orphanage (2/2)

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Y/N put forward the idea to Tae and at first he was very confused why she so suddenly wanted to start an orphanage but then she explained to him the reason.

"Actually appa, as I got older and looked back on how things were with me and him, I realized that my situation isn't a rare happening. Alot of kids both younger and older than what I was go through the same if not worse things with their parents at home".

"Some of them unlike me might not have anyone who can come take them and give them a better life. So I was thinking why not start an orphanage those kids who have trouble at home and don't think it's best for them to stay there can call and come".

"Ofcourse we will talk to them and see what points they put forward and if we see that they really shouldn't stay in the household we'll let them stay. If it's something minor that they may have over thought we'll talk to the parents and sort it out".

"And there are loads of kids on the streets cause their parents couldn't afford to take care of them we can get them in there too. Hire people who are trained to teach but just can't get a job pay them well and let them teach the kids".

"We can also hire some therapist cause u know depending on what some of those kids may have went through they'll need the therapy and some kid doctors aswell and ofcourse normal doctors cause the ages will vary. And last bur not least some caretakers and other employees".

Once again Tae was blown away by how well put together y/n had her ideas. When she first put it forward he thought I maybe was just something that popped into her head with no thought or as a joke she must have said it.

But by was he wrong, y/n had planned that entire thing for months and she just started speaking on it. Ofcourse now he was invested so Tae agreed and helped y/n to bring her idea to life.

Before they knew it the entire orphanage was done building and it was now flooded with kids of all ages. They got sufficient trusted workers and guards and sent them down to keep the place in order and ofen y/n went to check for herself.

Alot of the kids grew attached to y/n they always looked forward to seeing her. The little kids loved playing with her and the older ones enjoyed having long talks with her. Everyone was like siblings.

It was a real success, sometimes parents would even drop their kids off for a day to stay where they know they're safe when they have work and can't take care of their kids. As apposed to just hiring some babysitter they don't know.

All in all the idea worked out and everyone was happy with it especially y/n it warmed her heart to know she was able to make a difference for so many people, why? Because if her past.

Maybe jungkook did do something good for her after all. But credit isn't due this time.

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