cuts of joy

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It's been a little over a week since the fight in the company. Jungkook has been endlessly trying everyday to get y/n to talk to him again. He finally learned and regretted everything deeply and he was ready to show that but.

Y/N didn't take it easy on him. This entire week she ignored him same with tae neither of them spoke to him nor gave him even a glance not once. Jisoo didn't interfere and no one allowed sarange to notice the change in attitude in the house.

So in short tae and y/n we're giving Jungkook the cold shoulder. Y/N wasn't ready to forgive him yeah sure he didn't slap her but to her it came like. "He's done it before he could do it again". That was what was topping her from forgiving him easily.

Presently its night time for the family. Late night to be exact the house was dead silent. Tae was laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Suddenly he heard little sobs from the room beside his.

He sighed, it wasn't anything new, for the past week everyday and every night jungkook would cry cause I can't face y/n and get her to forgive him. He was helpless.

Tae was about to put on some calm music and try to sleep but stopped when he heard loud slams and the wall shook a little signaling that someone punched the wall.

He jumped up as he ran to jungkooks door and was about to open it but it was locked. Hearing jungkooks cries become louder as he continuously punched the wall tae panicked.

He ran down the long hall to jisoos and y/n's shared room as sarange was now sleeping in her own room even lower down. He barged into the room making the couple who was peacefully cuddling in silence jump.

"What's wron-". Y/N didn't get to finish as tae blurted out. "Jungkooks hurting himself punching the wall and he locked the door come quick and stop him I know you're mad at him but please stop him y/n".

Y/N quickly without a word jumped out of bed same as jisoo and all three of them ran down the hall. "APPA OPEN THE DOOR"!! She shouted but he didn't listen. They could hear him saying things like.

"You're a failure". "You're a pathetic excuse for a father". "You don't deserve her as your daughter". "You don't deserve to live". Between all he would land another punch on the wall.

Due to all the chaos sarange woke up leading to jisoo having to run and take her to a guest room in another hall so she won't hear anything and question.

"APPA OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE". Yet still he didn't answer soon the room fell into silence making tae and y/n panic further not wanting to waste anymore time y/n started to pick the lock with a clip.

Once they managed to open the lock and get inside, they found him shaking sitting in a corner crying. He was still whispering to himself he wad wad mess. He didn't even glance at them it was as if they weren't even there to him.

Y/N signaled tae to leave, he wordlessly did so not being able to handle the sight. He closed the door leaving jungkook and y/n. Y/N sighed the sight was especially painful for her. She walked to jungkook and tapped him lightly.

He flinched hard as he looked at her hus eyes were blood shot. "Y-y/n"? "Yes appa, why are u doing this to yourself hm"? Jungkook lowered his head once more as his tears were flowing even more.

"Y-you hate m-me I d-dont deserve have y-you as my d-daughter". Y/N sighed as she put her arm behind his back pulling him to her embrace. "No I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed, I know neither of them are better than the other but still they're two different things, I don't hate u".

Jungkook buried his face into y/n's shoulder as she securely and tightly wrapped her arms around his body. Tho it was only one weak he didn't eat and his body had drawn down alot. "Let's go to the bed hm, your legs will numb from being on the ground".

She raised up with him and made him sit on bed as she stooped down infront of him so they were at eye level from where he sat. As they stayed in the silence for a couple seconds she noticed him constantly pulling his sweater sleeves.

This was never one of his habits so she quickly held his hand and pulled back the sleeve. Her eyes widened as she was met with the sight of multiple cuts on his wrist and arm. Jungkook panicked and pulled his arm back as his breathing got heavier and more unstable.

"Appa what is this, why would u do that to yourself". Jungkook didn't answer as his hands started to tremble. Not wanting him to panic y/n quickly took him back into her embrace. "Calm down, calm down, it's alright".

She rubbed his back in calming circles. Soon his breathing stabled but the shaking never stopped. Y/N tried to pill away from.the hug but jungkook gripped tightly onto the front of her loose shirt.

He was being like a baby although he was the parent but seeing his condition y/n didn't have it in her heart to be mad knowing she was the cause of it. "I'm not leaving its okay, I'm just gonna get the first aid kit".

Still he shook his head not wanting her to leave. She sighed and with a little bit of a struggle she managed to make him lay down and covered him. "I'm going for the first aid kit, it won't take me a minute stay put okay"?

Jungkook hesitantly nodded. He had it in his head that it was all an illusion that if she left put on that door he'll come back to reality and she won't be there. As she walked out the door jungkook looked put for her eagerly.

When she actually came back a wave of relief washed over him. "See that didn't take me long". She sat beside him and carefully pulled his arms out. Seeing his knuckles were also a little bruised she sighed.

She carefully cleaned up all the cuts on both of his arms and the bruises on his knuckles and medicated them to help the healing. "Never do this again under any circumstance, do I make myself clear, and don't think it ends here. I will be checking your skin from now on and rather doesn't classify only your arms okay"?

Jungkook nodded as she hid under the blanket. Y/N packed away the kit putting it in the bathroom. She sat down with him again and started running her fingers through his hair and wiped the remainder of his tears.

"I forgive u now just don't make mistakes as such again please. I was just concerned for u, tho I don't know much of her character I'm yet to hear anything good about her. I've only ever heard negative knowing she's bad news and you were with her made me worried for u".

"I didn't mean to insult your choices or make you mad or hurt your feelings. We've all been through some hell like experiences and I'm trying to prevent them from repeating. Okay? So please just be careful of what u do from now on or talk to one of us at home first".

"it doesn't have to be me it can be dad, he's your bestfriend it cab be jisoo she's also your daughter now and you both are fairly close. So discuss with one of us we all deserve better but nothing comes for free in this life we have to work and better ourselves and our lives on our own".

" Understand now why I said I don't hate u I was just disappointed"? Jungkook nodded as couple tears left his eyes again realizing all over again how dumb he was. His own daughter was more mature than him and instead on him teaching her life lessons she was the one to teach him.

He too was disappointed in himself, he didn't know how she was still bearing with him through every wrong thing hes done she still found it in her heart time and time again to forgive him.

He was really grateful. Y/N wiped his tears. "Shh, don't cry, go to sleep, I know you're exhausted". Jungkook shook his head he still had it in the back of his mind that this was a hallucination. Y/N knew that something like this was going through his mind she knew him like the back of her hand.

"Don't worry, when u wake up in the morning ill be home, I'm taking a day off tomorrow we can talk, don't be scared go to sleep". She patted his back and she tucked him in properly. Within no time without realizing Jungkook fell into his slumber.

Taking this chance y/n quietly left the room to hers. "What a damn night".

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