orphanage (1/2)

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Its been 4 years since y/n and tae left y/n is now 18 jungkook and tae are both 33. Things went well for y/n after they left, she got her life, she wasn't caged and limited to opportunities anymore.

She could go and go what she wanted along as she informed tae and it was a reasonable place he would allow her she was free to go and enjoy herself and learn about the world.

Ofcourse that was only for when she was little she's now grown and can take care of herself. Yes she still needs the day to day advice and car ofc Tae but it's not like before where it was a must for him to watch over her constantly.

As for back in the jeons house Mr and Mrs.jeon always come every two days to see their granddaughter. It wasn't any hassle for them as neither of them would work at their age so they had the free time to go back and forth.

And about the situation with jungkook well he isn't doing the best as apposed to everyone else. Since y/n left the house got quiet and Mr and Mrs.jeon weren't concerned about him anymore.

Without their help he can't do much properly so he was now actually suffering and apart from the losing his position in the company really messed him up. He felt like he had no purpose in life anymore.

He was really regretting everything he had done in the past to his daughter to not only lose her but also his own parents friend and business. Having all of this going on and not be able to take care of himself despite  eing grown.

Jungkook was always sick and weak and tired. He always cried in his room not knowing what to do anymore. He wanted to make things right but thinking back on all he had done he was hesitant and didn't even know how to start.

He wasn't even sure if he wanted to face y/n or if he was even ready. He wronged her from birth for 14 years of her life at that point in time which would've been her whole life.

He himself was honestly glad aswell that tae took her and gave her the good life he couldn't give to her. But still, he wanted his daughter back some way or the other he just ahd to figure out what to do.

Now back with y/n she's already out of school, she did business and took over Taes company while tae was now her manager. To say Tae was proud would be an understatement from the start he was in complete shock.

Y/N worked better than him, he would sit and watch her work and see the way she handled business and affairs in the company and seeing the level of professionalism she held from day one stunned him but he was very proud.

He knew he did the right thing by letting her be CEO so many things in the company changed and made it strong standing in the industry all be ause if y/n. Some of the things he'd been trying to accomplish for years with no luck.

Y/N did in a heart beat it really showed how she puts her work in for everything. Mr.Jeon when coming to know of how his granddaughter was doing working was even more shook. But nonetheless proud.

One day tho, something y/n brought up shocked tae. That being that she wanted to start an orphanage.

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