~Thats freaking DEREK HALE~

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Stiles POV

"Stiles I know you are crazy and you want to find this body and all but I have asthma and I don't feel like running." Scott said. "Look Scott I know your a whimp and everything but I have a need to find the dead body." Searching and searching. "Oh shit that's lights, flashlights Scott get down, Scott?" Where the fuck did Scott go. "Come out with your hands up." "Eh eh eh hey hey don't shoot." "Guns down men it's just my doopy son." "Dad hey what brings you to the forest." "You know why where's your partner in crime." "Who, oh Scott yea he's not here he needed sleep for his whatever tomorrow." "Scott come out." "Dad he's not here." "Stiles go home and don't come back here." "Noted."
"Scott what the hell happened to you last night." "I don't know I was with you and then I wasn't and then I was home and my side hurts like I can't explain. It looks like I got a wolf bite." "Maybe your a werewolf," I said he looked at me. "which is absolutely impossible." He looked at me again. "I lost my inhaler, I haven't been wheezing or anything. I don't feel like I need it, but it cost like 80.00 dollars and I need to find it." Scott said. "My dad told me not to go back into the woods bro." I said. "You can't say bro if your gay bro." "Not gay bisexual and if I can't say it then why are you." I said. "Because I'm not gay unlike you but seriously come back with me to the. ." "Hmm you don't win but are you asking me to defy my fathers wishes," I smirked "let's go".
"I'm pretty sure it was right here because this is where I saw the body and where the animals came running at me." Scott said. "Ok well let's just ke-" I started but I stopped when I saw a person standing in my vision. He was beautiful. Chizzled face he had the face structure of a god. The way he walked made me warm inside not to mention his very amazing black leather jacket, black shirt, and black which by the way fit him right in all the important places. "This is private property." The man said. I couldn't speak. I started to think of what he looks like without the very nice fitted clothes on. It like he read my mind because just as the thoughts came into my head he glanced and me and slightly smirked I just scratched the back of my neck. "Uh sorry man I was just looking for something that is rea-" Scott started before he could even finish the man threw an object at Scott and he caught it perfectly. The man walked away I let a, very manly, squeal. Scott looked at me. "OH MY GOD SCOTT DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS." I said, well yelled. "Yea some creep guy who has property in a forest." Scott said. I glared at him playfully. "No doofus that's Derek Hale, Derek freaking Hale." Scott made a so who cares shrug. "God Scott why are you so stupid, you know Derek Hale the guy who's family was burned alive in their house somewhere around here in these woods....why is he back." I said Scott just looked at me like why do I know that. "I'm gonna go see if I can find the house, I wonder if he lives there again. Since he back and all." I started walking Scott didn't follow. "I'm not going with you to find some creep who lives in the woods. Especially since you want his wood." Scott said. I blushed, "no I was just wondering if he killed the person who was killed and I don't want his wood Scott, I don't need you to come you can just go I'll find my own way home." He walked away I walked through the forest. I walked a little bit longer and there it was. The hale house. It looked creepy and scary and haunted in a way. I walked up the steps. I walked inside. No one could live here no one could actually live here and enjoy it, or live here at all. "Hello is anyone here." Every thing looked scorched and I felt all of a sudden sad. His family was murdered. I thought it was bad just losing my mom but he lost his whole family. "What are you doing here." I turned around my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I couldn't even breath. "I was just-and then you ca-I didn't think you- and then wood and-I'm sorry I'll leave." "Why are you here spit it out kid." That was a straw he pulled. "Hey I'm not a kid okay I'll be 18 in a month. Old man." He growled. "I'm not old." "Yes you are and you are mysterious and Brody and muscular and perfect and grumpy and very attractive." I mumbled the last part. He smirked. "I'm Derek, Derek Hale." He said walking up to me and holding out his hand as if to shake mine. "I know who you are," I said, he looked at me, I took his hand and shook, "I'm Stiles, Stiles Stilinski I-I should get going, I have school and all." "Hmm I'll see you around kid." he said. I glared at him and walked out. My hormones were off the charts I just want to run back in there and kiss his o so beautiful face. As I was opening the door someone grabbed me I screamed and realized it was Derek. He took me to a room. "Stiles" he said "mine" and he kissed me hard and full of lust and I kissed him back even more lustful if that's even possible.

A/N so this is my first Sterek story and I know it went fast but come on who cares. I love teen wolf so much hence my name. I do not own teen wolf all props to Jeff the creator.

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