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"Hey Jimin?" Taehyung called from the front door as he just got home from work. "Yeah?" Jimin asked walking into the foyer. "Can we talk about something important?" He asked and Jimin nodded, the two sitting in the kitchen.

"What's this about?" Jimin asked and Taehyung sighed. "It's about you being little." Taehyung said, Jimin's breath hitching. "What did I do?" Jimin asked nervously. "Well, for one, you've seemed down. Are you okay? Have you been really stressed lately?" Taehyung asked. "I guess I have, you know, about losing the baby in all and this stuff with Jungkook. It's hard seeing him again after what he put me through." Jimin confessed.

"Well, I understand that but yesterday, you acted very badly." taehyung informed. "What?" Jimin asked in disbelief. "You said you didn't sleep well but you had an attitude all day and swore at me." Taehyung said. "Oh my god." Jimin panicked, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm really sorry Tae." Jimin mumbled. "Hey..." Taehyung said cupping Jimin's cheeks. "It's okay, I love you." Taehyung smiled softly and pecked his lips.

"I didn't think it would have to really come to this but I think we should make rules for when you're feeling little. Only to prevent me getting angry at you." Taehyung suggested. "That's okay. We can do that." Jimin said walking out to grab a sheet of paper, and glitter markers.

"What? It has to be pretty." Jimin said and Taehyung chuckled.

Jiminie's Rules

1. Do not swear at Daddy

2. Do not talk back

3. Do not speak rudely, use manners

4. Tell Daddy immediately when you need to go potty

5. Bedtime is at 11:00 (unless daddy allows you to stay up later)

6. Always tell daddy when something is wrong.

7. Tell daddy if he does something to you that you don't like

8. Clean up your toys when you're finished playing with them

9. Be honest and tell Daddy if you break a rule.

10. Don't touch Daddy's work materials in his office

11. No sweets after bedtime except your bottle of milk.

12. Always listen to Daddy. Don't disobey him.

13. Most important, tell Daddy you love him because he loves you too.

-You will be placed in time-out for twenty minutes or longer if you break these rules.

Jimin finished coloring the last few letters and Jimin smiled. He handed the paper to Taehyung who place it on the fridge with a magnet. "You'll follow these rules when you're little, right?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded.


"What's wrong?" Jin asked sweetly for the hundredth time in the past two hours. That's how long Jungkook had been crying for. They were still trying to figure out his likes, dislikes and needs when he was little. They'd have to ask him when he was feeling normal. Namjoon walked in the living room, frowning a little form all the noise. "What's wrong with him?" He asked. "I don't know, he won't say." Jin said.

Jungkook began coughing, which scared the poor little, Jin patting his back lightly. He felt so bad looking at how sad he was, his eyes red and puffy with tears pouring out of them, crying through his pacifier. Jungkook reached his arms towards Namjoon who looked him puzzled. Jungkook cried harder as he made grabby hands for him. "I think he want you to hold him." Jin said. "No, I don't really want to." Namjoon said.

"Babe, we made a promise." Jin snapped, looking straight in Namjoon's eyes. Namjoon clearly saw how Jin was hurt by that which he was to scared to deal with so he walked off down the hall to the sunroom. "Namjoon what the hell!?" Jin called. Jin scoffed and picked Jungkook up, the younger wrapping his arms and legs around him, his cries quieting down to small little hiccups and sniffles.

Jin took him upstairs and to the lounge room, which was technically Jungkook's play room with a couch and a tv along with his toy bin. Jin laid on the carpet next to the little, turning a cartoon on, on the tv. Jin held Jungkook close to him, his cries beginning to die down. "You're okay, bun, calm down." Jin whispered and stroked his hair gently.

"I d-don't think D-Daddy likes m-me." Jungkook stuttered which hit Jin deep. He didn't want Jungkook to think they didn't care about him because Jin cared about the little so much. He wanted him to feel happy with them, and know that they were willing to do anything for him. "Don't say that, Namjoon isn't used to this stuff. He loves you too, okay? I love you." Jin whispered and kissed his forehead, the two eventually drifting off to sleep for a small nap.

Namjoon exited the sunroom to check on the two, guilt washing over him. Namjoon never liked kids or the idea of taking care of one and a little was a bit much. But it goes further than that. Namjoon always ran away from his problems and just hoped they'd vanish magically but that's not how it works. His problems would be there whether he liked it or not, and he'd have to deal with them for now on, not Jin.

He walked upstairs, heart aching seeing the two sound asleep on the carpet. Namjoon walked over to Jungkook and bent down, picking the boy up and carrying him away. He was so...adorable and Namjoon couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions that he'd let Jungkook down like that earlier. He laid the boy in their bed and then went back to get Jin. He picked his husband up bridal style and carried him in there as well and laid him next to Jungkook. "I'm sorry." Namjoon whispered before leaving out.


Jimin stood near the window in their room, watching the sun set. "You okay?" He heard Taehyung asked. Jimin nodded and Taehyung walked over, wrapping his arms around Jimin from behind. "What were you thinking about?" He asked. "Our daughter..." Jimin trailed off. "If I wasn't so stressed, none of it would've ever-" "Jimin..." Taehyung stopped him. "It is okay. It happened and there's nothing we could do about it." Taehyung whispered. "It was my fault though." Jimin whispered. "Babe, none of it was you fault, stop thinking like that Jimin." Taehyung said.

"Sorry." Jimin mumbled. "I love you sweetie, m'kay?" Taehyung promised, kissing the side of Jimin's neck. Taehyung chuckled lightly, rubbing Jimin's tummy. "You're little pregnant belly was adorable though." Taehyung whispered, Jimin giggling. "Shut up~" Jimin whined, turning to face Taehyung and burying his face in his shoulder. Taehyung hugged him close, kissing Jimin's head and smiling faintly. "Let's go to bed, yeah?" Taehyung asked and Jimin responded with a light hum.

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