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"Someone's awfully happy". Mr.Jeon teased as he looked at his granddaughter who was smiling ear to ear while nodding her head.

"Tae appa gave a food and a teddy bear look". She held out the teddy bear infront of them like a toddler.

"Tae appa"? Mrs.Jeon questioned only just realizing her granddaughters statement. Tae who was still in the room pitched in.

"Well she told me some stuff and I took it upon myself to become a father figure to her and protect her the way she should be".

Y/N turned around looking up to Tae with a big bunny smile making him pinch her nose. She felt really loved in those moments.

Mr and Mrs.jeon both smiled at one another. "Thank u son for being so good to her in such a short space of time. Jungkook hasn't played his role correctly and it's saddening to see how y/n always wants that fatherly love but never gets it".

"Seeing her so happy with u and calling u her father really means alot. Take her as your own child please and give her what ßhes missed out on". Mrs.jeon said as she got up and gave Tae a hug which he returned.

"Sure aunt anything for this little tiger, she's my daughter now and I'm proud of it". Everyone was all happy except for one.

Jungkook stood at the top of the stairs listening to the entire conversation. He hated that y/n was happy, he wanted to make it his business to punish her.

He turned and frustratedly walked to his room again. "Just wait little brat I'll teach you your lesson once and for all. First u take away the love if my life then my life and happiness in itself now my friend. I'll show u just wait, have your fun now".

He stayed for the rest of the day in his room not to be seen or heard from whole everyone else was downstairs laughing and talking completely forgetting him.

The next day approached, y/n was home today she stayed in her room all day talking with tae over text about some work she had to do.

She was actually happy for once she wasn't forcing to put on this happy face she was actually enjoying her day.

That was untill someone came into her room with a pout slam of the door. Shw flinched and moved further back on bed. Looking up she saw her dad.

His eyes were cold as ever. It made her visibly shiver. Seeing this jungkook smirked, "having fun now huh". He had something in his hands behind his back.

Y/N knew what it was, the signature thing he used to beat her the leather belt. She back away as he neared her.

"Now, the fun is over for u now I'll show u what happens when u interfere in my life. Come here". Y/N didn't move a muscle. "COME HERE".

That shout made her scatter to her feet, she stood infront of jungkook with her head low. Fear took over he entire body the second he came into her sight.

"U know what u have to do don't make me talk in excess girl". Y/N took the hoodie she had on off. Seeing the untreated bruises that decorated her skin jungkook felt a joy rush through his veins.

He lifted the belt and landed his first hit. Y/N's eyes were red with pain. She tried to muffle her screams as he continuously whipped her skin.

She soon feel to the floor curling up trying to cover herself with her arms to cushion the hits but nothing worked if anything the pain was worse.

Jungkook was smiling like maniac as he beat his own daughter. "This is what u deserve, jinxs like u shouldn't be allowed to live". Jungkook was crossing his limit boldly and he knew it.

Y/N'S head spun with the pain, her chest was tight now not being able to hold in her screams of pain. They echoed throughout the entire room and hall.

Her skin was red and bruised now more than ever. She was a mess, just as she thought she was gonna pass out she felt the hits stop and she heard shouting.


Mr and Mrs.jeon weren't at home, they both went out for a little drive to spend time with one another.

They often do this, they both love each other company in every situation. Being in love with someone for so many years really makes a bond.

They both were as the saying goes "ring and finger". Even someone who doesn't believe in soul mates and love and all that jazz if ever they happened to see this couple they would for sure knew.

They are soul mates. God made them for one another. They spent an hour on a drive and decided to head back home. As they entered the house they heard crying and the sound of a belt on skin.

They immediately rushed upstairs and the sight they were met with broke their heart and out them into a state of rage. They knew Jungkook never liked y/n but they never thought he could stoop this low.

Mr.Jeon pulled jungkook back and gave him a tight slap on the face. Jungkook was too shocked the even react, he knew he was in trouble. Mrs.jeon rushed to y/n and pulled her close to her body.

The child was cold bruised and shaking choking on her own cries. Mr.Jeon was non stop shouting at Jungkook so disappointed in his son never had he thought he would do something like this in their absence.

"H-honey leave him for now, let's take y/n to the hospital quickly and call tae". Mr.Jeon came back to reality and looked at his grandchild. His heart broke at her Condition.

He lifted her as Mrs.jeon picked up her sweater and phone and rushed out behind her husband. They rushed y/n to the hospital for treatment. While there they used y/n's phone to call tae.

Hearing y/n was at hospital taes heart dropped he wasted no time and rushed down putting all his work on hold. That didn't mean as much to him as his daughter did.

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