A Joker Named Stiles

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Derek's P.O.V.

I walked into the precinct on my first day to a lot of commotion. There were so many things happening. "Detective Hale I presume." This lady wearing glasses says as she walks up and stands in front of me. She looks me over. "I am guessing you have never killed anyone." She said. Weird statement "I have -

"Just answer the question." "I don't have time for this. I have an important case to deal with." "Dad just answer the question it wont take that long to answer." The man paused. He looked like the boss around this place. "Fine son, ask the damn question." He said. The boy smiled with the biggest smile that I have ever seen. I inched closer I just had to hear this. This is my new location. I stood about a foot behind this man. " Ok it's a riddle father alright. A man murders his wife with a knife in their car. Nobody is around to see this. He throws her out of the car being careful not to leave any fingerprints on her body. Next he throws the knife off of a cliff into a gorge where it will never be found and he goes home. An hour later the police call him and tell him that his wife has been murdered and he needs to come to the scene of the crime immediately. As soon as he arrives, he is arrested. How did they know he did it?" the boy said. "I don't know son how. "You're a detective dad you know the answer. Just think." The boy said. I got it. I cleared my throat. "They uh they knew he killed her because uh he never asked the cops where the scene of the crime was and they never told him. So when he showed up they knew that he murdered his wife sir." I said. The man turned to face me. His son looked from behind me. "He's right. No one ever gets these riddles right." He said looking at me. "And you are." The man said. "Oh I'm detective hale I was transferred into homicide from vice." I said. "Ah hale your father was a good man. Welcome to homicide. I'm detective Stilinski and this is my son m-" the boy interrupted. "Stiles I'm Stiles Stilinski." He said holding out his hand for me to shake. I did I shook it. "Welcome, we are gonna have a lot of fun together." He said. I smiled awkwardly. "Alright." I said. "Stiles get to school now you already missed a period." He said. "Dad you already know my car is in the shop. And my school is too far away to walk." He said. His face lit up. "Derek can I get a ride." He said. Everyone else dispersed. "I guess so." I said. "Detective Stilinski." I said with a nod. "Hale." He said and turned to walk into his office. I started walking out of the building to my black Camaro. "Holy shit. How much money did you make in vice damn." Stiles said. I chuckled. "It was a gift." I said and unlocked I and got in. "I need gifts like this." He said. "Why does everyone hate you so much in there?" I said. " I'm too smart and it makes them feel dumb compared to me. I have like one friend but he has a girlfriend so we barely talk." He said. "I know how that feels." I said. He looked at me and scoffed "yea right and I'm married to Beyoncé." He said. " No really, I was really smart and nerdy just like you." I said. "I'm not nerdy." He said I laughed out loud. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Ok my schools right down the street." "Yep I know I used to go here." I said. Just then I was punched in my arm. "Your that Derek Hale. No, you set so many academic records even I cant pass them. You have to in." "Uh I have work to do." I said. "Come on my dad will understand come on." I pulled into my old parking spot and got out with stiles. He looked scared. "Uhm you shouldn't park here." He said. I looked back at him. "And why is that." he looked around. "This is Jackson Whittmore's spot." He said. "Ugh you have a Whittmore to. Too bad first come first served." I said I seen him gulp. He started walking. As we walked up the school I got a lot of looks. We walked into the school. I had my suit on and everything. I had my shades on. I was looking through the halls when some guys came up and pushed stiles to the floor and kicked him. "Pussy fag." One guy said. Still kicking him. I stepped up. "I advise you to stop that." I said. They stopped and turned to me. "And what are you going to do." The one that spoke before said. "Test me and we will see." I said. He ran up at me and threw a punch and I flipped him over. "Ok don't make a fool of yourself dumbass." The other boys charged at me and I took all of them down without even breaking a sweat. "Are we done with this now?" I said stepping over the boys. The bell had rung signaling that the period was over. Stiles just started to get off the floor. "Derek that was so great-look out-." He said. I turned back around and the first guy was charging at me the hallways were starting to fill with people and most of them stopped to look at he scene. The guy grabbed my arm and punched me in the face. It didn't hurt at all. He tried to punch me again but I grabbed his fist twisted it behind him and kicked him forward he came at me again limping and stiles punched him square in the jaw knocking him cold out. I took my glasses off and looked at him. He was smiling so big I put them back on and smiled a bit. I took the guys all by their collars and took them all to the principals office. The crowd parted as stiles and I walked through. Pats on the back were given. To both stiles and I. once we got to the principals office no one was in the main office but the receptionist. "Oh what do we have here?" The woman said. I dropped the boys on the floor and fixed my suit jacket. " This is my body guard and these boys have been beating the hell out of me for the past 4 years and they finally got a piece of their own medicine." Stiles said. I'm not his bodyguard but I didn't say anything. FOUR YEARS and no one stopped these boy no one expelled them. I didn't falter my stature though. I'm playing a role now. I smiled a little at the thought of all the people that seen stiles knock that jerk out. "Sir, is that your black Camaro in the parking lot." I nodded. " You should probably get out there." She said yet I didn't move. Stiles turned. I took my glasses off. The receptionist stood up. "DEREK!" she said. I looked at her. "Erica?" I questioned. "Yes oh my god it's been so long I haven't seen you since you left to go to the army." She ran around the table counter and jumped on me. "You're so beautiful." I said once I put her done. "When did you get back?" I said nothing. "Derek." She said her smile going down. "I got back into the country about a year ago when you know." I said. She punched me. "Why didn't you call me? Everyone missed you so much how long have you been in Beacon Hill." She asked. "Just came back today." I said. She smiled again. Are you and Boyd still together? She smiled the biggest I have ever seen her smile. "Yes, yea actually he proposed a month ago. And I haven't told him yet but I think I'm pregnant." She said smiling. Stiles gagged. We just both rolled our eyes. " Are you and-." I stopped her. "Uh no he died in action." I said looking away. "Oh I'm so sorry I know you liked him a lot." She said. I smiled sadly. "Yea well, ill see you later we should meet up sometime me you and Boyd." I said. She smiled. "Yes that is indeed going to happen." I smiled and walked out of the room the boys still haven't waken up I smiled a little more. " That was so cool how you just wam and boom and pam and then I came in and wapa. Ha-ha." He said. I walked out of the school I could care less if he went to class or not it was my job to drive him here today. As I walked towards my car some little jackasses were looking in my car and sitting her. " They are government issued tints. You aren't going to see through them anytime soon." I explained. "And who are you." This little boy said. "Irrelevant." I walked over and pushed the kid off of my car. He hit the ground with a thud. Another kid ran up on me. "You young high school students never learn." I flipped him over. "That's the guy that beat up mark and his guys Jackson." The guy turned and started to leave. "You're on your own if you stay here dude." The other guy said pulling his friends off the ground. "This isn't over." The kid said walking away. Except it is. I looked at my car. "That punk left a dent in my car." I said getting in stiles ran to the other side and got in. "do you want to talk about your friend who died in-." "No I don't." I said pulling out of the parking spot. He was quiet for a little. "I have another riddle." Stiles said. I grunted telling him to proceed. "You can't run. You can't hide. I'm inside you. It's hard to control me. I cause bad things to happen. What am I?" he said and I thought about it and I gulped with my eyes still on the road. "Fear." I said.

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