Merry Christmas part 2

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I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I stood there. The door soon opened and an amused doctor stood there. I fiddled with my thumbs he moved out of the doorway letting me come in. "So your back." He said as I took my shoes off and walked into the living room. I nodded. "Yea I kind of need that shoe." I said. "So I want to get right into it we left off with your high school experience." He said. I rolled my eyes, "yea uhm high school I came out in my sophomore year I believe. I uhm I had told my best friend first then publicly in the lunchroom like a fool. He stopped talking to me for like a week, we didn't have anything wrong with us his dad was a homophobe and yada, yada. I met this other guy and I thought that he you know liked me but it was all just a joke he played me. I didn't have sex with hi or anything he was just a dick. I wanted to die because he was the first guy to give me attention but then he played me. You know how that goes. I was beat up constantly I wasn't weak by a long shot I just stopped fighting. I was harassed and by people I called friends. I remember one guy randy beat me so hard that I uh was hospitalized. The teachers didn't care they didn't help hell in class they would call me names and make derogatory comments. Of course I never told Scott my uh my best friend because he would have killed him." I stopped Derek said nothing. "So has that affected your life now. The decisions you make about things." I shook my head. "No I don't think so, well yea but everything that happens to someone will affect how they look on things." I said. He nodded his head. "So a little birdy told me that you hate Christmas," he said "mind mentioning why." He said. "Well three years ago my mom died. Two years ago my father was shot and killed. And last Christmas my fiancé Danny left me to pursue his assistant." I said I held back not a thing. "Wow." He said. I nodded. "So this determines your look on Christmas." He asked. "Well yea, I hate all the lying and all the empty bank accounts and the carols and the love I hate it all." I said. "So you're a modern day Grinch." He said. I had to laugh a little at that. "You can say that I guess." I said. "So your parents die a year after each other there's not much you can do about that pain I understand how that feels." He said. I leaned up for once all ears. "How so?" I asked. "Well my family was burned in a fire that happened in our home in the woods the only people that survived was me my insane uncle my younger sister Cora who wants nothing to do with me and my eldest sister Laura who was killed by a wolf in the forest." He said. I knew my mouth hung open yet I couldn't close it. "Tell me about Danny." He said. "There's not much to say he cheated on me and dumped me on Christmas and said I could pawn the ring." I said. He just nodded his head. "Ok I understand the hostility but it wasn't always this way was it?" he questioned. "For the most part it was just fighting but there were slim chances where I could just fit my arms with his and we could just be. I honestly wish I could give more than just hate but I don't recall much more than that." I said. He nodded. "Your friend Scott also reached out to me about something else." He said. "Oh go like what." "He's having a Christmas party." I rolled my eyes. "Yea I know." " Aren't you going?" He said I scoffed. "Yea go and celebrate the holiday I hate the most." I said. He was patient yet again. "Well I'm going and I know Danny will be there, your friend Scott told me about what he said." I grunted. "I'm a psychologist I know but a little vengeance to set your mind at ease a little. I mean making the guy that hurt you jealous is psychology on its own." He said. I grunted again. "I don't know about that." he rolled his eyes. "How about we make a deal." He said. I said nothing and nodded for him to go on. "If you go to the Christmas party with me I will tell you things about me." "This is a one time offer because this is highly inappropriate and unprofessional." He said. "FINE, fine...on two conditions." I said he nodded. "One you better tell me so much that my ears bleed better make this douchebag so jealous he cries." I said. He smiled. "Brilliant." He said. "How will your girlfriend feel about you playing gay?" I said knowing that there is no way for him to be gay. "Oh no I'm gay so gay. Happily gay." He said with a huge smile. "So I have another paying client to meet but ill you can pick me up tomorrow here at 6:30 we can grab dinner before we go." He said. "Yea, yea, yea. I got it. Wear something nice. No sexy." I said walking out of the door. He laughed and closed the door. I drove home, I texted Scott.

Stiles to Scott: I'm going to the stupid party tomorrow thanks a lot.

Not even a second later he called me as I walked up the stairs.


Stiles: hello Scott.

Scott: your going to the party are you going with the sexy psychologist OW sorry Isaac I love you. You know that but he is a god. Not as sexy as you of course.

Stiles: you guys are so cute. Uhm Scott let me call you back someone's in here

Scott: What!!!! Stay on the phone. Don't hang up.

I walked into the house carefully.

Scott: Isaac shut up.

I walked farther into the rooms. There was a figure standing by the wall of my bedroom. I walked in quietly the person turned around. "Stiles." I couldn't believe it. " Danny." I said.

A/N its short they are all shorter but i will have more for alot of stories because christmas is over i will have alot for you guys.    

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