as they watched the news on the small tv in the kitchen. "So where are we going first?" Jimin asked.

"I think it'll make sense to go see the movie first, then I'll take you to get lunch and ice cream, then we could go to the mall and lastly, the beach." Taehyung said. "Sounds fun to me." Jimin smiled as he finished eating. He cleaned their dishes and the two got ready for the day fairly quick.

Jimin sat besides Taehyung in the car, smiling at him. "What?" Taehyung chuckled as he began driving. "Nothing." Jimin whispered and shook his head.

The two ended up seeing the new Toy Story movie because they both grew up watching those movies. Jimin liked it but Taehyung didn't because to him it just didn't feel like the originals.

"Where do you want to go for lunch?" Taehyung asked as they exited the theater. "I don't know." Jimin shrugged. "There's a new Shake Shack that just opened, wanna go?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded.

It wasn't to far from where they were. Sadly it was a bit crowded but after a while they finally got their food and sat down. "I think maybe you should teach me about stranger danger when I'm little." Jimin suggested. "Yeah I think I should too. I was so scared, I couldn't even sleep." Taehyung said. "Aww, Tae..." Jimin looked at him.

"It's just, you're my world Jimin, and I can't lose you." He said and Jimin hummed, blushing softly as he finished eating. Taehyung held his hand as the two talked about random stuff before going to get ice cream.

Jimin only had a small cup though because he was pretty full from lunch. He got moose tracks and Taehyung got mint chocolate chip. Conveniently, they were at the ice cream place in the mall so they just decided to walk around as they ate.

Jimin ended up buying a bunch of fall clothes so he didn't have to do it when fall finally rolled around. Plus they weren't as expensive as they'd be in October and November.

Taehyung got some clothes as well and small present for Jimin. Of course Jimin didn't know because Jimin was too busy looking at sweaters while Taehyung bought it.

After shopping for a while the two headed home to get ready to go to the beach. Jimin grabbed a popsicle out of the freezer and ate it quietly while he waited for Taehyung to come downstairs.

He finally can down with a bag that had their towels, some snacks and Jimin's small present. "You ready?"  Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded, throwing the popsicle stick away and they left of out of the house.

Luckily, because it was later in the day, the beach wasn't crowded. Just some older couples taking evening walks and looking at the sun begin to set. Taehyung didn't really want to get in the water but Jimin forced him to for a little bit.

After being in the water for a while, Jimin got out and walked along the shore just gathering seashells and made a sand castle next to their lounge chairs. "Look Taehyung." Jimin said and held up his hand, which had a small crab on it.

"Oh goodness, if only Namjoon were here." Taehyung said and Jimin giggled. "He would've found twelve crabs by now." Jimin said. He suddenly gasped. "I'm gonna get him a pet crab for his birthday!" Jimin said and Taehyung laughed.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Jin might eat it for dinner." Taehyung tried to hold back a laugh after saying something that but he couldn't help but laugh at that, as well as Jimin. He set the little crab in the mote around the sandcastle before sitting on Taehyung's lap.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin, the smaller resting his head on his chest. "Did you have fun today?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded. He watched the sunset in awe, the sky an ombré of blue, purple, pink and orange.

"I love you Jimin, so so much. You mean everything to me." Taehyung said, Jimin looking up into his eyes. "Me too Tae, me too." Jimin mumbled and kissed his lips gently. "I got you something..." Taehyung reached into the bag and pulled out a small box with a ribbon tied around it.

Jimin sat up on Taehyung's lap and slowly took the ribbon off. He opened the box and smiled cutely. "Aww, this is so cute." Jimin chirped. It was a necklace with two small diamond charms, one shaped like a heart and the other shaped like a cat's head, you know, being Jimin's nickname was 'Kitten' while he's in littlespace.

Taehyung helped put the necklace on for Jimin who hugged Taehyung tightly. "Thanks Taehyung, for everything." He whispered in his ear. "Of course baby, anything for you." Taehyung smiled to himself, hugging Jimin back just as tight.

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