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"Why are you here Peter." I said. "Oh you know just helping out my nephew." He said with a creepy smile. It gave me the chills, I shuddered. "I don't need your help- I know all there is to know about the witches and me and my pack already have a plan. So your not needed-or wanted." I said walking towards the door. "Oh little nephew, you think I want to help you find and defeat young, inexperienced witches. No, no there's a bigger thing I want to 'help' you with." He paused I slowly inched to the door my hand on the knob waiting to hear what he had to say. Frankly I had nothing I needed help with. He chuckled, very annoyingly might I add. "I want to help you with your mate." Peter deadpanned. I froze. I turned towards him with frozen features. "What." I said. He smiled creepily, it sent shivers down my spine again. "Oh you didn't think I knew. You didn't think I could sense it. You didn't think I could feel the chemistry you two didn't even know was there. You didn't think I could smell the arousal every time he came near you. You really underestimate my talent, dear nephew. I know you have found your mate I know you've found him." He said. "What are you talking ab-." I tried to say but he cut me off. "Do you think that I'm stupid. What's his name hmm, sto- ste- sty- sta-." He said mocking my cowardness. "It's Stiles." I said. "Leave right now." I said with my teeth bareing and my alpha eyes glowing. "Oh so you don't want my help."he said. "No, no not at all. I don't need it." I said holding the door open. "Well that's too bad now isn't it because I'm pretty sure this is your phone and I'm pretty sure that your password is Laura H and I'm 100% sure that this is stiles number." He said and started typing. I launched at him , But he took a step to the left and I fell face first on the floor. "you're welcome." he said and walked out slamming the door. My phone beeped. 'Ok sourwolf' it said. I couldn't breathe. I could barely control myself around him when the pack is here. Now I'm going to be by myself with the one thing that drives me crazy that makes my hormones go off the charts. I'm going to be around the one person that makes me lose control. The one person that I need to stay far away from. I can control myself with everyone else. No one else makes me feel like he does. He's what I need but I can't have him. What am I supposed to say? hey stiles I know you hate me and all but you're my mate you know made for each other you made for me and me for you. But I could never say that not to him. I thought the next 30 minutes thinking of myself how, how stupid I was to let Peter into my house how stupid I was to not have my phone on me. What am I going to say to him. There was a knock on my door. "Come in " I said. "I know exactly what to do with witches, we can just go to doc and get some white powder stuff and put it on them and they'll melt like the witch in Wizard of Oz." I took a deep breath. "This isn't about the witches." I said. "What is it about then?" He said with a confused face. I turned around, "Derek are you okay, what is it about." He said. "Stiles..." I said. "Yes Derek." He said I could just feel his eyes on me. "Stiles, you know how whenever we're alone I seem distant...or I always have you up against a wall or I'm forever kicking you out of my house." I said, he nodded his head. "Yea you hate me I get it...but what does that have to do with anything." He said. "Stiles your my mate...and it's hard to control myself around you. You don't even know how hard I'm fighting myself from ripping your cloths off and just taking your-" "Derek stop." He said. I stood there. "Who told you." He said. "Who told me what." "Who told you how I felt about you. This is a sick sick joke and it's not funny." He said crying. He turned and ran. "Stiles- no." I said. I ran after him he ran to his car. He was fumbling with his keys. I came up behind him and turned him around. "Stiles I love you. I didn't know you felt the same." I said. "Derek how could you feel anything towa-" he started but I cut him off I kissed him. "You are my mate." I said. He smiled with his eyes closed. "M-m-mate it is then he said." I took him into my house I laid him on my couch and I went at his neck. This is probably the first time I have ever heard stiles quiet. After a little bit our shirts were off and we were in a deep make out session. I was so complexed into his mouth that I didn't hear the door open. "What the hell." Jackson Scott and Isaac said in unison. "I'm Derek's mate." Stiles said in an annoyed voice and pulled me back down. "M-m-mate." I heard Scott say and then something hit the floor me and stiles looked over the couch and Scott was on the floor passed out. "You think he'll be ok." Stiles said. "Uh he'll be fine I guess." I said. "Mates huh." Isaac said with a smile. "It's about time y'all got some." Jackson said.

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