make me happy part 2

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Stiles pov

Friend. Best friend. Nicest friend. Friend, friend, friend, friend. I don't wan to just be a friend. Always. And who does the think he is thinking he could just kiss me like that. I walked into my dorm and slammed the door. I am 21 years old he's 23. He waited until I got out of high school to start college do just friends risk their lives over stuff like that. He doesn't know what he does to me. We have known each other for 17 years. 17, and he just cant seem to notice. But today...oh today that stunt he pulled when a car almost squashed my brains out. I can't even think straight. Threw my clothes off and I went to the showers. I don't want to deal with him anymore or these feelings. I had the news playing while I showered. Once I got out the weather was on.

REPORTER 1: seems as though sunny skies were ruined yet again by rain here in California. Winds are picking up dry air is no more the air is damp. Keep a safe eye on the road and for the time being please stay inside this is Heather Kennedy coming at you life from the streets of beacon hills California here in California.

REPORTER 2: Alright thank you heather now on to news of the night. Down san Francisco has the lights to remember a few hundred students from across California has come to support the loss of two very important students. Vernon Boyd and Erica Reyes were kidnapped from the beacon hills high where they were attending a party for past classes and there whereabouts are unknown if you have seen them or know anything about them please call-

I cut the T.V. off.

I heard a knock at the door I wasn't dressed so I didn't answer it. The person knocked on the door three more times so I grabbed the robe and I answered the door it was Derek. He was soaked. "Derek home you live right down there." I said attempting to close the door." He pushed the door open and grabbed me. He kissed me. I didn't kiss back at first because I didn't really understand what was happening he. I kissed him back of course but then yet again I stopped. I smacked him. "Get out Derek." I said. He just stood there looking like a sad dog. He walked in more. "Stiles I get it now. I was the idiot. I know that now stiles." He said. I scoffed. "This isn't funny." I said walking over to where I had my clothes and I put some boxers on. "I don't think that this is funny either." He said. He twirled me around. "And I wasn't lying before I really do think you are beautiful. And I don't think I deserve you." He said I pushed him away. "Stiles stop running from me I finally figured out what I want to do with my life and that's you." He said. I looked at him in disbelief. I threw a pillow at him. "YOU PERVRT." I yelled. "I didn't mean it like that stiles and you know I didn't." "No I don't know." I said. "I mean I want to be with you. You're my best friend I guess I just didn't look over that," he said. I rolled my eyes. "Friend..." I mumbled. He looked at me. "But I want you as more than that I want you to be my boyfriend." I stopped and paused. "You don't know what that means." I said. Yea, yea I know I shouldn't be so hard on him but I liked him the first day I met him and 17 years later he realized that he up and has feelings for me. "Then teach me. Make me learn that's what we are here for right? To learn." He came up and grabbed me while he was still wet. "Teach me."

A/N There will be another part I might even be able to do it by tonight or tomorrow but yea most likely Saturday or Sunday cause I have to work tomorrow but yea. Thank you lovelies for reading this. theres not even 1000 words but thats because i didn't want to write a thousand words in 20 minutes lol ok ciao.

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