Nothing But A Booty Call part 4

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I woke up early to get some food to Scott before he goes back to his fiancé. I walked down into the kitchen and I just laughed Scott hung over. He sat with a garbage can right at his feet. I looked at him. All of the thoughts of what he said last night everything he said flooded my head. I walked over to him and I pat his shoulder he looked up at me he put his hands around my waist. I got this weird feeling inside. I moved his arms and he looked defeated I pulled him up out of the chair. "Did you want breakfast Scotty?" I asked he just laid his head on my shoulder. I felt his breath on my neck. "I would love that." he said I moved him off me over to the chair at the island. I cooked breakfast eggs bacon and what not. I was scrabbling the eggs when I felt a presence looming over me. I felt his breath on my neck. "Scott sit down I said laughing and he didn't. I turned around to try and push him off me I was already only in underwear and so was he but when I turned around his lips pushed against mine. As much as I wanted to stop him I couldn't. I pushed him off though. "The food is gonna burn." I said he moved it off the eye. "Scott." I said he looked at me with hungry eyes. He towered over me there was no escape. He leant down to kiss me again but I turned away. "You are getting married Scott and you are gonna be happy with that do you hear me. You can't do this right now." I had tears in my eyes and I looked up at him. He held my chin. "But I love you. I have always loved you." He said I pushed him away. I went up to my room. He followed after and stood in my door. " Scott not right now this is not a good time. Worst timing ever actually." I said. " When is the right time will there ever be a right time." He said. "Scott." I said. He looked down. "I see you know, I get it you would rather be a married guy." He said I took a step. "Scott that's not-" I started but he cut me off. "No, no it's all clear I understand now. We can never be together because I'm not good enough for you. I'm not married with a family I'm not in a committed marriage. I'm just some guy who has loved you since the 4th grade. I'm just some guy who actually cares about you a guy who actually wants to be with you. But I guess that's not what you like, I'm not what you like I get it." He said. He walked out of my room and went down the stairs. "SCOTT!" I said. He didn't reply. I ran down the stairs he was closing the door. I bolted to the door. I opened the door. "Scott!" I yelled he stopped and turned around. "What stiles what." he said. I ran to him and I jumped on him and I kissed him he pulled away and looked in my eyes. He kissed me again. I felt a wave of lust fell over me deeply. This is more than what I thought could ever come of Scott and me. I moved my hands through his hair and he held me up. We didn't move we stood there and we made out. Not an innocent peck, but a full-grown passionate, lustful, beautiful, messy kiss. He put me down and we just stared in each other's eyes. I saw a sparkle in his eyes like the first time we kissed. I knew I felt it then but just seeing him walking out to go be unhappy just thinking about not having him had me scared. I hugged him and he picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist and he chased for my lips. When we kissed I felt another spark, an explosion. He started walking me to the door. When we reached the door he opened it. He was still holding me he sat me down on the counter and looked me in my eyes. I blushed and looked down. "You are so beautiful." He said to me. I just smiled he touched my face and walked away. He went to the counter and got the vodka he put it down next to me and he went to go get glasses. I took the vodka and I ran upstairs. I ran into and I drank a gulp. I could hear him walking up the stairs I turned on some music. I started dancing taking more swigs from the bottle. I turned towards the door and he stood there smiling I took another swig and he started walking towards me. "You should slow down there." He said taking the bottle from my hands. He picked me up and put me on the bed. He climbed over and placed kisses all over my neck. "Sc-oott we should just wait a little while to- ahhh- get to this point." He smiled against my neck. He lifted up. "I should actually go." He said I stood up I grabbed his hand. "I don't want you to leave." I said rubbing his hand. He turned around. "I know but I have something to take care of." I groaned. "Your gonna come back right?" I asked he smiled "yes of course" he grabbed one of my shirts and we headed downstairs. He grabbed a bottle of water and he went to the door. "A kiss?" he said I smiled. "Yes." I said opening the door. I kissed him right on the lips. There was a cough outside. " Stiles-what the hell." "Who is this guy." Scott said. "Derek." I said. "What the fuck Derek."

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