Dear Derek

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This one or two shot is based on the movie "Dear John". Derek is not a werewolf. If you haven't seen the movie you should most defiantly do that. You would understand this so much better. This doesn't go exactly with the movie but it follows very close. Some of the exact quotes will be in here though. I hope you enjoy this. So first before this gets confusing Derek is in the army.

There's something I wanna tell you. After I got shot, you wanna know the very first thing that entered my mind? Before I blacked out? Coins. I'm eight years old again on a tour of the U.S. Mint. I'm listening to a guy explain how coins are made. How they're punched out of sheet metal. How they're rimmed and beveled. How they're stamped and cleaned. And how each and every batch of coin are personally examined just in case any of them slipped though with the slightest imperfection. That's what popped into my head. I'm a Coin of the United States Army. I was minted in the year 1980. I've been punched from sheet metal. I've been stamped and cleaned. My edges have been rimmed and beveled. But now I have two small holes in me. I'm no longer in perfect condition. So there's something else that I wanted to tell you. Before everything went black. You want to know the very last thing that entered my mind? You.

Surfing. The way the water sweeps my hands and how my board and the water move so differently that It seems as if they are moving in-sync. I put my board under the boardwalk and walked up it. I love looking into the water knowing that if I fall in I'll be able to get back up and do it all over again. I'm taking out of my thought by chattering I look over and there was a group of people. They were talking about god knows what. The guy sits over the edge and knocks something into the water. "What did you do." I heard and "oh no oh no oh no." And "Jackson" and "I'll get it I'll get it I'm on it I'm on it sorry I'm sorry." And ofcourse "really jackson my whole life is in that bag." "I'm getting it." He said running down the boardwalk. I stood on the ledge and jumped into the water to get the breathtaking boys bag. It was all the way at the bottom, it wasn't deep. I grabbed the bag and swam back up. "He got it." I heard. I walked to the shore the guy was just getting down there kicking off his sandals. "Dude I was going to get that." He said. "Yeah uh." I said. "Thanks for jumping in the water though. Hey I'll take it." He said. Yep not happening I thought. I kept walking to the boy, he ran over. "Thank you so much." He said. I could here the guy say 'who jumps off a 20 foot pier.' "Gosh this is a mess, you are a life saver. I'm stiles." He said. "Derek." I replied. "Derek, brave man. This is my life in here so...I owe you." He said. "Don't worry about it." I said. "Nice to meet you Derek." He said. "Nice to meet you too, y'all have a good night." I said. "yeah thanks." The other guy said. I turned around to leave. My board I thought I turned around. I heard the very irrelevant guy say 'this kid is crazy.' Stiles turned around. "I'm not stalking you or anything," I said "just got to go get my board." I finished. "Oh are you staying here." He said. "Yeah, yeah." I said while grabbing my board and turning to walk away. "Well hey Derek, do you want to come to my house. My house is right over there, were going back right now. Do you want to join us, were just gonna have a barbecue." He said. "You know I'm good I don't want to intrude on y'all. My dad's making dinner so." I said. "Ok." He said. "Well, I could at least give you a beer for the walk home." I smiled. "Where is it." I said. "Right over there." He said. Stiles went to go get me a beer I sat at an unlit fire. The guy from earlier sat down. "You in the military or something." He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Really. What branch you in." He said. "Army, special forces." I said. "Oh, special forces. That's uh that's impressive. Is that like a special forces ring." He said jokingly looking at the ring on my finger. "Is that what they give you, is that what it says on it." He said. I looked at him smirkingly. "I mean it looks nice on ya." He said mockingly. I looked up to see stiles handing me a beer I grabbed it and looked back at the guy. "Aren't you supposed to be wearing a hat too like a French hat a barae." He said as if he wants to get a laugh but doesn't receive it. "Right, isn't that what it's called." He said. "Jackson." Stiles said. "What I'm just playing with the guy." Jackson said. "You shouldn't mess with a guy who can kill you with his bare hands." Stiles said. That made me laugh a little. "Ooouuu." He said waving his hands mocking fear as if he weren't actually afraid. Frankly he looked a little stupid. "Big guy. Rock em sock em." He said. Again no one laughed. "Look, I'm going to get a beer." He said. He stood up. He did the cadet hand. "Solider, pleasure." He said and walked away. "Hmm." I said laughing. Stiles laughed too. "Im sorry about him. He thinks he likes me." He said. "Yea I think he likes you too." I said. "No...I'm not his type he just doesn't know it yet." He said. I scoffed then looked at him. "come on your probably everybody's type." I said. As I said that a little boy ran up and latched his arms around stiles neck. "See what I mean." I said. "Is this who I think it is.....Isaac. Isaac woah." He said. "Hey Isaac I want you to meet a friend. Isaac this is Derek, Derek this is Isaac." Stiles introduced. "Hey Isaac nice to meet you." I said. "Say hi." Stiles said. The boy said nothing. "Oh your just a little shy that's all. Where's your dad" Stiles said. "Over there." Isaac said as if he should already know. "Two steps behind as usual." The man I assumed was this boys father said. "Sorry he can get a little missilly when he sees you." He said to stiles." "Hello I'm Scott." Scott said to me. "Derek." I replied. "So your special forces huh." He said. "Uh yes sir." I said. "you stationed out in Fort Bragg." He said. "No uh Germany actually." I said. "Oh your on leave." He said. "Yes sir." I said. "Well I hope your enjoying yourself." He said. "Yeah uh yeah I think I am." I said looking at stiles. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. Nice to meet you Derek." Scott said. "Nice too meet you too." I said. "Come on son let's go." He said to Isaac. "Hello, hello Derek." Isaac said. I waved. "Hello Isaac." I said. Scott made a face to stiles. And stiles right back. "Wow. That was really amazing." Stiles said. "Yeah?" I questioned. "Yeah he doesn't talk to anyone but family." He said. "He talked to you." I said. "Well I'm practically family. I've been there since he was born." He said. We talked for a little about things we liked. It got a little bit darker and we were walking on the beach. "When do you go back." He said. "Two weeks." "Must be scary what you do." "Boring mostly. You know long stretches of boring. Then there's occasional flashes of scary." I said. "Full moon tonight." Stiles said. We stood there looking at the moon. "You ever notice how big the moon is when it's rising and how small it gets when it's in the sky." He said. "That's a perspective." I said. "It actually doesn't matter where the moon is. No matter where you are in the world if you hole your hand up and close one eyes. The moon is never bigger than your thumb."
The fire went out where we were. And since I'm in the army we have to learn to do it if we need warmth. So I started another one. "Wow you just made your own fire, that was very impressive, very primal." He said. "But your still not going to be able to cook that hotdog I fear." He said. "I fear that as well." I said still holding the hotdog in the fire. "I should probably be getting gone anyways." I said. "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't get you into too much trouble." He said. "It's probably already too late for that." I said. "Thank you." He said. "Yeah, your welcome." I turned to leave but turned back. "Would....would you wanna maybe do this again tomorrow night." I said. "Tomorrow night is chicken I don't think your gonna want to try it." He said. "Yeah I was kinda hoping we could let someone else do the cooking." I said. "Ok." He said. "Yeah? So maybe I'll come by around six or something." "Yeah." He said. I wasn't focusing and I walked into the fire a bit. "Woah." He said. "So I'll see you soon then." I said. "I'll see you soon then." He said laughing. I walked away I got my board and started home. I was walking home when Scott pulled up. " Hey." "Hey man." "We're going into town for ice cream do you need a ride." "No I'm good with walking." "You sure." My ankle started to hurt more. "Sure uh thanks man." I said putting my board in the back of his truck. "So uh how long you guys in town for." I said. "Oh we live here. We kept coming down here every weekend so I finally convinced my wife to move out here." He said. "She didn't want ice cream." I said. "My wife, no-no actually she's on vacation herself so it's kind of hard to take trips together." He said. "It's fine you know we make it work." He said. "I'm up here in the left. I said. He turned. I got out. I started to walk. "Hey Derek." He said. I turned. "If you hurt stiles I'm going to have to break something-something in your leg one of those bones in there." He said. "Ok" I said. "It's just that I know his father and he would expect me to say something like that. It just sounds a little more natural coming from him." He said. "Sounded fine." I said. "It sounded fine." Isaac repeated. "No it didn't." "Yes it did." "No it didn-" "It did dad it really did." "It didn't but thank you." I walked in my dads front yard. He's probably still with his coins. "Goodnight Derek." Scott said. "Night Scott, thanks for the ride." "Your welcome." I walked into the house. I walked pass my dad's work space and looked through the little window. Yep still working on his coins. I walked to my room and drifted to sleep thinking about stiles

A/N so yea this is the first part. I'm guessing there will be three parts because yea. But you really need to watch the movie because some emotions in this movie I just I can't re watch it will cry all over again. But yea I highly recommend you do that.

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