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Currently y/n is 14, she's mainly raised by her grandparents. Jungkook never played his part of a father in her life as he had once vowed to himself.

Y/N always tried to gain her father's attention but the only thing she would get is a heavy scolding or just be purely ignored.

Till now tho she has come to the conclusion that it makes no sense she still tries to talk to her dad. Y/N's personality over the years went from bubbly.

To quiet, she cold on the outside but on the inside she's a soft kid that wants her dad's attention and love but nothing she tries helps.

Jungkook always ignored her when her grandparents are at home. But when they're not its a different story.

Qhen alone jungkook would beat y/n till she's bruised blue black and always tells her not to tell her grandparents

Ofcourse tho she knows its not the right thing to do she still doesn't tell cause ots her dad's orders.

Today y/n has to go to school and she's very hesitant to do so. Why? Cause she's bullied, in school she's the quiet kid with no friends.

Everyone knows what her situation is like with her dad as her family is a very rich and popular one so everyone knows.

In school she's bullied because her father doesn't love her. But she doesn't complain or speak about it so no one is aware of this happening in school.

Y/N woke up to the sound of her alarm, she sighed stretched and went to the bathroom getting ready for school.

She put on a simple black hoodie and some black leggings with white shoes leaving her hair open.

She walked downstairs with her backpack. She saw her father and grandfather both on the couch talking. Her grandfather saw her.

"Good morning dear". He greeted with a smile. "Good morning papa". "G-good morning appa". Jungkook simple turned his head.

Y/N sighed expecting that, she took an apple and walked out the house after greeting her grandmother.

Her grandfather often offers to drive her to school but she declines. She sometimes wished her dad could be the one to take her.

She always gets jealous seeing all the other girls being happy and getting dropped off at the school gates by their dads.

But once again, having that happen could only be a wish for y/n. As she entered into the school yard she immediately started getting nasty looks.

She took out her headphones and put on some music as she walked to her locker to get her stuff for her first class.

As she was doing so she felt a presence behind her she knew exactly who it was. She sighed and turned as expected it was her bullies.


I felt a presence behind me I knew who it was, no one else ever approaches me. It was Alex my bully and his little squad. "What's up madam misfit".

I hung my head low, that's his name for me that aswell as mistake. He really knew how to hit my every weak spot.

"Aw look at u, did your father forget to teach you how to speak, oh wait I forgot he doesn't even have time for u so why would he bother".

Everyone in the hall laughed at me as my tears were building up by the second. I didn't want to cry infront of them I refused to be weak tho I knew fully well I am.

I ran from there to my classroom and sat at the back. I took some deep breaths and calmed down.

Soon the classroom started to fill with students. No one sat near me but I could clearly hear everyone chatting about me and making fun of me.

I kept my head low and just listened to my music to calm down and not cry my eyes out then and there infront of everyone. Why why me just why.

Jeon Jungkook ff Long time Hate✔Where stories live. Discover now