Skip with me

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A/N this oneshot title is actually based on something me and my best friend skipped class lol but the rest of the story has nothing to with that. Lol I hope you enjoy this

Hi I'm Stiles Stilinski. I am a senior in high school. I'm kind of nerdy, paleish, and gay. And as a bonus I have a crush on the hottest guy in school, Derek Hale. I have liked him since freshman year. In 9th grade I was in the closet but when I came out I was bullied non stop most of my friends just turned the other cheek. Derek was new and he actually talked to me. He was straight though. He said he would protect me. My own personal bodyguard. We've been best friends since then. Ofcourse I want to screw everything up by crushing on him. Everything changed for the better when on a treacherous Wednesday he made a preposition. When I parked my jeep in the student parking lot he came up to my jeep with his leather jacket and helmet he had another leather jacket and helmet. I got out the car. He was smiling from ear to ear. I love his pearly whites. "Yes." I said locking my jeep. I turned and looked right at him. "Skip with me." He said. "Excuse me?" I said I must have heard him was he really asking me to- "Skip with me Stiles." He said again. "I have never skipped school in my life." I said. He faked frowned. "I know that there's always time to try something new. Come on it will be fun." He said. I huffed looked at the school and looked at his perfect face. "Fine." I said he handed me the jacket I put it on then he put my helmet on me. "Where to." I said. He chuckled. "You'll see." He said. "Derek if my dad catches us I swear I'm telling him you kidnapped me." I said. He started up his motorcycle. "What can't hear you." He said laughing. I hate the control he has over my judgement. "Derek where are we going." "Everywhere."
We pulled up to this place I have never seen. "What is this place." I said to Derek. "My secret hide away." He said. We walked in. It looked awesome. It was like a mancave. "It's like my man cave." He said. Fuck can he read minds. "So why today of all days why skip today. And why come here why not just go to your house." I said. He didn't answer me. "Derek." He turned to me. "Ok fine your ,my best friend...I can tell you anything. But you can't tell anyone." I looked at him. "Who could I possibly tell." I said. He sighed then smiled then his eyes kind of glinted. "Follow me." He said I did. "Well I thought this was a stupid thing to be good at but I love doing....I Derek Hale" He said with a proud face I couldn't hold it in. "Art?" I said laughing. "That's what you didn't want anyone to know about." I actually felt like falling to the floor it was hysterical. "Oh shutup." He said tackling me. I started laughing. I tapped out because I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. I got up off the ground and started looking through his paintings. "These are really good." I said. I started walking over to this table with a light I reached for a sketch book that seemed to really be calling for me. "No." Derek ran over at the speed of light and grabbed it. "Derek give me the book." He shook his head. I started to pout and whimper. "no don't start with that." He said. I whimpered again. "Ugh f-fine...but don't talk about it... You asked for it." I took it from him. I opened to the first page. They were sketches.....of me. I blushed as I went through them. "Don't like don't get creeped out okay those are from memory except for o-" I showed him one of me sleeping. He looked down, "Yeah...that one." I went through them smiling on the inside. When I got to the last page he reached his hand out for it and I snatched it away. "Can I keep it." "No its mine." He said. "I want it derek." "No" he said. "Why do you draw pictures of me anyways?" I questioned as I handed him the book. He didn't answer. I looked at him. "I draw whats on my mind and I can't seem to get you out of it." He said I looked at him in wonder. "You can't get me out of your mind?" I questioned.

A/N Should I go on with this one also I'm writing a twilight one shot just kind of confused do I want Derek to be a vampire or a werewolf either way ugh its a lot to think about anyways so just want to know if I should keep with this one the twilight one will take the longest seeing as though I keep starting over anyways loooove you guys foreal sorry its taking me so long to update.

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