forgive but never forget

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"I-im sorry, I'm sorry I was a bad dad, I'm sorry I hurt you, I sorry I beat u for nothing, I'm sorry I blamed u when u were just an innocent child, I'm sorry I was irresponsible when it came to u, I'm sorry I didn't play my part in your life as your appa. I'm sorry you had to suffer for nothing because of me, I'm sorry I didn't try to do better till it was too late to make anything better".

Jungkook finally broke down and was crying his heart and soul out. Y/N just listened to his every word as she was compressing her own emotions. With every apology he made the bad memories cames along with each and every one of them. Neither of them had it easier than the other.

He soon continued when he felt like he could speak even a little. "I-im sorry I couldn't do good enough for u since day o-one and even lied about who u were to m-me. I'm sorry u had to be bullied in school because of me and I'm sorry for everything, I know you're mad at me and you probably hate me but I don't blame you. Either way I'm still gonna try to do better".

The only thing that was being heard was jungkooks cries as y/n was yet to speak. She was just looking at the front trying to pull herself together. Once she did she spoke. "14 years was alot, my entire life at that point. I understand u saw your mistakes in the past and u regret it and u wanna change but. In all seriousness, we know the chmaves of me forgiving u completly and forgetting is really slim".

"I lived all those 14 years of my life in pain neglect and abuse which all revolved around each other and you, non ever stopped. Thanks for giving a proper apology but I think we both know I can't fully forgive u just yet. I do, but certain things that happened are beyond my forgiveness right now. Moreover even if I forgive u thats as far as it'll go I can forgive but never forget. Everything left their marks both physically and mentally, so don't expect alot".

Jungkook nodded wiping his tears, "I get it i-i don't expect for u to forgive me any time s-soon so its okay, but what do u mean physically"? Y/N lifted her shirt showing him all of the remaining scars that decorated her skin. Jungkooks tears flooded once more he couldn't believe he did that to his own child. Y/N finally built enough courage to look at jungkook when she did she felt her heart shatter further. It always left a pain in her when she saw her father cry, it was still for her to settle into.

Finally she made up her mind and opened her arms. Jungkook was stunned but didn't want to lose his opportunity while y/n was willing. He reached forward and hugged his daughter for the first time in all those 18 years of y/n being born. Both of their hearts were pounding in their chests.

Just as they broke the hug and y/n gave jungkook a bottle of water she had in the truck her phone rang loudly as it was connected to the truck. She answered and taes voice was heard all across the truck. "Where are you both y/n we're almost off the mainroad". "In on the backroad still we'll be out in a bit". "Oh okay okay, I'll go now then, bye". "Bye". He hung up and y/n finally started driving again.

"When did u learn how to drive"? "When I was 16 I started learning and got my licensee a while ago". "Oh okay your driving is really good". "Hm, thanks". For the rest of the ride they had some casual conversations, y/n got to learn about how jungkook didn't take care of himself and he lost the company. She was shocked but hearing that Jungkook understood and accepted everything she was okay.

Jeon Jungkook ff Long time Hate✔Where stories live. Discover now