Chapter 4

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#Lyn's POV#

This was a dream come true. After I unpacked all my stuff, which was not a lot, just a few clothes and my toiletries, I came downstairs. Both Lizzie and Joel were recording as they said before, and Lizzie had not called for me yet. Buddy was lying on the couch, taking a nap, and I snuggled in with him, stroking his soft white and grey fur and drifted off. Today was a really exhausting day! 

I awoke to Lizzie calling me. "Lyn! Come upstairs to my office! It's time for your video clip!" I jumped out of the couch, scaring Buddy into pouncing off and running to the kitchen. I climbed the stairs two at a time and skidded into Lizzie's office. There, she and Joel were waiting for me. 

"Excited?" Joel asked, ruffling my hair. I nodded, beaming. "Okay," Lizzie started. "I'm going to say: 'And here she is!' and you'll pop out from behind my chair. Right. Let's start." She pressed record on her screen. 

" she is!" Lizzie motioned to me as I jumped up from my hiding spot. "Hi guys!" I cried and waved to the camera. "So, Lyn, do you like your new home?" She asked me. "YES! It's extraordinary living here, I love your videos!" 

Lizzie asked a few more questions for me, like my hobbies and my favourite things and then we were done! "That's it for this in real life episode. Don't forget to leave a like and please consider subscribing to my channel and I will see you next time. Bye!" She finished the video like she would always, asking for likes and subscriptions and clicked off the camera. "All done! Now who wants pizza for dinner?" 

#Lizzie's POV#

We ordered one large pepperoni pizza and one Hawaiian pizza and when it came we gobbled it all up and guzzled it all down with apple juice. I love Hawaiian pizza, Joel loves pepperoni and Lyn? Well, she loves both types even though this is the first time she tried pineapple on pizza. 

After dinner, I went back to my office and edited the video that we filmed this afternoon. This wasn't as hard as editing my Minecraft videos as the clips doesn't need to be trimmed or cropped. It took me about an hour to get the video together, named it 'Welcome Home Lyn!' and uploaded it to YouTube. Then I went back downstairs and joined Joel and Lyn who was watching TV. 

A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I just wanted to upload something today. Hope you like it!

-Eclipse 🌙

Adopted By My Idols #1: A Jizzie Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now