new employee

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As y/n entered the company she was greeted and called over by the receptionist. "Good morning Miss Y/N, you have a new employee to interview today". "Okay thank u for informing me, are they here yet"?

"Yes Miss y/n she's already in the waiting area outside off your office". "Okay follow me you'll be taking notes during the interview someone else will take place at the desk while you're with me". The receptionist nodded as she followed y/n to her office on the top floor.

As they got there and out of the elevator they saw a woman sitting with her legs crossed on her phone. She was dressed in a top and some dress pants with tall heels. "How does she walk in those"? Y/N whispered as the receptionist shrugged.

Shaking it off they walked forward y/n got directly into her office as the receptionist signaled the woman to follow her into the office aswell. Y/N sat down at her desk as the receptionist stood off to the side and the woman also took a seat infront of y/n's desk.

"Alright we will start the interview now, introduce yourself". "Good day Miss Y/N my name is Kim Stacey I'm 36 years old". Y/N nodded. "What makes u qualified for a spot as an employee in my company"?

Stacey listed all of her qualifications as the receptionist wrote it down Stacey also gave all of her documented proof which y/n went through and after an hour the interview was over. "Does she have everything required"?

The receptionist nodded. "Alright you are hired you will be assigned a spot in the office where you'll be given work, unless u need to come to my cabin or it's break time, you're to always be at your spot. If you're seen elsewhere when you're not supposed to be you'll be given a penalty".

Stacey nodded and then she left with the receptionist to where all of the workers are so she can be assigned her work. Y/N arranged for three files of work to be given to Stacey to see if she can complete them properly and return them by the end of the da.

That is part of her assessment for her workers, if Stacey is able to complete the task her spot in the company will be official if not she will be fired next day. Ofcourse if she has a valid reason as to why she didn't finish it will be taken into account but if it's simply just her being slow then the consequence is clear.

The rest of the day continued normally and y/n walked sound the halls of the building a few times for the day checking if everyone was doing what they were supposed to. She also checked on Stacey, she seemed to be doing the work well so she didn't interfere.

Soon the day was coming to an end and shockingly enough half hour before the day ended Stacey gave up the files all done. There were a couple errors nothing too drastic which y/n could fix while going through them. She looked at Stacey and gave her feedback.

"Well done, you managed to finish all given files by the end of the day, but, there were a good few errors, don't let this be next time and u need to work faster. Three files for the day is the bare minimum, if u took all ay to do these three in scared to see what you'll do with 4 or 5".

"As it's your first day I don't have too much to say but just keep these points in mind from now on. It's already 1:38. You may go home for the day". "Thank u Miss y/n". With that Stacey left from there. Y/N looked at her watch she still had an hour till saranges school overed and it would take her a while to get there with the traffic.

She packed up took her opine and exited the building to her car to go pick up her daughter. All along the way her mind was on one thing, the way Stacey looked at her everytime they crossed paths, it was as tho she had something further to say to y/n. Y/N wasn't sure if it was just Stacey's look or if it was something she should take seriously.

Nonetheless she forgot it as she parked a little way down from saranges school and walked pit standing infront I'd the school sailing for her daughter as it only have 2 minutes till the be would ring at 2:30. In no time the kids were heard praying and then the bell rang. Per usual sarnage ran out and dived into her moms arms.

"Gud evening mom". "Good evening sugar how was school"? "It was great mom, I did my test today and scored 100/100"!! "Really that's awesome baby, how about I take u to get ice cream as a reward"? "Really, yayy, let's gooo". Y/N smiled and walked back to the car holding hand with sarange who walked beside her.

That day y/n took her daughter for a treat of ice cream and two new plushies which sarange named kookie and taetae after her grandads.

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