Make Me Happy part 3

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"Get off of me Derek," I said " 17 years I have loved you 17 years and..." I stopped and choked out tears. "And now here we are. It just seems so surreal you know it feels so like untrue. It doesn't feel good. 17 years I waited to hear you say that you wanted me like I want you." I said sitting on the couch. " Stiles." He said. "17 YEARS I WATCHED YOU FUCK AROUND. I WATCHED YOU SLEEP WITH EVERY LIVING SOUL THAT MOVED. I WATCHED YOU THROW ME AWAY TO THE DOGS DEREK. YOU CANT LOVE ME THAT'S NOT HOW THAT GOES." "stiles," he said. I stopped and looked at him. "I love you Derek. I always have and I don't want you to think that just because you fucking saved me that I need you right now. Because in a week you're going to be back to wanting to be my best friend and I just don't want to wait that long." I said. he just looked wounded still wet dripping even now his wet clothes clinging to all the right places. The things that I want to do to him. I turned around. " Stiles that's not fair...ok 17 years that's not fair a lot has happened during that 17 years. I am not lying when I say I feel for you. When you're hurting you know for damn sure that I'm hurting too," I turned around and opened my mouth to speak, " I'm not done yet stiles." He said taking steps towards me. " I am being completely honest. You and I both know why I have relationship problems but when I'm with you that all ceases to exist. Every worry every fear anything dissolves around you. That has got to mean something. I am so fucking sorry that it took me seventeen years to notice or to act on it but right now," he put his hands on my face " but right now all I want is you." I closed my eyes he put his mouth close to mine. "Derek." I whispered out. He moved his hand to my chin. "I love it when you say my name." he said just as we were about to kiss his phone rang. I pulled away. "No, no its fine." He said. "Get it." I said I turned to walk away and he grabbed my hand and answered the phone. "Hello." He said he dropped my hand and his face went weird. "Hold on repeat that." he said putting it on speaker "we have found Erica and Boyd. They are in a terrible condition and the doctors don't know if they can be saved you should get to beacon hills hospital right now." " Uh yeah uh thank you." he said he grabbed my hand. "Lets, lets go." He said. we ran out of the dorm and to his car just as we were about to get into his car a white truck pulled up three men got out Derek turned around. "Stiles get in the car." I didn't move I couldn't move. "get in now stiles." I couldn't move. " Derek Hale your sentence has been served." They pulled out a gun and shot him he fell to the ground. I ran over to him they held a gun towards me and I didn't care I put pressure on the wound everything around me was white noise. He was gasping everything was blurry and the white van started to peel away. I pulled out my phone and called 911. "911 what's the emergency" "my boy- someone in a white van with the license plate 6 delta ready Gary 2 6 1 just shot my friend" "ok calm down where are you." "Calm down yea right calm down I cant breathe I don't know I cant think" "sir please I need you to calm down. Please I need to know where you are located." "We are- oh my god Derek please- we are Beacon Hill University please hurry..." I hung up the phone I fell to the floor. "Please Derek please don't die on me." He took in a huge breath I put pressure on the wound. "Stiles...I love you..." he said and started to close his eyes. "No, no, no, no, no. Derek wake up keep looking at me fight Derek he was bleeding his blood was on my hands. 3 minutes of holding down his wound and him coming in and out the ambulance finally showed up. "Sir we will take it from here thank you." The EMT said. " Can I can I come with?" I asked. They looked at each other holding down his wound. " Please." I said they moved along. " Fine lets go." They said they put him in the back and I ran up on it too. "Derek please don't die." When I said that Derek grabbed my hand. They were cutting his shirt open. "Oh Derek." I said in my head. "Derek."

A/n  - i haven't written anything in a long time and i am so very sorry it is the summer now so i will try and write as often as possible. i love you guys thank you so much for reading these stories and for all of the support thank you all so very much. 

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