the truth

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That day and evening y/n was nothing but irritated and enraged. Ofcourse she had control over herself so she didn't take her anger out on anyone innocent but she definitely had alot planned to do once she got home.

As y/n took sarange from school she drove straight home and entered the house with her daughter. As soon as she saw tae she told him she had something to talk with him about and they both left to somewhere more private.

As soon as they entered taes room y/n started ranting about what happened this morning. Tae stood there listening and by every passing second he himself was getting irritated. "Shes annoying as hell, I'm proud of u for putting her in her place y/n".

"Yeah but I realized something right before my little talk with her". "That being"? Y/N sighed deeply. "U remember when appa used to go to that bar or whatever to meet that woman amd he'd come back with a certain scent of perfume on him"? Tae nodded, "well when Stacey passed by me this morning I smelt that exact same perfume on her".

"I mean, there is multiple of the same perfume so I don't think it means that much". Y/N stopped him. "There's more, it been almost a month since Stacey started working for me, for how long has appa stopped leaving the house to look for that woman cause he can't find her anymore"?

Tae thought for a second and connected the dots. "It makes sense but I refuse to believe jungkook is that slack to go back to her after all of that". "Well I don't doubt it, appa is irresponsible and easily blinded, we can't just ignore that".

"Yes but after all that heart break, suffering and just pure sorrow he would do that"? "Yes he would and I don't give a damn we're gonna find out what the hell is going on today". Tae nodded also having enough of the drama.

As the day passed the tension in the house was surely felt by everyone. As the night feel upon them, Tae and y/n we're ready to finally put an end to mysteries that were buried concerning y/n's parents.

The clock strikes 9:30 and y/n turns to her wife. "Baby take sarange and go to our room, I'll come up later". Jisoo was confused as to why y/n was sending them up so much earlier but she didn't question it and did as told as she knew something was about to happen and they didn't need sarange in the middle.

"Gud night mom". "Good night sugar". with that they left, y/n and tae looked at one another then nodded a little. Tae started. "So jungkook, I was curious, we all know you've taken interest in a girl u met right"?

"Can u tell us who she is"? Jungkook eyes widened for a split second this didn't go unnoticed by y/n. "W-why do u wanna know about her"? He cleared this throat right after trying to act natural little did he know this only added to the suspension.

"Why not"? "I mean it's not necessary right"? "Stop beating around the bush just answer the question". Y/N had now entered the conversation aswell, she was getting tired of his excuses. "Y/N this has nothing to do with u".

"Yes it does so hurry up who is she". Jungkook looked away. "I don't know who she is". Tae chuckled. "You're gonna be meeting someone for over a month and not know who they are, what nonsense".

"I'm serious I don't know". "Appa stop lying". "Y/N stay out of this I said". Y/N simply turned away, she wasn't in the mood for that argument. "Jeon for the last time who was the woman"? "Hyung for the last time I don't know".

Y/N groaned and looked at tae she badly wanted to just tell jungkook she knew everything already. Tae knew that so he signaled her to go ahead he himself was done.

Y/N looked at jungkook dead in the eyes. "So her name wasn't Stacey"? Jungkooks face went pale. "H-how"? Y/N clenched her jaw. "All the time it was "I don't know who she is" why is it now how do I know huh? Didn't u not know her the whole time"?

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