Nothing but a booty call part 3

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Stiles: Scotty I need 2 tlk can u come ov ASAP...?

Scott: busy.

Stiles: Scott please...

Scott: ill be over later.

Stiles: how much later...

Scott: 2...3 hours maybe.

Stiles: That's way 2 long Scott plz just come over

On the phone:

Scott: what stiles

Stiles: can you please come over?

Scott: I said I would, did I not?

Stiles: you did but I need to talk to you right now before you would come over at the moment I texted you and now.

Scott: now I have a job and school now I have a fiancé and everything else. My life doesn't revolve around you I though I made that clear Stiles.

Stiles: what did I even do I need my friend. I get you have a lot of things going for you but I just thought-

Scott: no stiles you don't think that's why you sleep with married men that's why you always get broken no one is going to leave a happy family for someone who is willing to mess that up and if this whole "I could really use a friend" shit is over I would really like to get back to what I was doing before your call. I don't want your negativity to ruin that for me. So please stop calling me. Stop texting me. Stop needing me. Bye stiles.

Stiles: Scott wait. I know that I haven't been the greatest friend to you but I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you as a friend. Ok I just don't have anyone else. My parents are gone everyone else moved away and all I have is you I don't want you to just come over because of that. I don't want to have to call your mom.


Scott: ok fine ill be over in like 20 minutes I just have to finish this order. Just like don't call moms. Don't you have like a job?

Stiles: yes I have a job I just don't work today. Laughing


Stiles: I really appreciate you Scott I do.

Scott: I know don't get all sappy ill be over love you bro.

Stiles: Love you too bro. Bye.

Scott: Bye

End of phone call

30 minutes later

Knock Knock

I opened the door. Scott stood there with ice cream and vodka. I pulled him into a hug. "Hi stiles." He said I could feel his eye roll. "Hi Scott." I said and walked to the kitchen I grabbed two spoons and shot glasses. "So how is everything going with you and the lady?" I asked. He smiled. "Well she is pregnant." He said drinking a shot of vodka. I jumped up. "WHAT oh my god congratulations." I said holding his hand and he looked down at the hands. And he rubbed his thumb on my hand. Weird. I thought to myself. He pulled his hand away and he paused. "I'm happy, I am, I want to have a child with her I don't think he lying." He said. I looked at him. "Hey, hey what's up that seemed more to you than to me." I said. He took another shot. "Its just she told me she couldn't get pregnant. She told me to my face that she couldn't get pregnant. I wanted children and she told me she couldn't have children and I stiles. I don't believe her. I uh I told her about what happened between us and...5 days later she comes up with some...some dumbass story about how she's pregnant." He paused and drunk another shot. I could see the tears well in his eyes. " She can't be pregnant right? Ha yea she uh she uh she yelled at me, but she knew that I was bisexual. And that's when she threw it on me that she was pregnant. She said and I quote, 'Why couldn't you have told me that you slept with him before...before you, you got me pregnant.' Yea right. I couldn't even be happy I'm not happy." He said. I held his hands and he pulled his away. And reached for the bottle I grabbed it and pulled it away from him I ran to the sink. He got up at ran towards me. I opened it and trickled a bit in the sink and he stopped. "Back away from the stiles" I said. He walked slowly to me. "Just one more shot." He said and he was right over me. " You know, I always hated when you towered over me." I said looking at him in the eyes. "Yea well..." he said looking right at me. "What's that you said about me liking married men?" I said. He chuckled and leaned in closer. "Yea I know what I said, but I am not married yet." He said gripping my side. "Yeah I know, but-." I said leaning up to kiss him, and my phone rang. He moved away and cleared him throat. I answered the phone. "Yea hello." I looked down. It was Derek. "Derek, hi." I said looking at Scott and he just rolled his. 'Sorry' I mouthed he just nodded and poured another shot. I went into the living room

Stiles: What do you want Derek?

Derek: I know you're mad. I don't really know why but any ways. I want to make it up to you let's go out to dinner and then later we go back to-

Stiles: No Derek that's not going to happen. Stop calling me.

Derek: Stiles I know your mad but this takes time you know that.

Stiles: its not going to take anymore time ok this is over...its over

Derek: wait stiles I lo-

End of phone call

"Well," I heard I turned around. He slow clapped. "That's a come up." I walked over to him. "How drunk are you Scott?" He giggled. Ok drunk as hell. "Drunk enough to come clean. Stiles I have loved you foooooorrrrr evvveeeerrrr. Hmmmm. I haven't told you because haaaaaa you." He hugged me. "Don't let me marry her...she's not pregnant." He said. I sat him down. "Hey your drunk you'll be ok later I'm going to call-". "Please stiles don't call her- let me sleep here mmm with you." He said closing his eyes. I sat down. I cried. Why now.

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