I've got you

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Taehyung woke up to Jimin crying, which is not what he was expecting. "Shhhh, I'm here." he whispered and kissed Jimin's forehead. "I missed you Dada. I was so scared." Jimin mumbled cutely as he sniffled.

"I know baby but he's gone. He's not gonna hurt you anymore, I promise." Taehyung said and pulled Jimin closer. "I love you." Jimin mumbled quietly and buried his face in Taehyung's shoulder.

Jimin didn't know why he was here or why he wanted to visit him. He just felt the need to end their beef with each other, hopefully for good. Jimin stood there in front of the large glass wall, Taehyung next to him.

"Visitor for Jungkook." a speaker said in Jungkooks room which surprised him. The curtain of the large glass wall raised as Jimin's breath hitch seeing Jungkook. He looked so broken laying there in a couch looking up at the ceiling. When he looked up and the two made eye contact, Jungkook broke into tears and ran up to the glass, banging on it. "Jimin please help me, I hate it here." Jungkook cried. Jimin was filled with too many complex emotions seeing Jungkook like this. "Please I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry please get me out of here!" He cried and Jimin was holding back tears. "I'm sorry. I just wish we could be cool with each other and you didn't try to hurt us." Jimin said.

Jungkook shook his head as more tears poured from his eyes. "Jimin I swear I didn't want to hurt you." Jungkook cried. "So when.." Jimin began crying. "So when you had that gun pointed at me y-you didn't want to hurt me?" Jimin asked almost angry. Jungkook had been crying so hard, he was having trouble breathing as a panic attack set in, security rushing in to help him.

"I think you should go. Maybe visit another day." One of the psychiatrist said and Jimin nodded as he wiped some tears. The drive back home was silent and Jimin cried softly. "I just wish he'd let go of me." Jimin mumbled, Taehyung resting a hand on Jimin's thigh. "I know, it's gonna take some time." Taehyung said, the rain outside pouring down.

Jimin pressed his chubby cheek against the window, sighing sadly. When they got home, Jimin held onto Taehyung tightly and cried in his shoulders at the shuddering memories of being locked in a closet multiple times and being touch places he never wanted anyone else but Taehyung to touch and the many times he'd been hit. "I wish I could forgive him for what he did to me but I d-don't think I can." Jimin cried, Taehyung rubbing his back gently. "Shhhh, it's okay." Taehyung said softly, trying to get Jimin into littlespace so he wasn't in pain from the stress he was having.

"Dada is here, I promise." Taehyung whispered. "I'm not l-little." Jimin said and hung onto Taehyung tighter. "But you want to be." Taehyung said and Jimin nodded as Taehyung picked him up and took him upstairs to their room. "Dada?" Jimin whispered adorably making Taehyung melt. "Yes kitten?" Taehyung said just as softly. "Can Minnie take a nap?" He asked, his golden brown eyes peering in Taehyung's. "Of course, baby." He said and kissed Jimin's cheek.

He helped the little get changed in his fluffy yellow footed onesie and gave him his paci. He walked downstairs and made a bottle of warm milk for Jimin, to help him sleep faster. Once back upstairs, he sat in the edge of the bed, slipping the bottle in Jimin's mouth, cute noises emittting from Jimin as he sucked on it. Taehyung gently rubbed his fingers through Jimins fluffy hair and smiled. He was just so cute! How could anyone hurt someone so cute an innocent as him?

"I've got you baby. No ones gonna hurt you ever again. I swear if one person lays a finger on you they'll be royally screwed." Taehyung said gently as he stroked Jimin's fluffy locks of hair. Once Jimin finished his bottle, Taehyung took it out his mouth and set it on the nightstand. "Is Jungkookie evil?" Jimin asked, rubbing his tired eyes. "No baby, I think he just really wants you back and it's driving him mad. That happens to people." Taehyung said. "M'kay..." Jimin mumbled. "Can I get a kiss?" He asked with a cute smile. "Of course." Taehyung said and gave him a shirt, soft kiss on the lips.

"Take a nap now." Taehyung whispered and slipped the pacifier in between Jimin's lips as he fell asleep.

Taehyung took his empty bottle downstairs and rinsed it out, putting it in the cabinet with all of Jimin's other littlespace dishes. He smiled to himself because he finally had Jimin back. He loves him so much and blames himself for not listening to Jimin the night he was taken.

A few hours later, Taehyung was disturbed from watching tv when he heard Jimin crying loudly. He went upstairs to their room quickly and opened the door, his heart breaking at the sight. Jimin was curled up in a ball crying against the headboard, mumbling somethings Taehyung couldn't hear.

"Jimin, baby, what's the matter?" Taehyung asked getting closer. He was shaking violently and struggling to breathe. "D-Don't hurt me, I promise I-I'll be good." Jimin cried. Taehyung was confused at first until he realized Jimin was having a panic attack. "Don't touch- hurt me, please."He cried as he rocked back and forth. "Shhhh, Jimin, it's not real." Taehyung said as he tried to pull Jimin in a hug but the boy flinched away so quickly, it hurt Taehyung on the inside.

"Dada help me!" He cried. "Jimin it's me, I promise." Taehyung said trying to calm him down but when he tried to hold Jimin hand, he flinched once again. "Don't hurt me Jungkookie." He cried quietly. "Baby it's Taehyung." Taehyung said and pulled Jimin close to him, not letting go no matter how much Jimin struggled.

Jimin finally opened his eyes, realizing it was Taehyung and held onto him as tight as his little fingers let him. "Shhh, it wasn't real, I'm here. I've got you." Taehyung whispered and placed soft kisses on Jimin's cheek. "D-Dada it w-was s-s-scary." Jimin cried as Taehyung shushed him.

"It's over. You don't have to worry anymore." Taehyung whispered. It was silent in the room except Jimin's soft sniffles as he calmed down. "I love you so much and no ones gonna hurt you again."

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