Merry Christmas

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Christmas is that time of year where stress levels are raised. Bank accounts are cleared. Annoying music is played. The lights go up. The trees go up. Again that stupid music is played. Lies are told and Santa is at every toy store ever. Christmas is that time of year where people make a set day to put a price on someone's name. Its also the time of year where people realize how much money they could have saved all year. It's also the starting point for the new years, which is twice as chaotic as Christmas. Its all kiss me, kiss me. Love me. Blah. And I'm stuck hearing all of this. I hate Christmas everything bad happens on Christmas. My mom died on Christmas. My dad was shot and killed on his way home on Christmas and my fiancé, Danny, dumped me on Christmas to pursue his assistant. And I didn't even see it coming. That's three bad Christmas's. I hate Christmas. My best friend Scott always tries to take me out and get me into the Christmas spirit. Yea not going to happen. I'm supposed to start seeing this shrink doctor guy but I haven't started going yet. I'm over my parents' death. It doesn't faze me. I don't need some psych doctor telling me about me thinking that they know what I'm going through. But on the other hand it's my doctors orders, which just so happens to also be a friend of mines. She pointed me to this doctor Dr. Hale. December 15th I couldn't hate it anymore than I do. I have no choice in the matter though. I'm only going to get everyone off my case. I drove up to the building. I contemplated going in but I decided to just get it over with what harm could it possibly do. I walked up to the door and banged loudly. "Well I tried." I said and turned to leave. "Not hard enough." I heard a very smooth voice say I whipped back around. His face did match his voice a very sexy face might I add. I smirked. "Come on in." he said. I looked around and walked right in. "make yourself as comfortable as need be. Do you need anything to eat or drink?" This man said to me. I shook my head no and walked into what seemed like it was his living room. Before I walked in he stopped me. "Uhm no, shoes off." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy and walked right into his living room. We sat down. He put down some water and what I think were cookies. I grabbed two. "So lets begin." He said crossing his legs. "What's your name." he starts off. "You know my name." I said. He just looked at me unimpressed. I sighed and sat back. "Stiles." I said. He looked at his folder. "Are you lying to me?" He said. "No my name is stiles." "Well right here it says your name is M-" "don't even say it." I said leaning in threatening. "My name is stiles. You call me stiles." I said. He put his hands up in surrender. "Fine, fine stiles. Tell me more about you." He said. It was my turn to look unimpressed. "You have a file about me. You know everything about me." I said. " I don't know anything about you. I want you to tell me about you." He said throwing the file on the floor. I said nothing. "See now I know nothing about you, so." He said. I didn't say anything. "Tell me about you, tell me about stiles." This guy said. I looked at him. He was patient. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Like what." "It doesn't have to be personal it can be whatever comes onto your mind." I huffed and focused. "You know my name. Uhm I'm 28. I am 5'11. I have hazel eyes. I have bro-" "if I wanted you to file yourself I would have read it myself now wouldn't I have." He said. I looked away. "Tell me about you how you are. Things about you, things that you like, want, feel. Memories let me know about you. I want to be able to feel what you feel." The shrink said. He was very, very patient. I sighed he wasn't going to just move on. "Well, for starters I gay." I said. He leaned in more. "Explain more, was it easy was it hard. Tell me everything you can from the day you came out until today. Only concerning the subject nothing else." He said. " What's your name?" I said trying to lower his want to know. He smiled. "Derek." He said. "How old are you." I asked him he chuckled slightly. "I'm 30." He said. I started to ask another question. "Stiles, I have dealt with this dealt with my own self all my life. Start talking about the whole gay thing." He had said. I should have known that he would catch on it is his job. I looked away. " I don't want to talk about this." I said. He looked at me. "I don't care." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy. "Excuse me." I said. "Did I stutter? I believe I have made myself very clear. I don't care if you don't want to talk about it. You will today right now." He said leaning up off his chair a bit just to settle back in his chair. I huffed. " Fine." I said I took a deep breath. "I was in 7th grade when I first realized I was attracted to men. It started with famous people moved to people at the school. Beacon hills high-whew" I stopped I didn't want to relive these years of my life over again. "Wait what is that what happened in high school." He said leaning up. I looked away I stood up. "No, no stiles we were doing so good just a second ago." I looked away. "I-uh-I can we pick this up some other time." I had said. He stood up. "Implying that you actually come back." He said. I glared at him slightly. "I will be back I promise." I said. "How will I be sure you will be back?" He said. I looked at the sky. I took off a shoe. "I'll leave a shoe." I said and walked out. He stood in the doorway and waited until I got into the car and drove off I can't believe I just left a shoe at a shrink's house. God now I have to go back.

"STILES" I heard ringing through my apartment. "GO AWAY DEMON." I yelled. It was obviously Scott he's the only person with a key to my apartment well guy that is. " Ha-ha very funny. Get up." He said opening the curtains in my bedroom. I groaned and pulled a pillow over my head. He pulled it off along with boxers. I sleep naked. This he knows this he has no care for. "Scott stop being so fucking gay and give me my damn cover back before I beat the living hell out of you with my dick." I said not opening my eyes. He slapped me on the ass. "Get up before I get a belt." He said. I rolled my eyes and started getting up. "Kinky." I said. I smirked. "I have big news." He said as I got up and walked to the kitchen again naked. Hell it's my house I do what I want. I started making coffee I pulled out cereal and milk. "The news." I said. "You have a really nice body stiles I don't remember you ever being this ripped your almost as good as me. What have you been doing?" He said. "Less curly fries." I said laughing. He laughed again and coughed the rest out. "Alright so the news is about someone you absolutely hate but you need to hear me out." He said. "Donald trump." I said. He shook his head no with a smirk. "Aiden." "No." "Bobby." "No." "Sheena." "No" "Christina, Rachel, Michael, Billy, Anna, Kenny, Micah, Mason, Ethan, Dylan, Yolanda, Yon, Ray, Robin Louis, Zack, Martin, Isaiah, DJ, John, Calvin, Jason, Kevin, David, Devin, Nate, Devonne, Marcus, Hannah, Matt, Cassie, Danielle, Anthony, Tony, Jake, Amira, Alex." I said he thought for a second. "No, no, no, no, another time, no, no, no, when isn't something juicy going on with him, no, no, no, no, no, no, he did get his ass beat in a fight, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no one talks to them the fuck, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." he said. "Ugh what happened with Danny?" I said. " He asked about you. " Scott said. "Is that supposed to mean anything to me because it doesn't...he broke my heart and ripped my soul so sorry if I'm not so happy about his unwanted curiosity." I said pouring my cereal and milk and sitting. He sat as well. "Stiles he reaaaally asked about you. Like he had legit questions. He wanted to know how you are and if you've moved on and everything and want to know what I said." He said. I stopped eating and looked up at him. He got up and literally almost passed out from laughter. "Ok so Dr. Hale told Lydia you came to visit good job she told me and I might have said your dating him and that you were over him for sure and that you never liked him and that if he ever tried to contact any of my friends concerning anything I would chop his balls off and feed them to him." He said laughing so hard he was holding himself. I finished my cereal and got up to go and get clothes. I found the closest sweat pants and sweat shirt. I walked out of my room to see him just calming down from laughter. " Well I'm not going to be dating anytime soon." I said grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "I'm going to the gym are you coming with." I said. "Ah no I have plans with Isaac." He said. "You're still talking to him. Is he Mr. right?" I said about to laugh. Ha-ha Scott getting tied down. "Yea I really think so I really like this guy. He's different than all of the other people. When he's gone I want him back by me and not always in a sexual way. He's perfect. For me anyways..." he said. I smiled. "My baby is all grown up now oh scotty bear." I said about to give him a hug. He put a hand out to stop me. "Uhm no last time you gave me a hug while you were on your way to the gym we had sex so uhm yea." He said I looked at him confused then it all flooded back. I could feel the raging boner rising. "It was fun you have to say." I said giving him a wink. "Yea sure." He said blushing. I walked out of the door and he walked out with me. "Are you going to go see that doctor again?" Scott said as we walked to the elevator. I smiled. I kind of have no choice," I said "I left a shoe." Scott looked confused but let it go. I couldn't get that smile off my face.

A/N so there will be more than just this part there will be many, many more for this I'm already working on it. Anyways should I go into the detail of how stiles and Scott had sex I might do it anyways I just need to know what you guys think. I think the most important thing to know is that they are ultimately not werewolves. And Danny will reappear again. That's all I can tell you right now until the next part.

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