Make me part 2

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"He didn't answer did he." Erica asked when I stepped a foot in the door like she was waiting for me. "Does he still hate us, because I would be happy to kick jackass know if it comes to it." Isaac said. He has always been the one for peace but after stiles left... "No he didn't answer-" "I knew it he hates us." Erica said. I growled at her for interrupting me she looked down. "As I was saying he didn't answer because I didn't call him, now before you guys go attack of the alpha know that I am stronger than you all and that I have a plan. And Isaac apologize to Jackson-" "as if, I don't need to apologize to him he needs to apologize to me, us, you....he's the reason Stiles left." Isaac said. I growled loud. "I swear on my families death the next person that interrupts me will not have a tongue, Isaac I don't know what has gotten into you but I said we are a family we will treat each other as such." He stared blank faced at me. "Family fight." He said and stormed out. "Isa-" "I'll go apologize." Jackson said. "Again." He added and walked out. "It's not your fau-" I sighed in frustration I'm a failure as an alpha. "Why didn't you call him you said you would it's been six months Derek." Erica said. I looked at her with pleading eyes to just let it go but ofcourse... "Batman won't ever come back will he." She said with tears in her eyes. She fell to the ground knees to her chest. "Boyd." I screamed while crouching down to Erica. "Shh shh, it's going to be ok." I said trying to calm her down. " it's not and you know it he's never coming back...never." she said crying. Boyd ran down the stairs and held her whispering sweet things in her ear to calm her down. He walked her upstairs and turned around to give me a pained look. I returned it. Lydia was sitting down in the living room so quiet I wouldn't have noticed she was there until I heard her try to talk. She wanted to say something but she just stared at the ground. After Stiles left she does this a lot. "Why do you think he left." She said. I sat down. I honestly don't know I mean of course I know but I need to know for sure. "I haven't really thought about it." I said, I lied I think about it every day, every hour, every minute, every second. "I don't need to be a werewolf to know that was a lie." She said with a blank face. Isaac stormed back in with Jackson not that far from behind. "How many times do I have to apologize to you Isaac I'm sorry ok I'm sorry that I drove away your only support I'm sorry I drove away your help your comfort. I'm sorry, Derek, that I sent your mate running for the hills with no trace. I'm sorry 'Family' that I drove Stiles away. I'm sorry that I was so self centered that I didn't thank you guys for saving me. Sorry that I am a complete ass. I'm sorry that you all have wasted your time on me. I'm sorry that you all hate me for what I did. I'm sorry...if I could take it back if I could go back and make it right I would try my hardest. I'm sorry that I can't change the past and can't see into the future. What more can you ask of me I have apologized to every single one of you individually. I'm sorry ok." Jackson said with tears rolling down his face in heavy streams. "I miss him too." He said quietly as he slid down the wall and to the floor. "Jackson." I said. He looked up. I smiled. "It is not your fault he left, it's none of was a choice he wanted to make. Nothing more nothing less I promise." I said trying to keep cool...trying to lead my broken pack. I stood up and walked out. I walked until I couldn't. "Stiles..." I whispered. I sat on a rock and thought about reasons he could have left then it dawned on me.
"Derek you wouldn't be like mad at me if I left for college you know try to find my life somewhere." He said. "No I wouldn't be mad." He hummed. "But the pack might not be having it." It's heart skipped. "The pack right..." I nudged him a little so that he would turn around. He did. "Shoot." I said. He started telling me about the college he was looking at. I was excited for him...sad for everyone else. After a while his mood started to change. We started arguing over everything little things big things anything at all. He always said I was never there for him. And don't even get me started on our sex life...or lack there of he wouldn't even touch me in a loving way let alone look at me like that...that wasn't even what honestly mattered to me he was pulling away for reasons I don't think I'll ever know...he stopped coming to pack meetings saying he was always busy. He coped with being a werewolf well. He survived through his heat without me...he wasn't even Stiles anymore. Though ofcourse he was smart enough to leave a trail knowing I would want to apologize for nothing just to try and help him...but the trail lead to nowhere. Hell every trail lead to nowhere. I miss him more than anything. I got up from my sunk in state to go talk to someone that could help me understand how to get my mate my stiles back to me. I went to his moms grave. I sat down. "Hi mrs.Stilinski," I said," I am Derek...stiles boyfriend...or well I thought so. I love him ma'am with everything in me. It's been 6 months since I've have last seen or heard from him and it hurts. No one gets me like he does. Yeah he can be a little eh at times but I love him. I don't know how to get him back to me. I am so sorry I know you probably hate me. I would hate me too, I let your son get hurt som many times. I couldn't protect him. I want to be there for him...wherever there is. Since your in heaven with my mom...I'm sure you know I'm supernatural...a werewolf. But times have changed and this thing that has been thrusted upon me is a curse. Your son means the world to me. He is my sun, my air. I love the hell out of him. I have failed you and I have failed your husband and I'm sorry I wish that I could take back the days that Stiles was hurting or crying. He brung my pack together. He was the only thing holding us all. But I don't know what to do. How do I get him back? How do I tell him that I'm sorry? How do I get him to love me again? How do I get him back to beacon hills? Everything smells like him here I can smell the tears the pain...I can smell his scent. Oh that wonderful smell. I can smell his heartache feel him as though he was here. That's what hurts the most feeling like I can feel him here but he's not." I sat at mrs. Stilinski's grave crying for my love. Crying for stiles my soul burning, aching for his warm. My skin burning longing for his touch. This is the first time I've ever felt like I was on fire while my body was ice cold. My body shaking with tears I haven't cried this hard since my family was burned to death. I heard a crack but I thought it was just a animal. "D-Derek." I heard. I shot up and turned around to find a teary eyed Stiles. With a choked teary smile I took a step closer. "Stiles." I said. He did the same thing I did. He full bolted ran at me. "I missed you so much Derek I'm so sorry for leaving." He said kissing me deeply. "Stiles...I never stopped looking for you none of us did...not even Jackson." I said holding him and not wanting to let go in fear that he would just vanish. "I know....I know I've been here for...t-two months." He said. I looked at him. I set him down. "Two months." I said trying to sound angry but failing. "I'm sorry Derek I couldn't stand being away from you. Those four months were hell college sucks." He said. "The pack misses much." I said. He started taking steps back. "Oh my...the pack...they...I...I probably scared the living hell out of them." He said. I chuckled. "Not funny." He said poking my chest with a smile. His face changed drastically. "Lydia..." he said "...Jackson I have to go apologize." He said. He started running towards my car. "Ok ok I'm coming." I said. "Let's get food first." I said when I got to the car. He nodded along. "Does your dad know your here." I said. "Where do you think I've been hiding for two months." he said. I left it at that with a smile. He's back that's what matters most right now. "Ok food and then your house." I was watching him. He blushed. "Focus Derek come on." He said. I laughed and started to Arby's. I have to get a lot of food if I want the pack to be calm I thought laughing to myself.

A/N Questions to think about: How will the pack react? How will Jackson react? Will Jackson ever explain why he is such an ass? Will stiles tell everyone why he left? How will that work out? Will Lydia forgive him? Will Derek and Stiles finally have sex again after so long handling themselves? Why do teachers give so much homework for one day and expect you to finish it by the next day? Why do soooo many people hate me at my school? If you want you can answer these things in the comments(please do😁).

ok ok people people. I know this seems like, the end but it's not. Nope not at all only the second part. I wouldn't swipe my readers of the come back home to the pups the reunion of there lost pack mom.

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